Ye Ling looked solemnly at the goods he drew out in 11 consecutive rounds.

As expected, not to mention S-rank, not even A-rank.

However, at least one C-level item and one B-level item were issued.

Obviously, the case was dark, but not completely black.

A bunch of D-level plus C-level and B-level, it's not bad.

However, he felt that the semi-automatic pistol, M1 helmet, and even the large-capacity military water bottle at the beginning were acceptable.

But then, what happened to a bunch of "souvenirs"?

Not to mention the pocket watch with Carter's photo on it, but fortunately it is Carter.

If it were any other woman, he would not dare to bring it with him.

But what next?

Tony's glasses frames? It's useful to me, and I'm not short-sighted and need glasses.

Wolverine's hero undershirt? What a joke! Still never wears out.

As for Dr. Banner's black trousers... Ye Ling won't bloat.

Asgard's spirits... Ye Ling is not an alcoholic.

New Deadpool suits and Web Shooters?

The system wants him to COS the spider Deadpool who can spin silk?

But Web Shooters or something, it's kind of useful.

And finally there's the only B-class item, S.H.I.E.L.D's Electronic Hacking Device.

It is said that this is World War II now, and invade HYDRA with high-tech decades later.

Don't you think it's a bit overkill, killing a chicken with a sledgehammer?

Besides, does HYDRA still need to invade?

Just smash them all, or burn them all.

Ye Ling can only comfort himself now, although these things are useless now, it doesn't mean they won't be useful in the future.

Just throw the unnecessary ones in the system space, since they don’t take up space anyway.

Immediately, Ye Ling took out the M1911 semi-automatic pistol that never wears out.

Replaced his previous gun.

As for the super defensive M1 helmet, take it out too.

Even though he hardly ever wears it, it's a good gift for someone else.

As for this military kettle with an ordinary appearance but a large internal capacity.

Just take it with you, after all, it's almost as good as a magic pocket in a way.

Then, Ye Ling also took out the pocket watch with Carter's face on it.

Let's talk about the rest when it comes in handy.


During this time, the relationship between Ye Ling and Carter went a little bit wrong.

In fact, it should be said that what happened after Ye Ling teamed up with Dr. Erskine to disclose his identity as a "super soldier".

Ye Ling can understand what kind of mood Carter is in.

After all, for Carter, the injection of strengthening serum was not discussed with her.

She conducted an experiment with the doctor without authorization, which really made her feel uncomfortable.

And the reason why she reacted so strongly was actually because of the problem of Super Serum originally.

Dr. Erskine isn't dead, and plans to mass-produce the Super Soldier continue.

But the problem is that even so, the United States did not create a large number of super soldiers to go to war.

The reason, of course, is that there are still problems with the safety and stability of strengthening serum.

Not everyone is suitable for Super Serum injections!

Some test subjects either went crazy or became bloodthirsty after being injected with Super Serum.

There are even some direct physical distortions!

So, in that sense, Rogers is lucky.

This is the consensus of all people now.

Therefore, Carter's worries about Ye Ling are still justified.

Even though in reality, Ye Ling didn't have that bang thing at all!

The United States is an underground base of the Ministry of Strategic Science.

Dr. Zola's interrogation is over.

And the intelligence that was asked from his mouth showed.

Red Skull is indeed brewing a big plan, a big conspiracy!

Howard was also present. As a strategic research consultant, he said:

"John Schmidt's Ability is beyond our imagination!"

"He can level the entire East Coast in an hour just by crossing the Atlantic!"

Someone asked:

"So how much time do we have left?"

Colonel Phillips, who was in charge of military operations, replied:

"According to the intelligence of our new friend..."

"Less than 48 hours left."

Rogers looked serious:

"And where is John Schmidt now?"

Colonel replied:

"The last base of HYDRA."

"The Alps, five hundred feet below the surface!"

The rest of the special operations team spoke:

"So well defended, the last bastion of HYDRA."

"How do we break it?"

"You can't directly charge towards their gate!"

But at the moment, Ye Ling stood up.

"Nice idea!"

"It's a bit bold, but I like it very much!"

"Don't be in a hurry to deny it."

"I mean, the one who should invade through the gate is me!"

"And Captain Rogers, you lead the rest of the team around..."

After listening to Ye Ling's detailed explanation.

Rogers was the first to object.

In other words, he thought he should be the bait!

But this was denied by Ye Ling.

Because Ye Ling told them that he was the one who fought John Schmidt.

I am the thorn in the side, the thorn in the flesh of that red skull devil!

Bucky can testify to that.

And Bucky is a mutual friend of the two.

Now being caught in the middle...he can only tell the truth!

Therefore, the battle plan was finally finalized.

Ye Ling alone became a bait to attract a large number of enemy troops in the front.

Captain Rogers led the other team members to break through from the back hill.

In the end, the inside should cooperate with the outside to completely break through the fortress!


After the combat meeting, most of the personnel left.

Now it was just Ye Ling, and Peggy Carter on the other side of the table.

Both were silent.

Until Ye Ling got up first, walked over, and leaned against the table.

"Peggy, aren't you going to say something?"

"Let's talk about dinner tonight. I know an old place in Brooklyn."

"It can be said that I have been growing up since I was a child..."

Carter finally couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up with a bang.

"Okay! Stop talking."

"The task will start tomorrow, but now you are telling me which restaurant to go to for dinner!"

"Do you know what you're about to face? That's an entire army!"

"Do you think this kind of joke about life is very interesting?"

Carter's eyes were red, looking like she was about to cry.

Seeing her like this, Ye Ling couldn't help but soften his heart.

He took her hand, approached her, and said:

"But you know, such a thing must be done by someone, right?"

"If I don't go, then Rogers will go. If Rogers can't go, Bucky will go."

"Actually, I've heard a saying... The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Carter suddenly threw herself into Ye Ling's arms.

Her shoulders shrugged involuntarily, and she even began to cry softly.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have treated you like this these days."

"Don't blame me, okay?"

Ye Ling supported Fukata's head.

"Fool, when have I ever blamed you."

"So, is your unilateral cold war against me over?"

"At first, I thought that I should give you a gift to calm you down."

Kathe raised her head, tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"A gift? Then you're not going to give it to me?"

Ye Ling didn't say much, just smiled.

Then he took out the pocket watch and put it in her hand.

Carter snorted softly and opened it carefully.

Then... not knowing whether to cry or laugh, she said:

"Who put someone else's photo in a pocket watch as a gift?"

"Do you want me to see myself every time I open it?"

"I'm not so narcissistic at all, okay?"

Ye Ling shrugged.

"Maybe you should replace the photo with me? Or us?"

"I've already made up my mind, when I come back from this battle..."

Kokate stood on tiptoe before he could finish speaking.

He blocked his next words with a kiss.

After that, he opened his mouth softly:

"You're such a bad guy!"

"The bad guy who makes me miss you all the time."

...So, it's bound to be a sleepless night, right?

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