Sir Parritt.

He was the one who sponsored Trevor's gang to come to the battlefield.

But now, this aristocratic lord of the Yin country just stood behind Diana.

He also told her that he is Ares, the god of war, and her big brother!

Parritt... oh no, I should call him Ares now.

Ares looked at Diana with a smile and said:

"How about it, my half-sister!"

"Witnessing all this with your own eyes, how does it feel to participate in the war in person?"

"Have you been reborn in this blood and fire?"

"You should really thank me...I originally planned to kill you."

"It's the same as killing other extremely stupid gods!"

Diana pulled out her back...

Wait, the sword of killing gods is still nailed to the general's chest.

Diana immediately jumped onto the roof and drew her sword, and Ares was waiting for her, not in a hurry.

After finishing the sword, Diana jumped down again.

At this moment, her faith has come back again, because she killed the wrong person just now!

"I'm Diana from Paradise Island."

"Daughter of Hippolyta."

"In the name of the Queen of the Amazons, I am here to accomplish..."

In the next second, Ares disappeared from sight.

And suddenly appeared behind Diana.

Diana reacted quickly, she turned around and stabbed out the Godslayer Sword in her hand!

But seeing Ares raised his palm, the sword that claimed to be able to kill the Death God was turned into ashes!

Diana held the only remaining hilt of the sword, and she looked confused.

"Diana, poor child."

"The God-killing weapon is actually you."

"Didn't someone tell you?"

Ares gently blew the ashes away from his palm.

Diana, on the other hand, was shocked and argued:

"What you said is not true!"

"The ghost is your sister..."

Ares had a pitiful expression on his face.

"Daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta."

"You were born to deal with me!"

"Because only a god can kill another god!"

Still in disbelief, Diana threw the lasso of truth at Ares.

Ares didn't dodge or dodge, just letting himself be tied up.

Then, he actually released lightning and began to attack Diana's mind along the mantra lasso.

"War in the human world."

"This is the truth you want."

"That's how they've been doing for thousands of years."

"Weak, cruel and greedy human beings are willing to launch war after war for profit."

"This is an endless cycle of history..."

"You think I bewitched them?"

"No! I'm just whispering in their ears, providing some little inspiration for their crazy and cruel plans."

"And my purpose is just to let them eat their own fruits quickly and destroy themselves."

"Our God, we must take back this world that belongs to us!"

"Come on, Diana, take back what's ours..."

Diana is going through a divine test.

A test of which position to choose after seeing the truth of the world.

Ye Ling witnessed everything.

He thought, what would happen if this test was placed on him?

Maybe he'll... blast this Ares dog's head off with one punch!

Then step on his dead body and say: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

So, will Diana's choice be the same as before?

"No! I will never be a god like you!"

"If there were no humans and ice cream in this world..."

"What's the point?"

I saw Diana clenched her right fist.

At the moment, what came to her mind was that day.

The picture of Ye Ling taking her to the street to eat ice cream together.

So she made a choice without any hesitation!

Hit Ares in the dog's face!


The two divine powers erupted and collided. The entire sentry tower was destroyed!

Ares didn't think of Diana who had just Awakened.

To be able to possess such huge amounts of divine power.

But ice cream...what the hell is it?

But now, he has made a decision.

That would be to kill Diana, like any other god!

"Diana, my dear sister!"

"It looks like today, I have to kill you with my own hands!"

Ares stretched out his hands, and his whole body began to float in the air.

An invisible force frantically disturbed around him.

And now Diana didn't have any confusion in her eyes.

"I'm the one who should say that!"

"After I get rid of you, I still have to fulfill my agreement."

Immediately Diana stomped on the ground.

Continue to attack Ares in mid-air!

The ground was uprooted by Ares' divine power.

Diana smashed the obstacle of strength with a punch.

But just when the fist was about to touch Ares.

Ares summoned a tornado.

Diana, who hadn't mastered the Flight skill, was thrown dozens of meters away.

Then, Ares raised his hands, and saw several armored tanks thrown high by him and smashed towards Diana!

Bang bang... bang bang, one after another tanks were inserted into the ground.

At the moment's Diana did not forcefully attack head-on.

Because she knows how to deal with an opponent far superior to her own strength.

It's like practicing with Ye Ling before.

Grenade! Diana saw crates of grenades not far away.

She rushed over without saying a word, then grabbed a box and threw it out.

The grenade scattered through the air and flew towards Ares.

Ares just waved one hand, and those grenades exploded in front of his eyes.

Diana didn't expect the grenades to kill Ares.

It's just that grenades exploded all over the sky, and the thick smoke formed temporarily blocked Ares' sight.

Diana followed the cover of the smoke and shrewdly touched the blind spot of Ares' vision.

She immediately threw out the lasso of mantra, and it caught Ares' ankle precisely.

"Come down for me, you!"

Diana jerked with all her strength.

Ares, who was floating in mid-air, was dragged to the ground like a kite, bang...

Ares in the deep pit slowly stood up.

"Diana~ Not bad! You act like a needle!"

"I thought you were just a fledgling new god."

"Unexpectedly, your Ability surprised me."

"But let's end here."

Ares, he was finally pissed off by Diana.

I saw him covering his whole body with divine power.

Immediately afterwards, the shattered metal fragments around him came towards Adsorbent one after another.

Then, they actually synthesized a set of armor and a four-cornered battle helmet!

"I! I am the God of War!"

Ares shouted angrily, resounding through the heavens and the earth.


But at the moment, hiding in the sky.

Ye Ling, who was eating snacks and drinking juice, was enjoying the special effects action drama of family ethics brother and sister killing each other.

The glass in his hand shattered, shattered by the bastard Ares.

Ye Ling was a little annoyed, you can fight if you say so, I just watch the show.

What do you mean by breaking Grandpa's cup?

Destroying other people's property so casually, is there any law in this world?

What? You said that human laws cannot control gods!

Well, then, I will be a king once again!

Whoosh—boom! ! !

Just when Diana was about to compete with Ares in the second stage.

Ye Ling fell from the sky, and the ground trembled!

The standard hero's landing style is the same as him, and he is still the focus of the audience! Still the prettiest boy!

"I just heard someone say..."

"Only a god can kill another god."

"So, your name is Ares?"

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