American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 60: Satisfied Frederick (Seeking Flowers, 12 More)

With his super brain and Telepathy Ability, he can communicate with hundreds of millions of people at the same time.

Now I just watch the news while making deals with tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands of people outside, and only a few thousand people, which is nothing at all.

Xu Hong naturally knew of Frederick and the others' arrival immediately.

At the same time, the Telepathy Ability also reads all their memories in an instant~.

Let Xu Hong understand their purpose -.

Frederick, the villain in Resident Evil: Deterioration, is a villain who is smart but has no B character.

In the end of the movie, he was caught by Leon and sent to prison.

The ending is not bad, at least he didn't die, but was sent to prison.

Because of his appearance, the plot of Biohazard and Deterioration changed drastically.

The original plot collapsed directly.

Even Xu Hong was a little surprised by the sweeping operation done by Frederick.

This guy actually got John's money into his own account, and then ran to trade with him immediately.

As long as the money is spent, not only will John and the others not get the money back, they will become paupers, and the situation where John and the others retaliated against him at will will be directly reversed.

I have to say, this guy is pretty flamboyant.

As for the fairness for John and the others, return the money Frederick got to them.

Xu Hong didn't have the idea of ​​doing this.

Who do business with or not?

He didn't have the idea of ​​picking a trader. Come to him, no matter who you are, or even if you are not a human being, as long as you have money, you can trade with him.

As for how the money came from, Xu Hong didn't care.

Xu Hong and John are not friends, they are just ordinary business relationships.

He didn't have time to help them host the 'fairness'.

This world is inherently unfair, just as ordinary people worry about money, rice, oil and salt, but they have money that ordinary people may not necessarily spend in a hundred lifetimes.

is this fair

Out of ten rich people, how many rich people have completely clean money?

For people like John and others, Xu Hong will not have any sympathy.

That guy Frederick is very smart, his first choice of trade is to get someone who can't kill him easily, and let him have a certain ability to fight back.

Second, the technology to optimize the G virus, and finally, the lifespan-enhancing drug.

There are three requirements in total.

But Xu Hong only satisfied him two.

He wants others to not be able to kill him easily, and also has a certain ability to fight back.

Xu Hong directly gave him a Wolverine serum.

This thing is in the system, and the price is 750 million U.S. dollars. He charged him 100 billion U.S. dollars, isn't it too much?

He wants the optimization technology of the G virus, which is a bit more expensive in the system, it costs 1.2 billion U.S. dollars, and he charges him 100 billion U.S. dollars, isn't it too much?

Two hundred billion US dollars was spent in one go.

Xu Hong naturally couldn't satisfy the third condition.

As for being black-hearted, Xu Hong didn't think he was black-hearted, because without him, even if Frederick had money, he wouldn't be able to buy these good things.

Using space magic, he directly sent what Frederick asked for.

Definitely, it also comes with an instruction manual and the price of the item.

At the same time, the system also directly deducted 200 billion U.S. dollars from Frederick's account and added it to Xu Hong's system account.

the other side.

"I can only satisfy two of your deals, because your funds are only enough for me to satisfy your two conditions." Xu Hong's voice sounded in Frederick's brain.

This is the first time he has personally come into contact with the god Xu Hong.

How should I put it, it was shocking.

He could say with certainty that Xu Hong's voice sounded in his head.

Is this something normal people can do?

This has been completely divorced from science and has become metaphysics.

And, as most people say, Xu Hong can know what these people are thinking.

So Xu Hong must know what he did before.

Although mentally prepared.

But he was relieved that Xu Hong didn't 'meddle in his own business'.

What follows is happiness.

Because he closed the deal.

A golden light suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, followed by a circle of light, and a hand stretched out from it.

Two things were dropped.

A red potion, and a stack of materials.

At the top of the information, there is an instruction manual.

The instructions are clearly for the red potion.

It marked the method of using the potion and the changes the potion would bring to him.

When the Wolverine serum is injected, he will gain a near-undead super Self-healing recovery ability.

You will have wolf-like wild intuition and fighting instincts. Besides, your strength, speed, and spirit will also be much higher than ordinary people.

And he will gain a lifespan of hundreds of years, and he will always be young.

As far as this effect is concerned, 100 billion US dollars, he thinks it is worth the money.

And the optimization technology of the G virus, in his opinion, is also worth 100 billion US dollars.

Because the optimized G virus can be used to develop many drugs, once these drugs come out.

Enough to make him earn a lot of money.

In general, 200 billion is worth the money.

Then the three guys who came with him traded with the remaining more than 60 billion US dollars.

...asking for flowers...

This is what was said before.

More than 60 billion US dollars is not a small amount.

After the three of them divided equally, they all traded something they were satisfied with.

the other side.

Curtis, who has turned into a monster, has gone completely mad. At the moment, he has destroyed more than half of the villas in the rich district.

And because it ate a lot of people.

This guy's current size has reached more than forty meters high.

Has grown into a real behemoth.

Looking from a distance, people can feel the fear of biological instinct.

People are afraid of things that are bigger than themselves.

The most troublesome thing is that this guy can't solve it at all.

But John and the others managed to escape from here.

After all, the rescuers who came this time drove a total of more than ten helicopters.

Because the rescuers who came were not a person's private security armed.

Among the eight people, six had their own private security forces, and this time five personal security forces came.

many people.

So there are many helicopters coming.

Even a few were destroyed by Curtis.

They still have spare planes.

It wasn't hard to take John and them away.

John and the others were embarrassed when they left, and they were in a bad mood when they left.

After all, after going through such a bad thing, it's strange to feel better.

But they don't know that there is an even bigger bad thing waiting for them.

After leaving the rich area by plane, they quickly received calls from major banks.

A big thunderbolt hit all of them directly on the head.

That was their bank account, and the money was transferred.

And it turned away with nothing left.

This news directly broke the defense of John and others.

One by one, they cursed at the other end of the phone, scolding them why they didn't keep their money.

The answer from the other party was that after the other party transferred the money to an account, their bank immediately froze that account.

But after freezing, the money finally disappeared.

Not only the amount in the bank card, but also the cash in the bank disappeared by more than 200 billion.

Definitely, it's not all cash, but some gold and some valuable gems.

And can do this kind of thing that makes things disappear out of thin air.

Currently in the world, only one person can do it.

That is the god Xu Hong.

Obviously, someone used their money to trade with that god and spent all their money.

All of them have become paupers. .

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