American Comics Chinese Restaurant: Employee Scarlet Witch

Chapter 72 Shocked! Lynn Made Cthulhu Red Moon Into A Dessert! (1)

Harley Quinn?

Shout out to Lynn as host?

Still broadcasting to the world to declare the fight for Lynn?

Harley Quinn mind controlled by Lynn?

Something wrong with Lynn's Chinese food?

Was this reversal too sudden?

Where is Lynn?

Back in the kitchen again?

Scarlet Witch is also in the back kitchen?

"I dream of Harley Quinn calling me master!"

"In my dreams, I want to call Harley Quinn my master, I want Harley Quinn to whip me hard with a whip, I want Harley Quinn to step on me with her high heels!

"When I think of Harley Quinn calling Lynn to be the host, many images pop up in my mind, and my heart hurts!"


various voices.


"It's just the most ordinary Joker who died!"

"The story has been messed up!"

"Countless cosmic dimensions and stories will overlap!"

"The Emperor Joker will come!"

"The Laughing Bat will come!"

"You can only be liberated if you believe in me!"

At this time!

The voice of the mysterious six-dimensional person sounds!

Emperor Joker?21

The Laughing Bat?

All human beings subconsciously think.


Soon everyone ignored the six-dimensional people.

This six-dimensional person!

It is indeed mysterious!

But from beginning to end, it was just a mouthful!

Don't even dare to show your face!

This guy who calls himself a six-dimensional person!

Must be afraid of something!

So this guy is bragging!

Believe in him?

Might as well believe in Lynn!

At least believe that Lynn has Chinese food!

Eating Lynn's Chinese food can also improve strength!

This is a real benefit!

"It's useless to just say that you don't practice. If you don't bring something out, you want to lie to believers empty-handed. Only cerebral palsy will believe you! But even though Joker was killed by Harley Quinn, Cthulhu Red Moon is still there, and the fundamental problem has not been solved... .. Huh? The red moon suddenly disappeared!"

The top of the building.

Deadpool didn't take the six-dimensional people seriously either.

He looked up at the red moon in the sky.

Suddenly there was an exclamation.

red moon!



All human beings feel refreshed!

The humans who were out of control before also returned to normal in a second!

"Is it Dr. Manhattan?"

Deadpool looked to Dr. Manhattan.

"Mr. Lynn?"

little Spider-Man is curious.

"The red gone? Six-dimensional people... I feel that they have a lot of background, and I feel that six-dimensional people are limited by what restrictions. Six-dimensional people like to say that the sea of ​​suffering is boundless. It’s what the Eastern Buddha likes to say, is a six-dimensional person also an Easterner?”

Tony Stark flew in.

His mind was racing.


Wonder Woman is coming!

Qin is here too!

The first thing I saw was Dr. Manhattan who was motionless in front of the Chinese restaurant!

Also guessing that Dr. Manhattan destroyed the Red Moon!


It's Lynn!

An order to Dr. Manhattan!

After a few minutes.

Wanda came out from the back kitchen.


All the superheroes are curious.

Scarlet Witch?

She is carrying a plate?

This is what she cooks?

She wants someone to test the taste?


It doesn't seem to be a dish!

It looks like dessert!

There are two desserts on the plate served by Scarlet Witch!

“Desserts by Lynn Uncle.”

Under countless curious gazes, Wanda opened the door of the Chinese restaurant and delivered the desserts to Dr. Manhattan.

"Thanks Mr. Lynn."

Dr. Manhattan responded, took a dessert and "began to taste it with a blank face.

Wanda snapped her fingers, the plate disappeared, and the remaining dessert appeared in her hand, and she also began to taste the dessert.


In front of the Chinese restaurant.

They are almost recognized as the two strongest extraordinary creatures on Earth.

Tasting two almost identical desserts in front of the whole world.

This scene!

very weird!

It's not just this scene that looks like a father and daughter!

But there is an unspeakable weirdness!

"It turned out that the Red Moon was made into a dessert by Lynn.

The top of the building.

Beside Deadpool.

Lucifer suddenly smiled.


Deadpool blinked, when he quickly scanned the two desserts, and saw the chocolate-like half-moon decoration in the dessert, Deadpool suddenly realized!



"I am Cao!"

"Everyone, look at the desserts in the hands of Doctor Manhattan and Scarlet Witch, look at the chocolate half-moon decorations, that is the red moon that just came!"

"Mr. Lynn painted the Scary Luna with chocolate and made it into two desserts!"

"I buy Karma!"

"What a genius idea!"

"Master Chef!"

"I would call Mr. Lynn a chef!"


Red Moon made into dessert?

Wonder Woman, Qin, little Spider-Man and other superheroes subconsciously sensed this feeling, and their eyes widened all of a sudden!

The power of chaos!

Half moon chocolate topping in two desserts!

It really does ooze chaos!

"So...... Is this Mr. Lynn's little trick? Mr. Lynn ingested the terrifying red moon in the sky at will in the back kitchen of a Chinese restaurant, and covered up the power of the red moon with a layer of chocolate... And made the red moon into desserts for Scarlet Witch and Dr. Manhattan."

Tony Shi Stark silently sent Batman a message.

"I was watching the live broadcast, and I was so shocked that I had nothing to say.

Batman texted back.

487 "True or False?"

"The Scarlet Red Moon is made into a dessert? Scarlet Witch and Dr. Manhattan ate it. Aren't they afraid of being controlled by an indescribable force of terror?"

"I came up with an idea. Do you still remember Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension? That guy tried to invade last time, and was beaten back to the dark dimension by the Ancient One magician, so can Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, be used as a Chinese food ingredient?"

"I Cao! Do you want Dormammu braised or steamed?"

"Can Lynn make a Braised Godzilla!"

all around the world.

Countless voices.

One after another, strange ideas popped up.

"Braised Godzilla... Godzilla is so cute, why should it be braised.

Chinese restaurant chef.

Lynn made lunch for Wanda.

He smiled.

He snapped his fingers casually.


In front of the Chinese restaurant!

A figure appeared!


The eyes of the whole world are instantly focused!

Deadpool's doubts sounded!

"Professor X?"

"Professor X is here to line up?"

"Professor X is queuing in a wheelchair? Wait! Has Professor X already mastered the teleportation ability?"

Come on!

Professor X!


Professor X!

Sitting in a wheelchair!

A look of astonishment!

He doesn't even know who sent him here!.

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