Right after Ye Ling showed the Space gem directly at Tony.

The barrage of the audience has reached a new high!

"6666, Master Niu Waye! Let's have a showdown with Tony!"

"Showdown! I don't pretend, I have Infinite Gems, what happened?"

"But... you look at Tony's expression, it seems to say you blow it! You can blow it hard!"

"Crying... laughing and crying wow hahaha! Master Ye blew up, saying that what he has in his hands is the original power of the universe."

"But now Tony has never even heard of Infinite Gems!"

"Tony is a superhero who made his debut with technology, you talk to him about magic rules?"

"It's over, Master Ye is pretending to be in the wrong direction this time, Tony's major is wrong, hahaha!"

"Professional is not right? There is such a saying, the upstairs is trying to laugh me to death! Hahaha. 1"

"Master Ye clearly said the truth, but Naihe and Tony are not on the same channel at all.

"Even Tony thinks that Master Yip can boast and boast better than him!"

"This is certified by Tony himself!"

"Okay, then let's see how Master Ye can save face!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling even chatted with Tony about the past of World War II.

And it's the kind of conversation that gets more and more fun.

"Master Ye saw that pretending to be X was not enough, so he showed another skill."

"Tell me how awesome things I did with so-and-so back then!"

"Ye Ling: How about it, just tell me if you're being tricky or not! Your dad and I have carried guns and had sex together."

"Look at Tony's expression, he was obviously intimidated by Master Ye."

"Sure enough, this set of rhetoric can be used no matter where it is applied!"

"But at the end of the day, these are things that Ye Ling has personally experienced.

"Sure enough, the more true the story, the more contagious it will be!"

"It can be seen that after such a conversation, Tony's recognition of Master Ye gradually increased.

"Damn it! I see, Master Ye is attacking Tony Stark!"

"Love love love, I think I can do it again!"

"What? I heard that Tie and Ye CP is established today? Then you can't just go crazy!"

"Crazy! Crazy! CP fans disappeared for a movie, and now it's making a comeback, everyone run!"

And just when the barrage was making a mess.

The conversation between Ye Ling and Tony went back to Infinite Gems.

"I'm going! Did I hear you right! Master Ye just spoiled Tony like this?"

"This frankly takes all the old background of the six gems."

"No way (cdcf), Master Ye even told Tony that if he collects all six gems, he can even destroy the entire universe."

"But will Tony believe it? Tony hasn't even experienced a contract war now."

"Even the Avengers alliance hasn't really been formed yet!"

"Even if you're talking too much now, Wannie won't believe it?"

"Obviously, Tony doesn't believe it now, but he dares not believe it at all!"

"Because the existence of Ye Ling is a very straightforward example."

"So Tony has begun to have a sense of crisis, and he is ready to build a steel battle suit!"

"Building a steel battle suit? That's a good feeling! Freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!"

Next, the audience was not disappointed.

But what surprised the audience even more.

Ye Ling was able to participate in it!

"Who can tell me! Is Master Ye holding Buddha Jio temporarily?"

"Could it be that this guy Ye Ling is unwilling to be lonely and plans to steal Shi Shi Stark?"

"Stealer, how high-tech do you think the steel battle suit is!"

"There are many rich people in the world, but Tony is the only one who can become Iron Man!"

"Master Ye, he's just a reckless man! It's okay if you let him beat the villain."

"You let him pick up textbooks to learn high technology, just kidding!"

However, it hasn't waited for the barrage to finish questioning.

Ye Ling really learned all the knowledge Tony gave him in the past few days!

"Master Ye! I would like to call you the most coquettish!"

"Sure enough, Master Ye never fights uncertain battles! Just learn as you say, and learn as soon as you learn!"

"Damn it! This kid must be on the hook! Tony is a genius who graduated from MIT.

"After so many years of precipitation, the steel battle suit was created."

"But you guy, you don't even have the hair on your head to be in the same room with Tony."

"It's over, it's over, the bullet screen ratio is Joker again."

"Master Ye not only doesn't sweep the floor, but now he can even weave, design, and mechanically weld.

"I think it's not just helping out, but also giving advice to Tony."

"Master Ye, you will always be a god, may I ask if there are still Master Ye in this world who can't do it?"

"I also know, the child will definitely not!"

"Damn it, it's so ruthless! Then Master Ye shouldn't give birth to one for everyone to see?"

"Niu is still the barrage master Niu Bi!"

Then, Tony's Mark 2 was finally completed.

It's time for the first outdoor test flight.

But after a while, I saw the screen was full of barrage brushes.

"Damn it, ice!"

"Damn it, it's freezing!"

"Damn it, Tony is freezing!"

"Boy, Tony is in free fall!"

"It seems that Master Ye still has two brushes. He said 40,000 feet is 40,000 feet!"

"Wait! Look, Master Ye has made a move."

"Master Ye finally didn't turn his back on him this time."

"Although I believe Tony will be able to take off again in the end."

"But Master Ye has finally done something!"

"Wait a minute, don't talk too early! Tony wants to compete with Master Ye?"

"It's over, Tony is starting to swell again! You say you are only a Mark 2, how can you compare with Master Ye?"

"Look at Master Ye's smirk, it's obviously in his expectation."

"Poor Tony, being played by Uncle Ye again..."

Then, when Tony finished counting 3 times.

The barrage ushered in another wave of high tide!

"Damn it, Ye!"

"Damn it, Ye!"

"Damn it, Master Ye! Do you want to be so ruthless!"

"Why are you leaving this full-level boss Tusa Novice Village?"

"J.A.R.V.I.S is shocked! Mach 5, are you still a human?!"

"J.A.R.V.I.S: I am not human, but Ye Ling, you are a real dog!"

"Master Ye is too stupid to bully Tony's nephew like this."

"Tony's face turned green, he almost called Ye Ling a shameless bastard, hahaha!"

"However, Tony's competitive spirit has also been aroused, and it seems that the Mark 3 is not far away!"

"Master Ye has become a master in disguise again."

"Master Ye is afraid that it's not 'Master' who is addicted again."

"Ye Ling: Here, I participated in the construction of the steel battle suit! Tony, I pointed out how to improve it! Is it awesome?"

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