Seeing that there was suddenly one more person on the stage, the audience seats around the arena suddenly became noisy.

Many people even raised their hands and shouted excitedly.

"Kill him, haha!"

"Someone broke in, he will become a meat pie, exciting!"

"Tear him apart!"

"This guy who can teleport is dead!"

"Asian, you are finished, you will definitely die miserably!"

"Damn, why did someone break in, but this is really fucking exciting!"

"You are going to die in the hands of Jin Tong!!!"

Listening to the cheers around him, Donton looked around with a smile.

On his left, the shocked Jin Tong seemed to want to stop, but he could no longer control the speed of his explosion.

And his body burning with thermonuclear flames was getting closer and closer to Donton!

At the same time, on Donton's right, the female Li Jordan looked at her hands in despair, because she had released a shock wave that was enough to push away hundreds of tons of objects!

In the eyes of the two of them, Donton might be killed by them by mistake!

Noticing the shock and fear on the faces of the two young men, Donton nodded gently.

Compared with the adult bastards in the Super Seven, although these little kids also have a lot of shitty things, they are much better than adult heroes.

At least their values ​​can be saved.

Thinking of this, Donton smiled and stretched out his hands.

While holding Jin Tong's neck tightly with his left hand, Donton's right hand slapped Li Jordan's shock wave hard!


With the sound of the explosion, Li Jordan's shock wave was completely dispersed, and Donton simply carried Jin Tong and continued to rush towards Li Jordan!

Before Li Jordan's exclamation had dissipated and Jin Tong had no time to struggle, Donton had already swung Jin Tong's body and smashed Jin Tong's ass, which was comparable to Schwarzenegger, towards Li Jordan!




Accompanied by the screams of the audience around him, Jin Tong's butt, who had to fight naked because his clothes were burned by the thermonuclear flames..., especially his hairy sea cucumber that looked like it was on fire, was picked up by Donton and smashed hard into Li Jordan's face!

Looking at the hairy sea cucumber that was getting closer and closer to her face...

Female Li Jordan widened her eyes in astonishment, and her mouth suddenly opened.


Just after she shouted the word "no", Li Jordan's face was finally hit hard by Jin Tong's lower body, and she flew backwards uncontrollably.

At the same time, Donton gently pulled Li Jordan's direction with his empty right hand.

Li Jordan only felt his body heavy, and then he came to Donton's hand!

When Donton grabbed Li Jordan's neck, Jin Tong was still struggling there, trying to elbow Donton, and by the way, he was also planning to kick Donton's lower body.

As Jin Tong continued to struggle, the thermonuclear flames also burned on Downton, and Downton's clothes soon turned to ashes.

At this moment, the sweet girl Emma in the audience widened her eyes in amazement!

What good luck did I have? I tried my luck to find... How could the first sugar daddy in my life be so strong, handsome and strong, and he was also a new foreigner I had never dated before!

I was so lucky. My sugar daddy must be a senior executive of the Water Group, or even a member of the new Super Seven?

God, I'm going to be rich. Whether it's my life or my nightlife, I'm afraid they will all become rich! ! !

Thinking of this, Emma looked at Downton's naked body greedily.

But Emma just took a look, and she didn't even see Downton's sea cucumber clearly.

A cloud of gray mist suddenly spread from Downton's waist, and the mist gathered in an instant, eventually forming a pair of trousers.

Seeing that what she expected was blocked, Emma sighed with regret, and many regretful voices were heard around.

At the same time, Donton slammed the heads in his hands together fiercely.


Li Jordan's face immediately hit the back of Jin Tong's head, and I don't know which of them would be more painful.

In short, when the shock wave from the head collision dissipated, Jin Tong and Li Jordan both fainted.

Seeing that the two young men were completely unconscious, Donton shook them like bacon, and then threw them aside.

"Okay, guys, come and clean the floor, haha!"

He called the various assistants around him and asked them to take Li Jordan and Jin Tong to the audience, while he raised his hands to the students around him with his upper body naked.

Clap, clap!

He clapped his hands above his head, and while clapping, he spoke loudly to the people around him.

"Nice to meet you, little ghosts. I am the ancestor, and I am also the superhero who will replace the lamplighter to join the Super Seven!

Cheer for me!

By the way, I have a piece of news for you. Not only did I replace the lamplighter to join the Super Seven, but I also replaced Homelander and became the captain of the Super Seven!"

After the voice fell, Downton continued to clap his hands rhythmically above his head, and at the same time listened to the unbelievable voices of the children in the audience.

If Downton was just a new member of the Super Seven, the little ghosts would not be so surprised.

But replacing Homelander as the captain...

This news not only shocked the surrounding students, but also made many students feel dissatisfied!

Because who in this academy is not a fan of the motherland?

Listening to the boos around him that gradually overwhelmed the cheers, Donton grinned, then put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked southwest.

Facing Donton's sight, the soldier boy was slowly walking from the tree-lined road.

As he walked, he looked at Donton from a distance, then raised his right hand without a shield and gestured a middle finger to Donton.

Seeing this, Donton sneered and raised his hands, responding to the soldier boy's gesture with a double middle finger.

Watching Donton's actions in the arena, the students in the audience couldn't help but look in the direction Donton pointed.

"Hey? Who is that?"

"That guy is quite stylish!"

"Strange, why do I feel a little familiar?"

"Wait, he is... Soldier Boy, I have seen him in many old movies!"

"Damn, Soldier Boy is still alive, I have seen his old promotional videos!"

"Oh my God!"

"What is going on!"

Accompanied by the students' exclamations, Soldier Man came to the arena and overthrew the security guard who was approaching him.

Then, he jumped violently, directly crossing a distance of hundreds of meters, and landed in front of Downton.


With the standard superhero landing action, the floor of the arena was immediately damaged, and Soldier Man supported the ground with a shield, and then slowly straightened his body.

He looked at the surprised students around him and then said to Downton.

"There was no such thing in my time. Kids nowadays are so damn lucky.

In my war era, kids couldn't even get enough food, so how could they be so full to come here to watch your so-called performance?

They only watch posters and movies of war heroes like me. Man, you are far worse than me!"


Listening to what the soldier said, Donton laughed disdainfully, and then strode towards the soldier boy.

When he stood opposite the soldier boy, he got close to the soldier boy's face, stared into the soldier boy's eyes and said.

"You have never been to Normandy, soldier, you just fucking filmed in the studio for two weeks.

As for you entering Berlin?

Hehe, do you think I don't know, you fucking just wandered around Berlin that surrendered..."


The soldier boy raised his right hand suddenly and slapped Donton's face hard!

His expression also became distorted in an instant!

And Donton.

While raising his hand to grab the soldier boy's wrist, Donton swung his right hand, and his slap directly hit the soldier boy's face with a violent shock wave!


While the airflow and dust around were repelled by the shock wave, the soldier's face tilted to one side uncontrollably.

After resisting the slap, the soldier raised his head with a gloomy face and said to Donton word by word.

"Maybe, there are always true and false things in the past, but I know that at least one thing is true!

Forty years of torture, forty years of pain and loneliness, forty years of brainwashing and control, and I took it all!

Why am I not a hero, just because I was a coward?

But not now!

Because when I have endured even forty years of torture and pain, but still didn't let the damn Soviet Union get anything they wanted!

Listen carefully, ancestor!

I! I am a true hero!!!"

There are still four chapters, I am writing, bosses, please wait~

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