American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 215: Annie Arrives at the Seven-Man Tower

Just when the locomotive had been busy for two hours and finally completed the procedures for leaving the Super Seven.

Downton also handled the excited Maeve.

While asking the maid to help Maeve clean up, Downton took a shower, got dressed and came to Edgar's, or his own, new office.

After he sat in the boss chair and adjusted his comfortable sitting posture, Ashley displayed a group of files on his computer.


Ashley said nervously.

"These are the thirty-two people who are temporarily closest to the position of the Super Seven.

Among them are Starlight, who is most popular with families, and Supersonic, who is the most popular among Texas rednecks and can replace the white speedster of the locomotive.

In addition, there are several students in the Superhuman Academy, they..."

"Okay, no need to say more, I like this Starlight!"

Downton interrupted Ashley directly, and then raised his hand and clicked on Starlight's self-introduction video.

The starlight in the video was a little nervous and a little shy. At the same time, she looked very young and beautiful at the moment.

Looking at Donton's straightforward actions, Ashley nodded in understanding, and then said quickly.

"I will let her rush to the Super Seven Tower tonight. Even if she cannot join the Super Seven immediately, we can train her enough first!"

After the voice fell, Ashley looked at Donton carefully, her eyes full of desire.

How could Donton let her down? He rubbed Ashley's face gently and said at the same time.

"That's really great, Ashley, I'm glad you understand me, dear."

After speaking, Donton patted Ashley's face and motioned her to go down to work. Ashley nodded excitedly and left.

Just like that, not long after, New Jersey.

The phone at Annie's house rang.

Annie, who was having dinner with her mother, answered the phone absent-mindedly and said at the same time.

"Hello, this is Annie Januari, what are you looking for...wait?

What did you say, you are the vice president of the Water Group, and I was selected into the Super Seven?

The lamplighter and the locomotive are about to retire, and I am the next generation...the next generation...the next generation of super...ahhhh!!!"

Suddenly, Annie screamed, and then hugged her mother who rushed to her side with a look of surprise.

After a short hug, Annie let go of her mother belatedly and quickly answered the phone.

"Sorry, I just...anyway, something happened just now, but it's okay now.

Please continue, I'm listening, okay, I want to get to the Super Seven Tower as soon as possible, right, I know.

Tonight? So soon, have you arranged my flight?

I understand, I will leave for the airport right away, please rest assured, I will never let you down!!!"

Soon after, around eight o'clock in the evening.

Annie, wearing a gold and white battle suit, had already arrived in front of the Super Seven Tower that had been urgently repaired.

There are many superpowers in the Water Group. Just pull a few of them to work for half a day, and the Super Seven Tower will quickly return to its previous state.

Originally, Xingguang was still very skeptical about whether the afternoon call was real.

She and her mother have been running in various superhero gatherings in New Jersey for more than ten years, and they have encountered many scammers.

But now, looking at the Super Seven Tower in front of her, Xingguang no longer has any doubts.

When the staff opened the car door for her, she got out of the car nervously and looked excitedly at the large group of people walking towards her.

At the same time, Ashley came to Xingguang with countless staff and grabbed Xingguang's hand.

"The group is very busy today, but I still came to pick you up as soon as possible. I hope you can live up to my efforts."

Ashley said briefly, and then took Xingguang across the carpet at the door.

Around them, countless reporters shouted and asked them questions, praying for a little interview from them.

Facing the flashing lights all over the sky, Xingguang asked Ashley expectantly.

"I really didn't expect it to be me, God, I... I was so happy when I received the call, and my mother was also very happy.

I... Thank you, anyway, thank you very much, I..."

"Is this person your future Super Seven!"

"Did you lose a lot of superheroes today?

"Someone took a photo of the injured Homelander, is that really fake news?

"There are rumors that you have found the ancestors of all superheroes, is it true?"

On the side, countless reporters interrupted Xingguang's words, making Xingguang close her mouth awkwardly.

At this moment, Ashley suddenly turned around and squeezed Xingguang's hand heavily.


She said very seriously.

"Can I call you that?"

"Of course... I can."

"Well, listen carefully, Annie.

No matter what, you must not anger the ancestors, absolutely not!"

After the voice fell, Ashley let go of Annie and continued to lead her to the Super Seven Tower.

As they walked, Annie suppressed her suddenly rising nervousness and asked Ashley carefully.

"I don't quite understand... Ancestor... Who is Ancestor? I've never heard of this name?

Is he a new superhero?

Yes, you said on the phone that the lamplighter and the engine have retired, so Ancestor is a newcomer like me..."

"Shut up!!!"

Ashley interrupted Xingguang fiercely, and then said to Xingguang heavily.

"Tomorrow, you can attend the press conference after the reorganization of the Super Seven.

As for today, the other members of the Super Seven have also prepared a small welcome ceremony for you.

Aren't you curious about who the ancestor is? You will meet him in a while!

Remember, respect the ancestors as you respect God, remember!!!"

After the voice fell, Ashley looked at Xingguang deeply, and then finally took her to the meeting room of the Super Seven.

Looking at the V-shaped table in front, Xingguang swallowed nervously, and Ashley pressed her to her seat.

"Others have already known that you are here. Wait a moment, they will come to see you."

After that, Ashley left straight away, leaving Xingguang sitting there alone.

While nervously fiddling with her cape, Xingguang looked around excitedly. Is this the group of the world's greatest superheroes?

Is he really joining the Super Seven?

Thinking about it, Xingguang couldn't help rubbing his face with happiness.

At this moment, the door of the Super Seven meeting room was suddenly pushed open.

Xingguang immediately stood up nervously and said to the cold-faced man in front.

"Oh my God, you are... Sorry, I seem to... Wait, you are the invisible man!

Sorry, sorry, I didn't react at the first time, I... I am Xingguang, very happy..."

"Hehe, I hope you can be as happy as before after tonight, idiot!"

The invisible man scolded Xingguang disdainfully, and then went to his seat in silence.

After sitting down, the invisible man nervously pressed his legs. He had to restrain himself strongly to prevent himself from being scared out of control of his legs.

At the same time, Xingguang was also frightened by the invisible man.

"Sorry, I don't understand, you mean..."


The door was pushed open again, and Queen Maeve walked in slowly.

"You are Queen Maeve. Oh my god, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but the tickets for your interview are as expensive as those for my countrymen. I can't afford it!

I am Xingguang. I am honored to appear with you in..."


After interrupting the excited Xingguang, Maeve shook her head gently, then came to Xingguang and pressed Xingguang back to her seat.

"Relax a little, girl, maybe you won't be as bad as before.

Although they are all afraid of the ancestors, I know what kind of people the ancestors are better than them. You will be fine, child."

After saying that, Queen Maeve patted Xingguang's shoulder again in encouragement, and then sat down in her seat.

However, although Queen Maeve was encouraging herself, Xingguang couldn't help but become more nervous.

She swallowed hard, and then asked Queen Maeve carefully.

"I... Can I know what you are talking about?

I don't understand a little bit, sorry, I..."


The door that was pushed open again interrupted Xingguang's questioning.

Seeing Shen Hai walking in step by step with unusually steady steps, Xing Guang quickly stood up again and greeted Shen Hai nervously.

"Hello, I'm Xing Guang, I..."

"Shut up!!!"

Shen Hai suddenly scolded Xing Guang, and then he sat in his seat straight like an obedient elementary school student.

And Shen Hai's ruthless scolding also made Xing Guang swallow hard.

She was getting more and more scared!!!

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