Carrying Hawkgirl's body, Downton quickly landed on the ground.


Accompanied by the rising earth waves, Downton quickly showed Hawkgirl's body to Selina and said at the same time.

"Selina, take a quick look, otherwise you won't be able to see anything in a while!

If you don't see the enemy's appearance clearly, I'm afraid that your foot injury will recover and you won't be able to breathe, haha!"

As Downton laughed, Hawkgirl's body quickly turned into ashes, and their armor and weapons were waiting to continue their reincarnation with them.

Looking at Hawkgirl's dissipated body, Selina smiled and stretched out her hand to Downton.

Downton grabbed Selina's hand and held her in his arms, and put the helmet of destiny on Selina's belly.

At the same time, Bruce landed in front of Downton and Selina.

As soon as his armor landed, the leg armor became loose and immediately looked like it would fall apart.

He waited for the armor to creak continuously, and then finally opened it with difficulty and got out of the armor.

After staggering two steps, Bruce took a deep breath, then raised his head and said to Donton expressionlessly.

"Can't you... stay up late occasionally in the future?"

"What do you care about me?"

Donton responded unhappily, then turned to look at the unconscious Victor.

Take a closer look, wow!

This guy must have been hit by Hawkman or Hawkgirl, and dozens of ribs were broken almost in half.

He is still alive, is it purely because of his villain attributes that he is hanging on to his life?

While thinking, Donton pouted at everyone.

"Okay, it's almost over, who can come and save my guy.

If it's delayed for another hour, he will probably die, and now at least he can be rescued~"


On the side, Lex nodded.

"Without the enemy's obstruction, I asked Pierce to fly the plane over.

There are medical equipment and health systems on the plane."

"That's it."

Downton nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the spire beside him.

"Xiao Zatanna, how long will it take to clean up?"

"Very soon, just a few minutes!

I fought the enemy all night last night. Although we were in a stalemate, we are both familiar with this spire.

As long as there is no hindrance, Dr. Bad Fate and I can wipe out this spire in a very short time.

And as long as the spire is gone, the zombies wandering in Washington will lose the source of their vengeful spirit power and become ordinary corpses!"

After the voice fell, Zatanna wiped the blood from the corner of her eyes and operated quickly.

While she was operating, Bruce looked coldly at the golden helmet on Selina's belly in Downton's arms.

After a glance, he said harshly.

"Don, you should have hidden this helmet or destroyed it the night you destroyed Wayne Building!

This disaster was caused by this helmet. It's too scary for a bad guy to get such a powerful force!

Look at what Washington is like now, and how many innocent people have died, all because someone got Dr. Fate's helmet and even wanted to go a step further and set a trap for you!

I have to suspect that they want to get your power. You are terrible, but you shouldn't be slaughtered like you are now.

And if your power appears in someone who is far more of a jerk than you, like the two birdmen and the evil Dr. Fate today.

Then maybe the world will really be destroyed!"

After the voice fell, Bruce looked at Don with a slightly reproachful look.

And Don, he was slightly startled, and then he tried his best to endure, endure.

Noticing Don's expression, Bruce frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Are you going to laugh, Don!

This is the lives of millions of people, damn it, how can you still laugh!"

"Sorry, hahahaha, I can't help it!

It's my fault hahahaha, I'm so fucking heartless hahaha, but I really can't help it!"

While laughing, Don waved his hands to everyone with difficulty.

Seeing Don like this, Bruce snorted in dissatisfaction, and then came to the unconscious Victor and checked his ribs.

After confirming the injury, he repeatedly moved his hands on Victor's chest, and Victor's bones immediately made a series of creaking sounds.

"Uh ah ah ah I fuck your whole family ah ah ah!!!"

Victor was awakened by the pain, and then cursed instinctively.

While he struggled, Bruce held him down hard and said to him.

"Hold on, I know every bone in the human body, I can correct the ribs that can still be saved for you."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, hiss!!!"

Victor's body was sweating all over, and then he tried his best to endure the pain that kept coming, until Bruce let go of his hand, he finally exhaled with difficulty.

"This really hurts!"

"Pain means you're still alive, man, as long as you're alive, there's hope."

Looking at Victor crying out in pain, Bruce patted his chest gently, and then stood up again.

At the same time, Clark had also come to Downton.

Looking at Downton hugging Selina and kissing her, Clark blushed a little.

Downton spit out Selina's tongue that was chasing him, and nodded to Clark with a smile.

"Haha, the little ghost who was relying on his parents is willing to go out and find a job?

It just so happens that you can find a job here. It’s hard to find a job here, with an annual income of at least several billion, haha~"


After listening to Downton's words, Clark lowered his head and asked softly.

"Have you known about my... I mean... my specialness before?"

"Of course I know."

Downton decisively gave an affirmative answer, then sneered and said mockingly.

“When I first arrived at your house, your mother screamed in fear.

As a result, you rushed more than 140 meters in a fucking instant, rushed from the farm to the kitchen, and even trampled on the floor. Do you think I am blind? "

"Then how did you..."

Clark couldn't help but ask immediately, but he stopped mid-question.

Looking at Clark who was only half speaking, Downton grinned.

"What am I doing?

Why didn't you disclose your specialness?

Why didn't I use these to blackmail you?

Stop farting, Clark, I'm not a fucking bad guy. Don't you know after today? "


After listening to Downton's words, Clark nodded heavily and continued.

"If I only read the comics, then I really think that every Doctor Fate is at least absolutely decent.

But today, a decent guy like Dr. Destiny in comics has done something so evil, using the lives of millions of people in a city as a trap, just to catch you or us!

The evil Dr. Fate..."

"Pfft hahaha!"

"Uh...why are you laughing?"

Clark looked at Downton who suddenly laughed suspiciously and asked.

Downton pouted in a funny way.

"It's okay, you continue."

"Oh, the evil Dr. Fate and the others..."

"Pfft hahaha, can you repeat it twice more? I feel so happy listening to it haha!

Forget it, you can handle the rest here, I can't stay here anymore.

Because I'm afraid of laughing myself to death!

What an evil Dr. Fate, I really like this sentence so much, it’s so damn counter-intuitive to Tiangang!

You guys get busy, I'm taking Selina back for treatment. After you're done, we'll hold a banquet tonight to celebrate our victory, and Clark will have to come too! "

Having said this, Downton held Selina's butt with his left hand, and threw the Naboo helmet towards Bruce with his right hand.

While Bruce was catching the helmet, he continued.

"As for this helmet, it's up to you and Lex to keep it. I'm not worried about your IQ. Guys like Naboo can't play with your minds and souls.

After I sent Selina home, I continued to travel. Let's see you in the evening. "

Having said this, Downton immediately wanted to leave.

But just before Downton left, Clark quickly rushed to say the last thing to Downton.

"Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet, what I want to say is.

Perhaps those people you just killed should be punished by law, and they themselves should realize their sins in more lasting pain.

Your behavior is too extreme. What is the difference between you and the person you killed? "

"I never said there was any difference between me and them. If you can, stop me or just kill me, bastard~"

Downton laughed and scolded back, and then disappeared into the flames with Selina.

There are two chapters left, bosses, wait a moment.

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