Chapter 5: Evolving the clairvoyant eye

– Master.

Rhode was unexpectedly comfortable with the title, “Amora, you stay in Asgard, don’t act rashly, and wait for my dispatch.” ”

“Amora obeys.” She responded respectfully.

The two left a contact information, and Amora’s body levitated and flew away from this alley, very fast. Only a green afterimage remains.

In fact, her fighting skills and witchcraft are very powerful.

A real life and death battle, with Rhode’s current strength, it will take a lot of effort to subdue him.

Fortunately, Rhode made a preemptive strike, had an insight into the opportunity, and in the moment when Amora lost his mind, he seized the opportunity and subdued him with one move, so as to avoid a fight.

“Go ahead!”

Rhode snapped his fingers.

Varys, Raymond, and Tessa gathered their eyes at the same time and regained their senses.

They didn’t notice anything unusual.

Rhodes had just tampered with their memories: they had stopped in this alley to avoid the crowds.

“I think it’s time for us to go. There are a lot fewer people at this point, guys. Tessa wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the alley.

“Then let’s go, we must return to the mansion before the sun goes down.”

Varys and Raymond hooked up and whistled out of the alley, and Tessa beckoned to Rod.

Rhode saw that they had no memory of Amola at all, felt relieved, and naturally followed.

With such superpowers, he will not have to be afraid of being discovered when training martial arts skills in the future.

After returning to the Princess Mansion.

The three Tessa and Rhodes separated.

They are all servants of God, but their responsibilities are different, and naturally they cannot be mixed together.

“The sun has not yet set, you can continue to bask in the sun to improve your strength.”

Rhode went back to his room, changed into comfortable new boots, picked up his cleaning tools and went to the park, and got to work.

——[Power +1000]….

——[Power +1000]….

——[Power +1000]….

Constantly floating on the retina prompts.

Rhode also felt his physical body getting stronger.

Moreover, a steady stream of energy flowed to his limbs and bones, moisturizing his body.

“As soon as Amora was about to flee today, I noticed it and subdued him in an instant. Such a reaction speed is still quite strong, right? However, even if it is a fight, I am not afraid. ”

Rhodes cleaned up the park and began to practice his fighting skills again.

Sweat flowed down his cheeks, and his fair and beautiful face looked extremely determined.

Three days passed in a flash.

Rhode grew three centimeters taller, and the muscles on his body became stronger and stronger.

No longer as thin as when he entered the house before.

That evening, Rhode continued to come to the study to read, concentrating.

After a moment, Rhode frowned and looked out the door: “Why do you always feel that someone is watching?” ”

He has a strange feeling from time to time these days.

Exactly the same as being tracked by Amola before.

At this moment, Rhode could basically determine that someone was watching outside the Princess Mansion.

“The distance is too far, my spirit can’t perceive it, and the superpowers of the five senses can’t work.”

Rhode touched his chin.

In this way, he would not be able to find out who the person watching the princess’s mansion was.

It would be nice to have superpowers like clairvoyance~

“Ding! The host [Rhode] has evolved the superpower [Perspective Eye]! ”

As soon as Rhode thought was born, the genes of the silver superman rapidly evolved, and the voice of the system sounded.

“This superpower is good. Let me give it a try. ”

A light smile flashed at the corner of Rhode’s mouth, and his eyes suddenly turned laser-like red, shining to the east.

In an instant, the walls, bricks, trees, and crowds were no longer obstacles.

Rhode’s gaze crossed these directly and arrived at a noisy and lively tavern.

In a room at the end of the second floor of the tavern, two windows are wide open.

At the window stood a green-skinned, pointy-eared strange man, none other than the Skrull clan, who was looking at the Princess Mansion at the moment.

Behind it, there were several races of creatures, all apparently in a group.

“…. When do we get our hands dirty? One of them asked impatiently.

“Don’t worry, as a hunter, be patient. When that old guy comes out, let’s do it. The green-skinned, pointy-eared Skrul replied.

The words of these people talking, Rhode vaguely heard some.

“It turns out that these people have been monitoring the Princess Mansion.”

Inside the study.

Rhode’s eyes returned to normal, and he muttered to himself, without moving.

The other party did not act, he did not intend to pay attention to it.

And these weirdos don’t seem to be a threat.

The brave guards of the Princess Mansion should be able to handle it.

Turning the tome in his hand, Rhode continued to read.



The old housekeeper Ayrt combed his gray hair and beard, cleaned his whole body, and was meticulous before picking up his wallet and leaving the room.

The princess family has a big business, and the consumption of food and clothing is naturally not small.

Therefore, a batch of large purchases must be made every month.

As an old butler, Aylt is in charge of the affairs of the mansion and is also responsible for purchasing these things.

“Lord Butler.”

On the way, several servants of the gods saluted respectfully.

Elt just nodded and walked out of the gate of the Princess Mansion.

Originally, he thought that this time he went out to buy would be as easy as usual.

Until Aylt came to a remote intersection, he was suddenly shrouded in several huge shadows.

It was four or five big men who surrounded Aylte.

Like a wall, they pushed and shoved Aylt into a dead alley.

“What are you doing? What are you doing?! ”

Aylt exclaimed in a bit of panic, while combing her messed up hair and clothes.

Soon, he thought of his identity again, calmed down, and shouted to these people: “You lawless madmen, I am the butler of the Princess Mansion!” Before I get mad, you better obediently get away! If you don’t want to die! I promise! ”

These strong men whose bodies and faces were covered by cloaks were very calm.

No one spoke.

Aert was a little stunned, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

“Old butler, of course we know who you are.”

A few strong men get out of the way.

A green-skinned man in a cloak appeared in front of Aylt.

He grinned, very grim.

“Skrulls? No! ”

Aylt seemed to understand something, shivered, turned and ran.


The sharp sound of the wind hit.

Aert felt a giant object hit the back of his head, and before the pain could be transmitted, his eyes turned black and he passed out.

A few minutes later.

The old butler “Aert” came out again.

Still shiny and meticulous.

With a faint smile on his face, he left the street.

“Lord Butler.”

In the Princess Mansion, the two guards guarding the door saluted the returning old butler again.

Ayrt bowed his head slightly, leaving them with a back.

The two guards were slightly puzzled.

Why is the time for the old housekeeper to go out to purchase this time so short?

Dragon Boat Reading Tianle, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: June 3rd to June 5th)

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