After being reminded by Li Qingyue, Thor was stunned for a moment, and then handed over Thor's hammer. Captain America was silent for a moment, and finally took the hammer. Seeing that Captain America could really lift Thor's hammer, both of them were a little a little bit nervous. Senseless.

"I knew it, I knew it! When you were able to shake Mjolnir, it meant you could really pick it up. It's just that you didn't pick it up. I knew it!" Thor said excitedly.

"Three of you, he's here!" Li Qingyue saw the three of them chatting so happily, and Thanos was approaching again, so he had to remind the three of them. Only then did the three of them come back to their senses and prepare for the second round.

The now fully formed Captain America, holding Mjolnir in his hand, was the first to rush forward and hit Thanos with a set of silky small combos. This made Thor secretly say: I didn’t expect this man to look thick and big. At first glance, I really thought he couldn't lift Thor's hammer, but I didn't expect that he had already thought of all the moves secretly.

Iron Man arrived just after Captain America fought. He asked Friday to load the module of Kung Fu Master. With his powerful artificial intelligence and the performance of the suit, he fought Thanos several times, but in the end he lost to the force. on, was knocked away by Thanos, but this time he did not lose consciousness.

Thor rushed forward again, Storm Ax in hand, and this time Thor withstood the pressure, followed by Captain America, and then Iron Man.

At first, the three of them fought timidly, for fear of hurting one of their own.

But as the three of them fought longer and longer, the three of them became more and more tacit. Thanos was beaten and fell back again and again. Seeing that he seemed unable to suppress the three of them, Thanos retreated decisively and summoned his own The army is coming.

Upon seeing this, the Big Three did not continue to pursue. Instead, they stood there and watched the overwhelming army appear. There were only three people on the Big Three's side, and including Li Qingyue, they only had five people.

At this moment, a portal appeared, but what came out was Constantine, Dr. Green and others who were rescued by him, as well as Hawkeye holding six Infinity Stones. Everyone came to the Big Three.

"Thank you for coming."

"You're welcome, after all, you are our client." Li Qingyue said with a smile.

At this time, a voice came into everyone's headsets.

"Captain, on your left." A familiar voice sounded, and everyone looked to the side in disbelief. They saw one spark circle after another, and then Hawkeye flew out of the spark circle. Not only them, but also the Guardians of the Galaxy. The team and Doctor Strange emerged from another circle of sparks.

As more and more people appeared, Thanos's expression became ugly. At this time, he noticed the infinity stones in Hawkeye's hand, and then raised the double-edged sword in his hand and said: "Give me the infinity stones." come over!"

After Ebony Throat saw the infinite gems in Hawkeye's hands clearly, he nodded respectfully: "Okay, sir."

Thanos's vanguard army attacked everyone like a tide. The three giants were not afraid at all and took the lead in charging. The others also followed suit. Li Qingyue saw this and grabbed Jill's hand and said: "Be careful, Qian Don’t show off, do you understand?”

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid."

"It's best to be like this, be careful." After speaking, Li Qingyue kissed Jill gently on the mouth, then transformed into an angel scythe and rushed over.

His speed was so fast that he surpassed the three giants, came to the front, and rushed directly into the enemy army. Everyone only saw silver-white rays of light waving out, and soon a large group of vanguard guards were cut in half.

Li Qingyue still felt unhappy, and then rushed directly into the depths of the enemy army, forcing his way through the army. At the same time, he also felt the demon blood in his body growing.

Although these pioneer guards are cloned biochemical weapons, they are also living creatures with souls, but they have no pain and only know the existence of killing, but this does not deny that they are the essence of living creatures.

Therefore, by killing them, Li Qingyue can also evolve his bloodline.

"It's so cool!" Li Qingyue felt the increasing demon blood in his body, and he fought even more vigorously, until the black dwarf appeared in front of him, holding a giant ax and blocking his way.

Li Qingyue looked at the black dwarf, tilted his head, and then the angel scythe in his hand transformed into a demon axe.

Black Dwarf felt an unprecedented sense of oppression through the Devil's Ax, and the hand holding the ax harder.

"Come on!" Li Qingyue shouted, then jumped up high, and slashed at Black Dwarf with the devil's ax in his hand. Black Dwarf immediately raised his ax to resist, and the powerful force made him kneel down on one knee. The ground, not only that, but also a big hole appeared on the ground.

But after all, Black Dwarf is a being whose power is second only to Thanos. He pushed Li Qingyue out with a hard push, and then the two began to chop each other, neither one convinced the other.

At the same time, Ebony Maw led a group of vanguard guards to tear apart the defense line of the human coalition and rushed straight towards Hawkeye.

By the time Hawkeye reacted, he was surrounded by a group of vanguard guards.

"Hand over the gems!" Ebony Throat waved his hand lightly, and countless stones suddenly floated above Hawkeye, trying to force him to hand over the gems.

But who was Eagle Eye? He shot an arrow directly at Ebony Maw, and then rolled over without looking back. Ebony Maw immediately controlled the stone to hit Eagle Eye.

Even if Hawkeye rolled over, he could not escape the control range of Ebony Maw. Just as the stone was about to fall down, a black figure passed by and smashed all the stones with his fist.

"Clint, leave it to me."

A low voice sounded, and Hawkeye looked up and found that the person who came was actually Black Panther. He did not hesitate and handed him the gloves. He saw that the vibranium armor on Black Panther's body glowed with purple light. This was The armor is absorbing kinetic energy.

The Black Panther suddenly jumped towards the group of vanguard guards. The moment he landed, the kinetic energy accumulated by the armor turned into energy waves and struck in all directions, directly lifting the group of vanguard guards away.

But just when he was about to escape, the stone underneath actually wrapped him up. He struggled to look around and found that this was the ability of Ebony Maw.

"Little Spider!!!" Black Panther shouted loudly. Spider-Man heard the sound and rushed over to help. When he saw the situation in front of him, he immediately knew that he could not fight head-on. After all, Ebony Maw's ability is still quite tricky. So he just got the gloves and left.

And Ebony Maw did as he thought, letting go of the Black Panther and chasing him. Spider-Man quickly distanced himself. Maybe Ebony Maw gave him too much pressure, and Spider-Man unknowingly went deeper. into the enemy's belly.

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