American Comics Chinese Restaurant: Employee Scarlet Witch

Chapter 43 Superman Is Deeply Shocked, And A Small Flash Point Serves A Tomato Scrambled Egg (3)


Ancient One magician residence.

"The teacher asked me to queue at the Chinese restaurant...I get it."

Doctor Strange follows the advice given by the Ancient One magician.



"The dark dimension dominates the strength of Dormammu's body? Claiming to be in charge of the multi-universe? He is purely bragging. I have already perceived the strength of Dormammu's body from Dormammu's will. His strength should be Level Single Universe."

Odin on the throne.

Solved Thor's doubts.

"Ancient One magician... just ordered a dessert at Mr. Lynn's Chinese restaurant, and the power boost she got is as big as your father's boost."

Thor pondered.

"Mr. Lynn's Chinese food, the miraculous effect of enhancing the extraordinary biological power is not a short-term, but a long-term continuous process.

Comparing Mr. Lynn’s Chinese food to a mysterious fruit, everyone eats the fruit, and each person’s constitution is different, so the degree of absorption is different. Ancient One magician should be the one that absorbs faster, and Dr. Manhattan should be the one that absorbs the fastest . "

Odin answered again.

"I ate the Chinese food made by Mr. Lynn and saw my future form, so how can I become the Rune King?"

Thor asked again.

"Becoming the Rune King... This question needs to be explored by yourself."

Odin responded.


Thor was taken aback.


Justice League headquarters.

The Big Three gathered together.

"I'm building an insider armor."

Batman shares what he's been up to lately.

"I have a hunch that Doomsday will be resurrected, and it will become extremely powerful. I also have a hunch that powerful creatures from other dimensions will come. This is the latest ability I got from Lynn's Chinese food."

Wonder Woman frowned slightly.

"I am going to practice in the sun."

Superman said something.


Batman, Wonder Woman thought they had heard wrong.

Practice in the sun?

Isn't that courting death?

Superman has a body of steel though.

Although the physique has been greatly improved because of Mr. Lynn's Chinese food.

But it shouldn't be able to withstand the temperature of the sun.

Practice in the sun?

What kind of genius idea is this?

"Mr. Lynn's Chinese food made me see different forms of Superman, such as silver Superman, gold Superman, thinking robot, etc. Gold Superman is practicing in the sun.

I know it's impossible for me to evolve into a golden Superman in a short time, but I think this kind of practice can improve my strength, so I want to try. "

Superman narrated.


Silver Superman?

Gold Superman?

Thinking robot?

What is a thinking robot?

Batman and Wonder Woman are a little confused.


Superman soars into the sky!

Fly out of the atmosphere!

Fly to the sun!

"I will try to cultivate in the outer layer of the sun first, and if I can bear it, I will enter the core of the sun."

Superman mused.

Soon came to the outer layer of the sun.


He was scorched into charred black!

He felt death coming!


He didn't back down!

Because his body functions recovered at a terrifying speed!

Such an experience!

There was once a battle with Doomsday!

But that time was far inferior to this time!

"Mr. Lynn's Chinese food magic effect?"

Superman thought about it, and walked towards the core of the sun step by step. The terrifying high temperature roasted him into charcoal again and again, and death came again and again, but his body skills repaired itself in the blink of an eye!

Superman gritted his teeth.

Fly directly to the core of the sun.


Come again!

Superman felt his body being vaporized directly!

At this moment, he thought he was dead!

But in the next moment!

He was reborn in flesh and blood!

Man of Steel Remastered!

He was stunned!

"Mr. Lynn's Chinese food...It turns out that I only absorbed part of the power...not even a fifth of the power..."


seven o'clock in the morning.

Fifth Street Chinese Restaurant.

Lynn showed up.

There were all kinds of clicking sounds in an instant.

"Mr. Lynn, I'd like a tomato scrambled you!"

Little Flash was a little nervous.

Not because of Scarlet Witch.

But as soon as you step into a Chinese restaurant.

He felt the Speed ​​Force start to panic within him.

"Scrambled eggs with tomato?"

"The Flash's ordering skills are too bad. There are so many big dishes in Chinese food. He didn't seize the opportunity to order a big dish, so he ordered a tomato scrambled eggs?"

"The orderers in the back, can you learn from Dr. Manhattan, order big dishes of boiled cabbage level, can you order state banquet dishes in Chinese food?"

Various discussions.

"The Flash's taste seems to be far inferior to mine. The only time I have the chance to order food, I will definitely order a very unusual dish."

Deadpool is already in line.

He expressed his opinion.

I have already consulted Chinese food information through the Internet.

I have already thought about what to order.


It's tomorrow!

I order from Deadpool!

It must shock the world!

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