American Comics Crashes! Movie Fans All Over The World Are Crazy

Chapter 045 Steve Comes On Stage, The Story Begins!

Diana was a girl who said nothing.

If you say wash the bed quilt, wash the bed quilt.

So today, take advantage of the sunshine.

After tidying up Ye Ling's house, she ran to the beach with a pile of sheets and clothes...

It can only be said that she really deserves to be Amazon's princess File size sister!

Take the sheets and clothes to the seaside for washing. Does this mean that they are not dirty enough and not broken fast enough?

You must know that in addition to the high salt content in seawater, there are also various halogens, impurities, and microorganisms.

It can only be said that I hope Miss Diana File size is after washing this pile of things.

If you can remember, you still need clear water to pass this kind of thing.

But at this moment, Diana looked up.

But he saw the golden barrier of divine power flickering in the sky.

Immediately, a plane with thick smoke fell from the sky into the sea.

Airplanes, this is the first time Diana has seen such a novel thing.

And she seemed to have seen a person sitting inside just now.

Her intuition told her that she should be needed to save someone.

Diana came to the wreckage of the plane.

I saw a man trapped in the broken cockpit, slowly sinking to the bottom of the water.

"He's suffocating, I should fish him out."

Diana was about to jump into the water immediately.

But at this moment, Ye Ling's figure suddenly appeared beside her, floating above the sea.

"You don't need to go down, little Diana."

"You better think about how to save my quilt, sheets and clothes."


After a snap of the fingers.

The man in the sea unexpectedly came to them, floating in mid-air.

In the next second, the sea water around the man and on his body was all rushing down.

Constantly coughing and choking the seawater in his throat.

Then the man danced in mid-air with a terrified face!

"Ah-ah! I'm floating."

"Cough cough cough, this is... what's going on!"

"Who are you! Where is this?"

Ye Ling didn't answer him, but said to himself:

"Let's go, let's go back to shore first."

"There will be new guests coming later."


Just a blink of an eye, including Diana.

The three of them returned to the beach full of pebbles in an instant.

Bang, the man fell back to the ground.

At the moment his expression became even more frightened.



"How on earth did you do it? I can't believe my eyes!"

"God, am I still awake?"

"Am I already dead?!"

The man danced and danced incoherently.

Watching the guy's reaction, Ye Ling sighed.

Then he said to Diana who was frowning beside him:

"Then I'll leave the rest to you."

Then show a lack of interest.

Then he casually took out a sun lounger, a table, and orange juice with ice cubes from the "air"...

Just laying down in the sun not far away, leisurely, like a vacation.

Diana was no stranger to this scene.

Instead, the man on the side opened his mouth and shouted to Diana:

"Oh! Did you see that?"

"Ma'am, did you really see that!"

"Is he God? He just made those things out!"

"Isn't this really a circus trick?"

But soon, the helpless Diana interrupted his surprise.

"Can you calm down first?"

"I have a few questions for you!"

Maybe it's because Diana's beauty is too amazing.

The man was quickly drawn to the attention.

"Alright alright!"

"You guys saved me."

"Ask, what do you want to know?"

So Diana cleared her throat and asked:

"First of all, you're a man, right?"

The man looked confused and nodded:

"definitely! Isn't that hard to see?"

"I'm definitely a man!"

Diane waved his hand and said again:

"Then what's your name?"

"What is the purpose of coming to Paradise Island?"

At this time, the man became a little hesitant.

"I... I'm a flight crew."

"Because of some accident, I crashed."

"But you trust me, I'm sure I'm not a bad guy."

But when his voice fell.

The barrier of divine power was disturbed again.

And this time the movement was not small at all.

The two turned their heads and looked, only to see a place not far from the coastline.

A warship and five or six small boats appeared.

The man immediately shouted in panic:

"Great gift crab special! They are coming!"

"We must hide immediately!"

Diana still looked puzzled:

"They, who are they?"

"Another group of men?"

"Why are we hiding?"

Diana, who couldn't figure out the current situation, was confused when she opened her mouth.

The man was also confused by Diana's weird brain circuit.

But what surprised him even more was that the guy not far away was still lying on the sun lounger.

So what kind of weird humans did he meet today?

But at the moment, there was the sound of rolling horseshoes on the cliff.

Antiobo, standing on the top of the cliff, cried out:

"Get out of there, Diana!"

Immediately, dozens of Amazon archers filled their longbows.

The next moment, countless arrows shot towards the boats in the sea!

How familiar is this scene?

"They don't have guns?"

Looking at the appearance of these primitive people, the man couldn't help muttering.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling also disappeared on the sun lounger.

Then suddenly appeared beside Diana.

Just listen to him say:

"The battle is always like this, it never comes."

"It's also full of surprises."

"So Diana, are you ready?"

"Meet your first battle..."

"Well, for your sake, I guarantee that all of your people will survive."

"But after this, you owe me a huge favor! Hmph."

That man couldn't understand what Ye Ling was saying at all.

What does it mean to ensure that all these people survive.

You primitive savages, do you know what the other side is holding?

Those are Chinese, a group of Chinese with Mausers!

Not only that, but behind them, there is a battleship equipped with heavy firepower!

So what the hell is this guy talking about...

The battle has begun!

The technetium people rushed to the beach in a small boat with a long gun in their hands.

The Amazon tugged on the rope and fell from the sky.

Bullets whizzed past their heads.

Bows and arrows also continued to shoot into the chests of the Technetic people.

But what happened next shocked Steve Trevor.

Why those bullets that can clearly penetrate the human body.

But it disappeared without any reason, only the sound of the gun was heard, but the bullet was not seen.

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