Ye Ling grabbed the javelin that was aimed at him.

Stand still and wait quietly for the group of Amazon women to rush forward and surround themselves.

At this time, Diana, who was full of astonishment, was already protected by the woman who threw the javelin just now.

Perhaps Diana was still amazed at Ye Ling's unarmed javelin just now.

Or heard the phrase "Ares' lackey" shouted by Antiopo!

Therefore, she has great doubts about Ye Ling's real identity.

After all, although Diana is innocent and kind, it does not mean that she is not good at thinking.

Anyway, Ye Ling is an unidentified outsider, and a man!

Ares, the god of war, is a brutal, ruthless and cruel god of war.

At least Diana grew up listening to such stories from childhood to adulthood.

It can be said that on Paradise Island, everything related to Ares will be cast aside by the Amazons!

Watching these dozens of ferocious women surround themselves in the middle.

Dozens of sharp spears and javelins were pointed at his throat.

Ye Ling just thought it was funny.

I thought to myself that the Amazons have been separated for too long!

They were obviously just some slightly stronger ordinary mortals.

Not even a super soldier like Rogers Captain America.

But he would rather hide on this island and keep going.

Relying on the divine protection of Zeus, I feel that everything will be fine.

Cold weapons such as spears, bows and arrows are also used.

Whenever seeing an outsider, the first thing that arises is hostility!

But they never imagined that the outside world has already undergone tremendous changes.

With the advent of the First World War.

Ordinary humans who they look down on.

Now with only one bullet, they can easily take their lives.

In fact, Ye Ling really wants to take out his M1911 from his pocket right now.

Then say the classic line to this group of Amazons: "My lord, times have changed!"

It's a pity that Ye Ling didn't intend to touch these women, at least not first.

After all, he came here to seek divine power, not to kill and rob!

Moreover, when he met Diana just now, he played under the banner of the Dragon Kingdom.

He doesn't want to lose the face of the people of Longguo, does he?

Ye Ling dropped the javelin in his hand and spread his palms.

Said that he did not have any hostility, and then said:

"Ladies Amazon!"

"Under Ye Ling, from the Dragon Kingdom on the other side of the ocean."

"This time, I am visiting Paradise Island as a traveler and scholar."

"I don't have any malice. Maybe Miss Diana can testify about this."

Diana, who was hiding behind the crowd, heard Ye Lingcue her.

He immediately shrank his head and stuck out his tongue.

Because her fellow clansmen all turned their heads towards her.

He seemed to want to use his eyes to verify the fact that "this foreign man must not be a good person".

But don't wait for Diana to speak.

Antiobo, who was standing in front of her, spoke first:

"Just now, a strange and powerful force invaded our enchantment."

"And obviously, you! A man with such a strong figure must be the intruder."

"From your body, I seem to see the shadow of the God of War!"

"I can't imagine, apart from God of War, who else can master such a powerful and destructive energy!"

"So, stranger, what proof do you have that you're not a lackey of Ares?"

Hear this Amazonian statement.

Ye Ling almost laughed out of anger, okay!

What kind of bullshit logic is this?

Why should I prove that I'm not some shit Ares lackey?

Shouldn't this kind of thing be your proof that I'm not a good person?

"First of all, I should probably thank this lady for the arrogant and prejudiced...compliment?"

"As you can see, I am indeed strong enough and strong enough!"

"It's not impossible for you to insist that I am a God of War."

"But before you decide that I am not a good person, should you show enough evidence to prove it?"

"It's just powerful and destructive energy? This kind of rhetoric is obviously not convincing."

"I think... the people on this island should not be barbarians with only muscles and fighting in their heads, right?"

"What do you think, Diana?"

After a wonderful Mouth escape counterattack by Ye Ling.

Don't forget to drag the chick Diana in to muddy the water.

Diana, who was named by Ye Ling again, is still in a daze.

"Ah...? I think... what you said makes sense."

"I've read many books that do say that we shouldn't just see things as they appear..."

But Diana hadn't finished her opinion yet.

It was interrupted by Antibes.

"Enough! Outsiders!"

"Don't talk shit with me."

"The only thing we believe in here is the fist!"

"Be obedient and grab your hands, we have our own way to prove your identity."

"Under the lasso of truth, no one can not tell the truth!"

After all, those spearheads pointed at Ye Ling got closer.

It seems that this is to force Ye Ling to submit obediently?

Ye Ling couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Wait, if I heard correctly just now."

"You said here, the only thing you believe in is your fist?"

"You guys actually want to fist fight with me?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... This is the first time I've heard someone make such a request!"

Want to catch Ye Ling without a fight? how is this possible!

Want to put Ye Ling on a mantra lasso? That's even more impossible!

Don't forget, Ye Ling now represents not only herself.

He still represents the face of the Dragon Kingdom people!

Wearing chains like a dog in order to prove his innocence?

That's the biggest joke in the world!

First the courtesy and then the soldiers, Ye Ling has already done it.

So he felt that it was time to help Zeus take care of these Amazons!

A seasoned warrior of the Amazons.

Antiobo also felt the fighting spirit erupting from Ye Ling!

She suddenly pulled out her saber, rushed through the crowd, and slashed at Ye Ling head-on.

Ye Ling didn't dodge or avoid, and stretched out two fingers with his right hand.

Clamp the blade before it falls in front of you.

Antiopo couldn't even react, and Ye Ling took the weapon away in the next second.

"Well, it's a nice weapon!"

"Look at the exquisite workmanship and glyphs."

"In addition to being a murder weapon, it is completely an antique! A work of art!"

Ye Ling turned the blade over and stopped to admire it.

As far as his attitude is concerned, that's a man who doesn't pay attention to people at all!

Antiopo was stunned for a second.

Then there was a roar—ha!

He directly punched Ye Ling.

It's just a pity...

Ye Ling, holding the weapon in his right hand, was still tilting his head to admire it.

But the left hand completely took over Antiobo's attack with great speed!

This scene is called a picturesque, elegant and calm scene.

Diana, who was not far away, saw the scene where the two were fighting, her eyes were straight! Eyes are turned into small twinkling stars!

It was the first time she had seen someone who could block Antiobo's attack so easily and comfortably.

It is also the first time I have seen such exquisite fighting skills!

And Antiobo is her teacher, the second strongest woman on the entire island!

At the moment, an inexplicable emotion, like a seed.

It began to take root in her heart!

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