Ye Ling enjoyed the training process very much.

It would be even better if the sun was shining brightly on the training day!

The blood of Superman in the body flows, and the passive skill [Energy Absorption] takes effect automatically.

Energy Absorption, which can directly convert the light and radiation released by the Fixed Star into energy.

With this ability, Ye Ling can not only survive without food and water.

For example, after more than half a month, his attributes have undergone astonishing changes.

For example, all attribute points grow at a rate of 1 point per day!

Open the properties panel.

【Name】: Ye Ling

【Sex: Male

【Race】: Human/Superman (Kryptonian)

[Energy level]: Extraordinary level


Strength: 62 (affects the strength of the body's physiological systems including muscles, bones, and neural networks)

Agility: 62 (affects the sensitivity of the body's neural network and reflex activities, making the body more rapid, accurate, and coordinated)

Physical strength: 62 (affects the stability of the body's morphological structure and functional activities, as well as the ability to adapt to the external environment)

Intelligence: 62 (affects cognition, thinking, memory, analysis, and resilience dominated by mental power)

(Note: The average value of each attribute of an ordinary adult male is constant at 10)

【Bloodline ability】: Energy Absorption, Extraordinary Physique, Fighting Instinct, Insight into Subtlety, Sharp Thinking, Language Proficiency

This is simply an Ability comparable to bugs and plug-ins.

That is, even if Ye Ling does nothing.

Every day is to bask in the sun, then one day he will be strong enough to tear Thanos with his hands.

Otherwise, why would Superman's bloodline be classified as an SSS-level item with a one-in-a-billion chance by the system?

Definitely, as far as it is now, there is no time for that.

Because of the fierce fighting on the front lines of World War II, the United States Congress also began to urge the Department of Strategic Science to produce results as soon as possible.

So the first experimental injection of super soldier serum is getting closer!

So far, there are still some disputes in the department about the candidates for the first experimental subject.

Dr. Erskine, as project principal.

He had his eyes on the skinny guy Steve Rogers.

This is something Colonel Phillips finds incredible!

Even the other day, the kid Rogers threw himself at the training grenade with absolute bravery and dedication.

Then still on the training ground, use a tricky way to bring down the flagpole and take off the flag.

But after all, he still prefers the strong white soldier, Gilmer Hodge!

Then there is Peggy Carter, the colonel thinks this woman is even more important...

She actually thinks that Ye Ling is the most suitable candidate? Colonel, he called God!

Such a glorious and great responsibility should be placed on the shoulders of a yellow skin?

Ok! The colonel had to admit that this Ye Ling was indeed capable.

Each training content got full marks, and took the first place alone.

But how can this kind of thing be completely based on the results? Quality is the key, right?

But then, the colonel turned his head and saw his favorite soldier Hodge.

Hodge is holding his booger, with a wretched face, gathering with other soldiers to make fun of something...

Ok! Ok! The colonel took back his previous words.

This guy Hodge is probably talking about some jokes with those bastards again.

Expect this bastard who dared to tease Carter agent on the first day to be of high quality?

Why not hope that the sow raised by his grandma will one day learn to climb a tree!

The colonel looked at Hodge, shook his head with a look of lovelessness, and said that he gave up on this product.

"Ye, I can't control what happened this time."

"The point is Dr. Erskine's opinion, and the group of mercenary crooks in Congress!"

"You know the people of the United States, they would never give that power to anyone other than the color of their skin."

" don't blame me, do you?"

Peggy Carter, she stood in front of Ye Ling with an apologetic look.

But she quickly added another sentence.

"Definitely, I know your friend Rogers is great too, and you admire him a lot!"

"He is indeed the best candidate besides you."

Ye Ling looked at the slightly nervous Carter in front of him.

I can only shake my head with a wry smile, wondering if this is the strong and resolute woman and agent I know?

How come you look like a little girl who has done something wrong now.

But Ye Ling had no choice but to comfort her.

"Okay, Carter, you don't have to make trouble at all."

"Because I don't want to be the first choice for the experiment at all."

"Besides, Steve isn't necessarily worse than me."

"He's really not like any other guy from the United States that we've seen."

"And he deserves the power, or the responsibility."

"I can vouch for his character!"

"And that day, it's a pity that you weren't there, otherwise you would definitely look at this little guy differently!"

Carter raised her slender eyebrows, but she didn't care too much, and said:

"You mean the colonel threw a fake mine into the crowd that day."

"And only Rogers pounced on it like a fool?"

"Well, I shouldn't describe him as a fool."

"Your friend is indeed heroic!"

I don't know why, in the original plot, Carter should be there.

But that day, Carter unexpectedly didn't see Rogers' demeanor.

Could it be that all this is due to fate?

But things have come to this point, and Ye Ling can't change anything.

After all, the current situation, no matter how much he praises Rogers.

Carter subconsciously believes that Rogers is so good because he is under the influence of the better Ye Ling.

In fact, this is also easy to understand. Simply put, it is a preconceived notion.

Ye Ling entered Carter's eyes first, so it would be difficult for Carter to see Rogers' light again.

After all, the current Ye Ling is almost perfect under the blessing of Superman's blood.

But Rogers is too thin now, even though he has the courage and character most people don't have.

It's just the lack of a pair of discerning eyes...

No, you shouldn't have said that!

Because Rogers' Bole has already appeared, hasn't it?

Dr. Abraham Erskine, his devotion to Rogers is undeniable!

Ye Ling saw the doctor carry a bottle of wine at night, and then went to the barracks to meet Rogers alone!

Well, because tomorrow, the experiment will officially start.

And the first candidate is Rogers himself!



At the moment another time and space

A well-known barrage site is broadcasting Captain America1.

And because of the remake incident not long ago, more and more people re-watched the movie.

Now the number of people watching online at the same time has exceeded 50,000.

And the number is still growing!

When the movie plays to the segment where Ye Ling and Carter are talking.

The whole barrage exploded completely!

Even the color of the barrage once changed

"Captain America! Your wife is about to be kidnapped by your brother!"

"Rogers, are you in Gan Shenmo? Why don't you date a bald old man here!"

"It's over! The protagonist Ye Ling has already lost the opportunity for strengthening, why are you so happy?"

"Is this called winning the woman and losing the future?"

"This wave, Captain America has the last laugh!"

"Although humility is a virtue, but Ye Ling has no serum strengthening, so he is destined to become a supporting role in the future!"

"We Long people are too humble, what a good opportunity was wasted by this Ye Ling!"

"So do you guys think Ye Ling won? How is it possible."

"Wait until the full body of strengthening Captain America comes on stage, it's hard to say who Carter will love."

"I bet Carter will definitely choose the strengthened Captain America in the end!"

"Don't listen to the nonsense upstairs, I see a spoiler saying later..."

"Get out! Spoiler dog, stay away!"

For a moment, the barrage caused Ye Ling to lose the opportunity for strengthening, and they quarreled.

Definitely, the people of this world, they don't even know.

For Ye Ling, the Super Soldier Serum is just tasteless!

[ps: Thank you guys for your rewards, my brother will continue to work hard, and the next chapter will be updated during the day]

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