Ye Ling, Kat and female Loki walked into the room.

This is the core of the entire TVA.

Also the founder of TVA, the Holy Place of Asgardian in the three major times!

At the moment Sylvie, aka female Loki, sees these three big-headed monsters sitting on thrones.

Her eyes are red, that is a murderous desire!

I can't wait to rush up now, and directly throw these three bastards who ruined her family to my opponents!

"No! You can't do that."

"This will plunge the entire universe into a huge crisis!"

Judge Lavona rushed in, weapon raised.

The reason why she wasn't frozen into an ice sculpture was because of Ye Ling's intention.

Because Ye Ling wanted her to witness everything that happened very wickedly.

"It's out of your hands, Your Honor!"

He only heard Ye Ling laughing, then turned his head away.

His eyes looked at the three big-headed aliens.

Thermonuclear rays!

Two sharp scorching red lights emanated from Ye Ling's eyes.

And swept across, the three time guards and the throne under their buttocks were cut into five, six, seven or eight dollars in one fell swoop!

Crackling, the Asgardian wreckage shattered to the ground.

However, the bloody picture did not appear as imagined...

Sylvie's eyes widened. She held up her short sword and froze on the spot.

Because at this time, Asgardian turned out to be a machine full of electronic circuits!

They are not even living beings!

An Asgardian head that rolled to her feet was still making mechanical noises, creaking non-stop.

At this moment, Sylvie felt an incomparably huge amounts of loss.

Could it be that for so many years......

She is escaping from TVA all the time.

He also always wants to avenge himself.

In the end, the targets of revenge turned out to be three lifeless machines?

Extremely resentful, Sylvie screamed angrily, crushing this mechanical head with one foot!

As for Peggy Carter, she too was stunned.

For a long time, the most important thing in my mind exists.

Time Asgardian turned out to be this posture?

So what's going on with all this?

Is this all just a hoax?

So what is the meaning of her existence as a Time Enforcer?

Does everything she has been doing really make sense?

Who in this world can believe it?

At the moment, she involuntarily turned her gaze to Ye Ling

"Hehehe, hahahaha" [!"

"Are you satisfied now?"

"Knowing that they are only three machines, is it enough?"

"Sylvie, aren't you taking revenge now?"

"Why is there still such an expression of bitterness and hatred!"

"Ye Ling, do you think this is the end?"

"Open your eyes and see, nothing has changed, everything is going on as usual..."

Captain Carter, you are really pitiful now!"

Judge Lavona suddenly laughed nervously.

She pointed at the three people present and mocked them mercilessly.

It's like watching three Jokers!

But Ye Ling, he never had any doubts about everything he did.

Because he knows that this is not the end.

The real final boss is still waiting there!

"Hehehe, let's end here then."

"In the name of the Time Tribunal, I will erase all of you!"

In the next second, Lavona reached out and patted the wall.

Suddenly, the whole room glows with light!

The bodies of Ye Ling, Carter, and Sylvie began to turn into colorful rays of light and disappear.

Ye Ling didn't make a move to stop Lavona's engine from shutting down.

Because he knows that the next stop will be in the land of nothingness!

The void, a junkyard abandoned by time.

It is full of garbage from different eras and spaces.

Ye Ling came here, what he wanted to meet was the final boss, the guy who caused all these troubles.

He knew that if he didn't solve this problem, he would be a dimension-crosser himself.

He will definitely be on his list of "criminals"!

So it's better to put an end to the new and old things this time!

Sylvie asked with a puzzled look:

"Where are we now?"

Ye Ling replied:

"The land of nothingness."

"We'll get to see who's behind it in no time."

"The one who stands behind the time Asgardian."

"I think you can continue to take revenge."

Just when Ye Ling finished speaking.

A serpentine monster made of dark matter suddenly condensed in the sky.

And is sprinting towards them!

Carter looked at this scene and suggested solemnly:

"I think it's coming towards us."

"Should we run away as soon as possible?"

Ye Ling interrupted her:

"Go? No, that's what we're looking for!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling couldn't help but grab the arms of Carter and Sylvie, and flew straight up.

Turn on the biological stance and anti-gravity Flight, and rush straight towards the huge amounts of monsters!

The two women were so frightened that they closed their eyes, thinking that they were going to die this time...

However, when they rushed into the giant mouth of the monster.

When you open your eyes, there are already stars twinkling all around you!

The void seemed to be broken before my eyes, and at the end of the space, there was an old house!

Let's go, the answer is there. "

Ye Ling said to the two of them.

When they stepped into this old house.

Carter and Sylvie are always ready to deal with the enemy as if facing the enemy.

Because Ye Ling just told them that the behind-the-scenes boss who controls everything is here.

Presumably there will be a big battle in the future!

However, it seems that there is no one here.

No monsters, guards, or enemies were left behind!

Until they came to the end of the corridor, the door of a room opened slowly.

A voice also came from inside:

"You finally came.………"

"But I'm glad you didn't keep me waiting."

"Originally, I thought that this meeting would take several years."

"But it's good to end it now!"

Ye Ling and the others approached the room.

But I only saw a guy in a purple robe sitting behind that table.

Ye Ling also called out his name directly:

"Nice to meet you, Kang the Conqueror!"

"I'm here today (get well) to talk to you about your only timeline, and how many other universes there are.

Hearing Ye Ling call out his name directly.

Conqueror Kang couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Then the whole person floated up from the chair!

He couldn't help laughing and said:

"Hehehaha, it's exactly as I expected!"

"Ye Ling, you are an extremely special time variant, you have insight into the future like a prophet."

"I can't even see everything like you can..."

"So, that's why I tried everything possible to find you!"

"You're the one for me...I'm tired of all this too!"

"Ye Ling! Promise me!"

"Come on! Take my seat!"

"Replace me and become the only existence!"

Conqueror Kang, he stood in mid-air.

Shout out to Ye Ling with open arms!

[ps: The plot of "Loki" is about to end, and then back on track, please give me some encouragement to follow up the data, please.

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