American Comics Crashes! Movie Fans All Over The World Are Crazy

Chapter 176 American Comics Comes To Reality, The End Is Also The Beginning!

Ye Ling came to the world of "Aquaman" with a live broadcast.

"Aquaman" is one of the masterpieces of the DC movie universe.

It is one of the few films in DC that are both popular and popular in recent years.

The movie "Aquaman" also relied on the mysterious and magnificent underwater world of Atlantis to conquer the attention of countless audiences.

At first, the audience thought it was another "new live movie".

After all, follow the live footage of Ye Ling.

Everyone is in a first-person perspective.

Participated in the events of the movie "Aquaman".

But the problem is, the audience did not find any traces of filming!

So this makes for an unprecedented, immersive experience for all!

For a while, everyone couldn't tell whether this was a movie or a real event.

And in this movie, the powerful Superman Ye Ling suddenly appeared.

It immediately attracted the attention of the four ocean kingdoms.

The four kingdoms are Atlantis, Zell Bell, Fisherman's Kingdom and Saltwater Kingdom.

Atlantis, as the orthodox successor of Atlantis civilization, is the most powerful.

Ze Bell, besides Atlantis, is the only race that still retains the appearance of human beings.

The fisherman's country has powerful marine technology, but its body has evolved the characteristics of fish.

As for the Saltwater Kingdom, their citizens have already abandoned their human form.

Completely turned into pure marine life.

So why the world of "Aquaman" will be due to the shock of time and space.

What about the connection with the earth in the original world?

That's because, at this point in time, the four nations of the ocean in the world of Aquaman.

Due to a mistake in a certain historical process, they collectively launched a war against the humans on land.

It's like a big event in a parallel universe in the DC Aquaman comics.

Arthur Curry was unsuccessful in wresting the throne of "Aquaman" from his brother's hand, King Liom.

Instead, he was buried in the pursuit of Poseidon's trident.

This also led to the imminent war between the ocean race and humans!

When King Aum released the power of the ocean through the trident, the space shock broke the dimensional wall...

Ye Ling came to the world of "Aquaman"!

In this parallel universe, the real Aquaman Arthur is dead.

King Orm, a tyrant who wants to start a war to rule the earth and restore the glory of Atlantis, is in power!

Ye Ling, it is definitely impossible for him to allow King Orm to behave like this.

He wasn't trying to be a savior.

He just didn't want the dimensional rift to open completely.

So, Ye Ling launched a challenge to the four kingdoms of the sea alone!

With Ye Ling's current cosmic dominance level strength, even against the entire ocean army, it would be a devastating existence.

It can be said that he alone is the combat power of a planet!

But, people like Ye Ling who like to "reasonable".

He definitely doesn't want unnecessary killings in vain.

After all, if he turned the ocean upside down, the humans on the land would probably not be much better off.

So Ye Ling immediately broke into the kingdom of Atlantis.

He intends to confront the tyrant King Orm!

Along the way, naturally no salted fish could stop him.

But before the face-to-face confrontation with King Orm.

He also accidentally rescued Ze Bell's princess, Mela who is about to become the queen of the sea.

Mela was originally the fiancée of King Aum and will marry her in a few days.

But Mela has no feelings for King Aum at all, and only wants to escape marriage!

So it happened that Ye Ling appeared at this time, allowing her to escape from that cage.

And in the end, Ye Ling brought Mela to the presence of King Aum.

Undoubtedly, King Aum of At the moment saw his fiancée standing with Ye Ling.

Good guy, his green face can no longer be greener!

But the problem is, all the guards of Atlantis now.

They were all beaten into shrimps by Ye Ling's three punches and two kicks!

As a last resort, King Orm could only take the trident and fight Ye Ling in person.

King Orm, who owns the trident, can use the power of Poseidon contained in it to ascend to the god level!

He originally thought that human beings like Ye Ling were rotten fish and shrimp.

In the end, he will surely kneel and be defeated by his divine power.

And fiancée Mela will regret her decision.

But in the end, Ye Ling's level universe strength beyond the god level is so terrifying.

Even though King Orm has the trident, he is not Ye Ling's single enemy at all!

King Orm fell in shock.

The trident was also captured by Ye Ling!

And Ye Ling who got the trident also has the ability to rule the ocean.

However, it is still impossible for the people of Ocean Kingdom to recognize Ye Ling's identity as the new king.

After all, in their view, Ye Ling is a landman, how can He De be the master of the ocean?

So the fallen King of Orm gathered a big house of Aquaman.

The final decisive battle was launched towards Ye Ling.

He thought that with the advantage of numbers, he would be able to consume Ye Ling to death in the end!

However, this is the moment when Ye Ling shows his supreme strength.

One person, singled out all!

This is simply one man guarding the gate, and no one can open it!

There is no doubt that this is all being broadcast live.

The audience in the live broadcast room witnessed the epic scene of Ye Ling fighting alone!

Everyone was delighted to see it.

I deeply feel Ye Chao's incomparable supreme power!

Finally, the ocean army was finally defeated.

King Aum also became a prisoner.

It can be said that Ye Ling is like killing a god.

Forcibly conquered the four countries of the ocean!

At this time, how dare the sea race care about what is orthodox or not, they can only bow their heads and bow their heads!

The parallel world of "Aquaman" threatened to completely resolve the initial crisis.

However, Ye Ling's movie live broadcast has also made more and more people feel incredible.

At the same time as 687, in the original universe.

The silent Marvel, DC, and Disney and Warner behind them finally couldn't sit still.

The two companies jointly issued a statement that shocked the world.

That is, they have never been involved in a series of remakes of super British movies starring Ye Ling!

So, they will now initiate a copyright lawsuit against Ye Ling.

When this news came out, the world was amazed!

All of a sudden, Ye Ling was sought after by hundreds of millions of people.

Turned out to be a copyright thief!

People began to condemn Ye Ling and the super-English movie Ye Ling starred in through various channels.

However, just when everyone thought that Ye Ling would fall from the altar to the bottom and never recover.

The Dimensional Wall is broken again!

And this time, the one that invaded the initial universe is officially "Avengers alliance 4-The Final Battle".

When Thanos came to the original universe with his army of annihilation.

Humans in the original universe suddenly realized that all this is not just as simple as a movie!

The movie turned out to be the reality that happened in another parallel universe!

So, at the moment, who else can save the world?

The answer is self-evident...

Ye Ling, the original universe, the only Superman, his identity is completely exposed!

He even defeated Thanos and his big house by himself!

So far, the era of American Comics multi-universe coming to reality has officially opened.

And with the assistance of Ye Ling, the human beings in the original universe are marching towards a new future!.

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