Near the Super Seven Tower, Billy Butcher, with a messy beard and an old black coat, was walking around the roadside in a melancholy manner.

Although the news on the Internet came and went quickly, he had already used specific software to capture enough videos related to the Super Seven.

He saw with his own eyes that the locomotive smashed him into a pile of minced meat.

He also witnessed with his own eyes that Homelander had his limbs twisted off alive!

Although the perpetrator was still a damned superhuman, all this still made him uncontrollably excited.

Because in his opinion, the superhumans were about to have a complete internal conflict!

He didn't think that Downton would be a guy who suddenly appeared and ran a lone gang. He thought that Downton was one of another group of superheroes recruited by a new superhero company.

Then, during the period when Downton's company and the Vought Group were at war, he could fish in troubled waters more conveniently.

Even, he might be able to take advantage of the chaos to kill a few superheroes, and even guys like the Super Seven might die at his hands!

Just thinking about that scene, Billy couldn't control his hands.

Since his wife suddenly disappeared after meeting Homelander eight years ago, he has hated superheroes for eight years!

Eight years.

Do you know how he spent these eight years!


Just when Billy thought that the world of superhumans would be in chaos, the Super Seven Tower inexplicably became quiet.

The video that Billy captured was quickly hacked and disappeared, and the Vought Group actually publicly released the hero trailer of the ancestor!

Although it was just a trailer and the media's prediction of the members of the new Super Seven, how could Billy not understand the twists and turns in it.

So, the fucking ancestor actually became a member of the Super Seven in reverse after almost killing the locomotive and Homelander?

Isn't this the reverse of Tiangang? ! !

In this way, Billy walked around the Super Seven Tower for a long time in frustration.

He was unwilling to see a big chaos disappear invisibly.

He was even more unwilling to see the revenge opportunity that was within his reach disappear like this.

So he waited and waited, and he actually got a chance.

He couldn't catch up with the locomotive that left at a high speed before, but the invisible man who left the Super Seven Tower for the first time without being invisible actually bumped into his face.

According to the invisible man's previous habits, it was difficult for Billy to successfully track the invisible man.

But tonight, somehow, the invisible man was so distracted that he didn't care about his tracking at all.

So much so that he actually followed the locomotive and the claw woman's home!

After watching the locomotive follow the invisible man out of the house, and the claw woman nervously came out to see him off.

Looking at the claw woman who kissed the locomotive passionately, Billy finally found a new target.

He actually found the secret residence of a member of the Super Seven by chance!

In this way, Billy drove his broken car and lurked, deciding to waste some time on the demon claw woman.

He would never give up, he must find his lover, must!

Because when he lost his lover, he no longer had a heart.

At the same time, in the Super Seven Tower, Donton smiled and put his feet on the table, watching Maeve beside him and comforting Starlight softly.

Starlight held Maeve's hand and kept muttering in shame.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, I... I actually... really gave in.

I didn't expect... No, no, no, I mean, I should have thought that this was just a trial.

You are heroes, how could heroes do such a thing to me, I was stupid, I didn't trust you firmly!"

At this point, Starlight, while frustrated, quietly separated the palms that covered her eyes, letting her sight through the fingers fall on Donton.

Noticing Starlight's sight, Donton sneered, and then clapped his hands gently.

"Haha, I hope you can grow from my education, little girl.

But I still have to remind you that there are still many things that can shock you in the future. You have to learn to understand, accept, and try to change everything more resolutely!"

After the voice fell, Donton slapped the table heavily.

"And you, fuck!"

Just when Donton cursed here, the locomotive happened to open the door and walked in.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he heard Donton cursing, so the locomotive's legs softened and he knelt down with a plop.


Listening to the sound of the locomotive's knee hitting the floor, Xingguang put down his hand in astonishment, and then swallowed heavily.

"First... Ancestor, this is also... a new lesson you prepared for me?"

"New, and you, locomotive, if you can't take care of your legs, I will take them off and shove them into the lower body of the supersonic, fuck!

Hurry up and stand up, get up!!!"


The locomotive stood up straight in horror.


Xingguang was also frightened and stood up, looking at Donton nervously.

Looking at the two nervous people, Donton rolled his eyes in frustration, and then pressed his palm helplessly.

"Okay, sit down, don't be startled.

Look at their motherland..."


"Ancestor, I'm here, what is your fate..."

"I ordered your mother to make Fake, sit down!!!"

Donton was angry and laughed and asked the upright Homelander to sit down, and then continued to talk to the nervous Starlight again.

"I want to praise the motherland..."

"I'm here!"

"Shut your damn mouth!"


Homelander quickly shut his mouth, then stared at Donton nervously, ready to deal with any situation at any time.

At the same time, Donton continued helplessly.

"I want to praise the motherland... Shut up!

OK, very good, this is the stability we need, Homelander, don't be startled, you are superheroes!

Damn it, I'm a super villain, do you want me, a villain, to teach you how to be a hero?"


On the side, Starlight couldn't help laughing, and Donton glared at her unhappily when he heard her laughter.

"Sorry, can you be a super villain?

Super villains won't teach me the truths you said. You are a real good person, Mr. Ancestor~"

Facing Downton's gaze, Xingguang said with a smile, and nervously held out her mobile phone to Downton.

"So, can I add your contact information?

If I encounter something I don't understand in the future...I mean, if I encounter something I don't understand when I fight crime, can I...can I ask you for help?"

Speaking of this, Xingguang looked at Downton nervously, and her face also had a little more shyness.

Looking at Xingguang with a slightly rosy face, Downton was really stunned for a moment.

This is the first time that a woman has taken the initiative to ask for contact information since he traveled through time!

At the same time, Xingguang seemed to have made up her mind. She walked to Downton in small steps and shared her Twitter page with Downton with a blushing face.

Seeing this, Downton took a deep breath, then added Xingguang as a friend, and finally patted the back of Xingguang's hand.

"If it's not too much trouble, I might not mind helping you with something.

Not just you, but all of you, guys.

As long as you do well, I will certainly be your strongest backer!"

At this point, Donton put his mobile phone on the table.

"Come here and add my contact information, but it's okay even if there is no contact information.

If you bastards need me, call my name anywhere, and I will rush there as soon as possible.

Of course, you have to make sure that after I arrive, the first person I want to kill is not you!

In short, you can take care of it yourself, hehe."

After that, Donton asked everyone to leave their contact information.

Homelander was the first to rush to Donton's mobile phone, but just when he stood in front of the mobile phone, Shenhai squeezed him hard!

Homelander staggered because of Shenhai's squeeze, but before he could show his fierce face, he was stared at by Donton's eyes that were ten thousand times more fierce!


After swallowing hard, the Homelander pointed at Shenhai and said to Donton with grievance.

"He... he didn't line up!"

"Well done, Homelander!"

Hearing what Homelander said, Donton nodded with satisfaction, and then kicked Shenhai, who was trying to get a seat, to the side.

At this moment, Homelander, who got the first place, suddenly showed a feeling of surprise.

Somehow, he actually felt... this feeling of reporting to others and getting fair care was great!

Just like... just like the lonely self finally got a father's care.

That was the feeling of fatherly love!

Although this kind of fatherly love came fiercely and heavily...

But Homelander actually looked forward to the next time~

Everyone wait, there is still one chapter.

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