After he finished speaking, Downton couldn't help but grin.

He continued while laughing.

"Originally I was still worrying about what I should do after I stepped on the plates of the Skyrail and then visited the bald boss of the arms store.

Now I have an idea. After I finish my work, I will go to Wayne Group to give Bruce a direct shock!

Damn, before I had time to kill people in Gotham, he directly gave me a mysterious party!

What does he think of me? Does he think I'm the villain BOSS of the big event!"

After he finished speaking, Downton crossed his legs and hummed a little tune.

Seeing that Downton was in a very good mood, Selina pouted and poked Downton's chest muscles with her fingers.

"What you should do most is not to be busy with this and that, but to find a set of clothes to wear!

What, you want to go to Wayne Group wearing only one of my coats?

Then you have to be careful with the air conditioner in Wayne Group, don't let the cold wind show your butt to Bruce Wayne, that will make him think you want to have sex with him!"

Selina couldn't help laughing at this, and only Victor was still praying nervously.

His heart is not as big as the two crazy people in front of him, which normal person really wants to go to hell!

Just talking and laughing, the sky rail soon arrived at the station near the Feast of Gunfire.

When the train stopped, Donton took Victor and Selina out of the platform, and then found a clothing store to get a set of clothes.

While Donton was changing clothes, Victor raised the gun helplessly.

He said to Selina with a bitter face while threatening the clerk.

"Madam, I haven't robbed a clothing store for more than ten years!

Damn it, it's outdated to do this, and I want to go to heaven!

It's just a set of clothes, can't the boss give money? It's not much money, I can give him a set!

Wait, don't move, put your hands on your head!"

While saying this, Victor diligently controlled the clerk who wanted to press the alarm.

Selina stood in the women's clothing area, elegantly continuing to examine various new clothes.

As she looked at it, she remembered Victor's question belatedly, so she agreed without turning her head.

"Having money is one thing, spending money is another. Don is obviously not the kind of person who likes to spend money.

Understand, we all have our own little hobbies, just like I like to borrow treasures from others to play with.

What about you, Victor, do you have any hobbies?"

"Killing people with a submachine gun with a very fast firing rate but very low power, but not to shoot him to pieces, but to watch him struggle with holes in his body, this is my little hobby."

Victor responded.

Hearing this, Selina was slightly stunned, and then sneered.

"It's really a hellish hobby!"

"Can we not mention hell, otherwise I can't even do my job!"

Victor gave Selina a depressed middle finger.

At this moment, Donton came out of the locker room.

He casually put Selina's coat on her, and Donton put his arm around Selina's shoulders and walked out the door.

Selina shook her shoulders unhappily.

"This coat just covered your butt and cock, are you sure you want me to wear it again?"

"Damn, isn't this a room full of coats, can't you just pick one yourself?"

Donton let go of Selina with disdain, and then walked all the way to the Gun Feast Shop.

Looking at Donton's back, Victor couldn't help but get close to Selina and said.

"It seems that Don also has a hellish hobby, which is not to spoil women, haha!"


Selina kicked Victor hard with her high heels, and then followed Donton arrogantly and walked into the bald boss's shop.

At the same time, on the nearby street, two policemen looked at each other, and then swallowed hard.

"Ahem, man, that clothing store called the police."

"Yeah, I heard it, but so what, do you want to do anything about it?"

"I just came to ask for your opinion because I don't know!"

"My opinion is to go to the bathroom, damn, my stomach hurts so badly, really!"

"Me too!"

After a brief exchange, the two policemen turned around quietly and walked away from the clothing store and the Gun Feast store.

But before they could walk far, they were seen by the clerks who rushed out of the clothing store.

So the clerks shouted and chased the police.

"Police, help, someone is robbing!"

"Damn it, don't come over here, help, someone wants to kill the police!!!"

The two policemen were so scared that they quickly quickened their pace and left the clerk in high heels far behind.

Seeing that the police in the patrol area ran faster than Jerry, the clerks had to call 911 again.

When the police station operator received the call, his voice was still a little weak.

Yesterday's Gotham was too chaotic. They worked overtime all night and still couldn't handle the huge number of alarms.

They finally made it to daytime, but countless people called again, asking the police to send someone to help them calculate the losses.

Sometimes they really envied the doctors in the hospital, because in this damn Gotham, as long as there was a war, there would basically not be too many casualties left, and everyone would fight to death!

Except for the forensic doctor and the guy in charge of the morgue, the other doctors are just doing their normal work, so they won't be so busy as the Gotham police!

While complaining in his mind, the operator said into the phone.

"This is 911. Please explain the situation you encountered as briefly as possible."

"Hey, it's the police. We are at 326 East Cross Street, Burnley District. Opposite our store is Little Italy!

Two men and one woman just rushed into our store and took away a set of autumn experimental clothing worth 84,000 yuan that our brand has not yet launched. By the way, they also took away two sets worth 400,000 yuan from our store. Jewelry!

In addition, I also want to complain to the police patrolling South Cross Street. After they saw us being robbed, they actually ran faster than a mouse. Damn it! "


When he first heard about the prices of the clothes and jewelry, the well-informed operator already thought it was outrageous.

As a result, when he heard that all the criminal police officers in the jurisdiction had run away, he immediately knew what was going on.

"I have sent special personnel there, you just need to wait where you are and pay attention to your own safety!"

After the words fell, the operator put down the phone boredly, and then sent the case records to the Gotham main station.

Beside him, his colleague who had just hung up the phone asked him.

"What, is this another bad thing?"

"That's right, it's a fucking insurance fraud again. After the insurance company passes by, we won't have time to send someone else.

What's more, all the patrolmen in their area have disappeared. There must be something hidden in this case! "

After explaining, the operator happened to receive feedback from the main station, which was... ignore it!

The operator sneered clearly and wanted to say something, but the phone in front of him rang again and again, interrupting him.

"Hello, this is 911..."

The operator continued to answer the call depressed and tired.

The South Cross Street patrol officer continued to hide in the bathroom and smoke.

The big shots in the police department are busy organizing the funeral of Chief Rosavic, and at the same time they are even more busy vying for the position of the next chief.

The whole Gotham is so orderly.

Just as the so-called big shots were rushing to make contacts in the city hall, Downton came to the gun shop and hugged the bald old man.

"Old man!"

While slapping Old Den hard on the back, Downton said to him with a smile.

"You didn't expect that, not only was this bad guy like me alive and well, but I also kicked Falcone out of Gotham!"

"Yes yes yes, you're fucking awesome, kid!"

Listening to Downton's bragging, Lao Deng also patted Downton's back hard and continued.

"I don't think you are bragging anymore. Even if you tell me that you also fucked Falcone's daughter by the way, I can't even say no now.

Because you have won, you are the final winner, and whatever the winner says makes sense! "

After the words fell, Lao Deng kissed Downton's face hard and excitedly.

Just when he was pushed aside by Downton in disgust, he looked at the two people behind Downton.

"Look who this is, isn't he the hairless devil Victor Zass? You rarely came to a small shop like mine in the past!"

"Haha, if I had been here before, you would have died in my hands, Big Jimmy!"

Victor smiled disdainfully, stretched out his hand to Jimmy Laoden, and shook hands with him briefly.

After dealing with Victor, Lao Deng turned to look at Selina and extended his thumb towards her.

"If I had the skills of a bad guy like Downton when I was young, then I would definitely have a beautiful woman like Madam by my side.

I can't help but feel uncomfortable with this beautiful lady standing in my shop. Please wait a moment and I'll move a chair for you right now! "

While complimenting Selina, Lao Deng gave Selina a small chair.

While Selina sat down unceremoniously, Lao Deng continued to ask her.

"May I have the pleasure of knowing the lady's name?"

"Haha, don't you already know?"

Selina adjusted the hem of her coat and said angrily to Lao Deng.

Just when Lao Deng couldn't figure it out, Selina, who had arranged her coat, leaned back on the chair, crossed her legs and continued to speak to Lao Deng.

"I am... Falcone's daughter as you say!"

"I'm Teo~~~~!?"

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