American Comics Crashes! Movie Fans All Over The World Are Crazy

Chapter 171 Free Diving, Break A Record By The Way?

"Fish? What a fish!"

"This is obviously Ye Shen!"

"God Ye? Damn it! Is this the speed at which a human can swim?"

"This is obviously a dolphin that looks like a human~"

"A dolphin is a chicken feather! It's almost like a shark, the top predator of the sea!"

"With this speed, it's no worse than an Olympic professional athlete!"

"Wait......... Couldn't this be another special effect?"

"Could it be that God Ye used some kind of secret diving device?"

The barrage audience, apart from being surprised, was also puzzled.

But the problem is, when the camera on the underwater mini-submarine catches up with Ye Ling.

In the camera, Ye Ling's "equipment" is nothing more than a pair of swimming trunks.

He didn't even wear fins for diving, just the soles of his feet!

Not to mention the underwater propulsion device... Is this something that a person can hide?

However, what shocked everyone even more.

Ye Ling, he is still diving!

10 meters, 20 meters, 30 meters...

Watching one after another colorful fish pass by Ye Ling23.

Either long or short, some are only the thumb File size, and some are several meters long.

But the most peculiar thing is that these fishes seem to regard Ye Ling as their own kind at this moment.

Not only did they not run away in fright because of Ye Ling.

Instead, he approached curiously, and then circled and accompanied Ling.

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned!

"God Ye, what the hell is this operation?"

"Is Ye Shen still able to communicate with fish?"

"It's over! They're all fools~ Did they get close to humans so easily?"

"You know what, now I think of a word, king!"

"I'll go! There's no one else, Ye Shen is not only Aquaman on land, but in the sea, it turns out that he is the real Aquaman!"

"Wait, have you noticed a problem!"

"The current ocean depth is already displayed on the screen as 63 meters!"

"The surrounding light has also become significantly dimmer..."

"But God Ye, he really doesn't plan to turn back and float up for a change of breath?"

"Tips in the front row, cold knowledge: the current human free diving record is 113 meters!"

"That is to say, Ye Shen's distance broke the record, and there is less than 50 meters left!

"Am I a good boy? Is God Ye trying to live broadcast to break the record?"

"The front row continues to remind you that you can breathe while watching the live broadcast, so don't hold your breath~"

Breathe? Does Ye Ling still need to breathe as a Superman?

Not to mention how big his lung capacity is in one breath.

Even if he completely stops the function of his lungs.

He can rely on the surface of his skin to absorb his vital oxygen directly from the water!

So Ye Ling dived more than 60 meters directly from the water surface in one breath, it was like eating and drinking water.

That is to say, the audience panicked watching it!

Because following the camera in the live broadcast room, the sense of substitution is too strong.

As if I followed Ye Ling into the bottom of the sea!

However, at this moment, Ye Ling not only did not slow down.

I saw him swinging his arms, kicking his legs, and accelerated again!

This is incredible!

Although the record of human free diving is 113 meters.

But the question is, has anyone ever seen a dive of more than a hundred meters as a sprint?

Ye Ling is now clearly playing "underwater sprinting"!

"My mother, God Ye, he has accelerated!"

"This is straight to the depth of 75 meters!"

"Damn it, it's 77 meters now!"

"Dive speed of 2 meters per second? This is a torpedo!"

"80 meters! Ye Shen has already broken through the 80-meter barrier!"

"As we all know, underwater pressure is the enemy that restricts the depth of free diving!"

"When diving to 10 meters, people will bear the pressure of 2 absolute atmospheres."

"Then continue to dive, every 10 meters, there will be another one added.

"And when it reaches 110 meters, people will bear the pressure of 12 absolute atmospheres!"

"So what does that mean? It means, wanting to breathe normally at this depth.

"Then your cardiopulmonary function must at least pay 12 times as hard as it did on the surface!"

"But that's not even the scariest and deadliest!"

"Because as the pressure increases, the nitrogen in the human blood will gradually dissolve in blood and other body fluids..."

"At this time, if people need to return to the water surface to take a breath as soon as possible, it will cause a depressurization effect!"

"The pressure decreases rapidly, and the nitrogen gas dissolved in the blood will expand and release rapidly!"

"At that time, air bubbles, thrombus, and embolism will form in the blood vessels...the consequences will be disastrous!"

Good guy! After a popular science lesson from the knowledgeable master.

The audience in the live broadcast room, what a gasp!

Because in their view, what Ye Ling is doing now is simply risking his life!

And diving, free diving, is a very dangerous extreme sports.

What Ye Ling is doing now is definitely what Red Bull calls an expert and wants to be a sponsor after seeing it!



"108 meters!

"Damn it! God Ye is still diving!"

*115 meters! Ye Shen really broke the record!"


"Gift Crab, Majestic Falk! How the hell are we just witnessing history?"

"Freediving, a new record, was born like this?"

"Oh——NO! Is God Ye crazy? Is he still diving?"

"His breath... can suffocate me to death! We almost suffocated ourselves when we watched the live broadcast for the first time!"

*120 meters!? Is this even a person?!!"

"It's not human to dive to a depth of 120 meters in one breath! It's not humanly possible!"

"Superman...I would call it Superman!"

"I'm so stupid for Master 130~ I suddenly remembered, isn't this called [Superman's Daily Life]?"

"Damn it, it's not normal for Superman to dive a hundred and eight thousand meters casually?"

"Do you have to be so surprised?"

"Once you accept the setting that Ye Shen is Superman, fine! It makes sense~"

Finally, Ye Ling stopped at a depth of 150 meters.

At the moment, the visibility in the sea was already very low.

Both already need to rely on the lights provided on the small submarine.

Only the audience can see what Ye Ling looks like.

At the moment, Ye Ling gestured to the camera...

He pointed around, then covered his eyes again, and shook his hands.

The meaning is already very obvious! That is, if you dive further, you will not see anything.

"What? If you can see the co-author, do you still want to continue diving?"

"God Ye, I would like to call you a humanoid submarine!"

"Go down to the five oceans to catch turtles! Are you talking about God Ye?"

"So Ye Shen, when are you going to perform the "Landing the Moon in the Nine Heavens?"

Ye Ling looked at the camera and the barrage on the screen.

He nodded, and then gave everyone a thumbs up!

This guy is now interacting with the barrage at a depth of 150 meters?

However, at the moment, something terrifying happened!

A huge amounts of black shadow, not far from Ye Ling in the camera, flashed by...

The barrage exploded in an instant!!!.

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