
Nick Fury was stunned.

What legend?

Dr. Serizawa spread his hands: "To be honest, it was indeed them who made the move, after all, it was a native institution of England, but it broke up with the royal family at the end of the twentieth century for some reason. "


Co-authored England also has a lore weapon, and then they threw it away for themselves?

Nick Fury said he couldn't figure out the situation.

"Wow. "

Dr. Serizawa pointed to the video, "Here it is." "



Gunshots rang out.

An airship was hit directly, then fell, turning into a large fireball that smashed a tall building into collapse.

It was a tall building that had survived.

A blonde girl in a dark green military uniform and short skirt, white stockings, and scarlet eyes.

Of course.

The most shocking thing should be her gear.

It was an artillery device mounted on a tank that had no sense of disobedience, and at this time it was held like a pistol, and then bullets were fired.


It's a bit wrong to say it's a bullet.

More accurately, it is a horror thing that is larger than a cannonball, and it exerts more firepower than modern missiles.

"Silas. "

A very calm voice sounded behind her.

A dark-skinned beauty with long hair and eyes and a cigar in her mouth took a deep breath.

"Although it is no longer a Hellsing institution belonging to England, it is the motherland after all, and...

Or the man-made races of the night. "

She stretched out her hand and pointed into the distance: "Deal with all, before Accardo arrives, let's get rid of some of the miscellaneous soldiers." "

"Yes. "


"me, these two beauties..."

"Wait, wait, that blonde beauty... It's a vampire too!".

"Whatever, as long as it can be solved. "

"It doesn't matter if it's a black cat or a white cat, it's a good cat to catch a mouse. "

"In the current situation in London, do you still have a choice?"

The crowd was in an uproar.

After all, Silas's vampire characteristics are still relatively obvious, and everyone is not stupid, so they can't see anything.

It's just....

Who cares about that now!


Silas moved.

Behind her, the cannon called Vladimir roared, and all the recoil was taken together, unable to shake her body.

And the airships in the distance fell one by one.

In the end, only the last one remained.

It was the airship where the major was.

He himself stood on top of the airship, looked at the two girls on top of the tall building, and smiled.


Hellsing's Intergula, and Silas, who was supposed to inherit the vampire king's position.

Doctor, he's coming.

Hahaha! He's finally coming!".

"I want to..."

The doctor advised, "Major, you should go in first, we should land the airship." "

"You're right. "

The Major snapped his fingers: "After all, it is the equipment built by that organization that can already penetrate our position defenses, and it is impossible to destroy the final stage." "



"Does anyone know who this war madman is talking about?".

"Hell knows!".

"Vampire King, that's a pretty cool name!".

"Ahh I'm still curious about what's going to happen next, it looks like the Salvation Organization is already in place, isn't it?".



Nick Fury began to question Dr. Qin Bai Xiaosheng and Dr. Ze.

"Do you know who he is talking about?".

"You also know him, or rather, have heard of his name. "


Nick Fury's mind flashed with a lot of names.

Or Hill thought more simply, and thought of a possibility: "You mean... Dracula?".

"That's right, that's what everyone seems to call him all along. "

"However, he now calls himself ..."



The sea is approaching London.

Tony frowned as he looked at the man in his red coat and wide-brimmed hat standing on top of his Mark4 armor.


And the huge coffin behind him.

"Is this your name?".

Just before, the man fell from the sky and told him to take a ride.

And the light curtain also happened to transform the scene to him.


If he didn't know that this person was a key player, then he would have lost this brain.

However, Jarvis was speaking in his ear at the right time.

"Sir, if Alucard is lined up from behind, it's Dracula.

Accardo is Dracula's palindromic word. "


Tony has a hemp claw.

How could he not know the name?

The source of the vampire culture that is rampant to this day.

Crowned as the ancestor of vampires....


According to the current situation of the light curtain, vampires are real, so this status can be said to be certain!

Its name is based on the famous piercing man.


Tony was a little stunned at this point.


With his character, how could he make it easy for the other party to hitchhike?

But who called himself armor was torn apart directly.

That Tony can also be very hospitable.

"Just call me Accardo. "

Accardo grinned, well... A grin with sharp teeth.

"It's really unpleasant that that war maniac came out. "

"Have you had a festival with each other?"

"A little. "

Accardo said casually, "He killed me a few times, I killed him once." No, as I look at now, I could have seriously injured him that time. "

Killed a few times....

This guy is taking his life too seriously!

Not true....

A question popped into Tony's mind.

Vampires are undead and have extremely strong resilience, why...

How many times did this person say that he was killed?

Resurrection Coins?

"It's time for the location. "


Tony came back to his senses and looked ahead.

I saw a bullet flashing silver coming towards me.


That's Rip's Magic Bullet!

It's time for Rip to fight the X-Men!


"Dracula is all out?".

"Hey, hey, it's not going to be Cain next, is it?"

"Wait, why do you think of Cain and want me to say Judas? "

"I mean, shouldn't you care about Iron Man? he can't be shot by a magic bullet, right?"

"Should... Wouldn't it?".

There was a lot of talking.

And a certain castle on the European continent.

Dracula looked at the thin and tall man in the light curtain, dressed in a fashion-forward manner, and was a little confused.

"No, if he's Dracula, then who am I?".

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