American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 76: You Are Still A Magician (Seeking Flowers, 2 More)

"You already know my physical problems, how are you going to solve my physical problems?" Wait until Little Pepper leaves.

Tony asked directly.

He has already confessed his love to Little Pepper. Although the two are not married yet, their relationship has grown further.

Tony was worried about what was wrong with his body.

"This is very simple."

Xu Hong walked up to Tony.

The latter just watched Xu Hong stretch out his hand and pressed it on his chest.

In the next second, the arc-shaped reactor device on his chest was ripped out by Xu Hong.

The sudden jump made Tony jump.

Without the magnetism of the arc reactor, the metal in the body is attracted.

Tony felt bad all of a sudden.

But this uncomfortable feeling didn't last for a few seconds.

Xu Hong's hand suddenly glowed with fluorescent green.

Green envelops him in it.

He "850" found that the pain in his chest disappeared instantly.

The fatigue on the body is also swept away in an instant.

In fact, his waist was not good before, and he would feel sore after sitting for a long time.

But now, the soreness is gone.

The green light disappeared, and he looked down at his chest.

The original hole on the chest has disappeared, but new skin has grown.

He looked as if he hadn't been injured.

"Dude, what are you?" Tony was stunned.

He didn't expect Xu Hong to have such an ability.

"Did I tell you I'm still a magician?"

"You just said that."

"Unexpectedly, you are still a magician." Tony was amazed.

Xu Hong is definitely a magician, the power of a spell is the power of magic.

This is a magical power that is close to a rule, very powerful.

This is because Xu Hong deliberately controlled the power of the horse charm.

Otherwise Tony wouldn't need it for a few seconds.

It can be recovered in an instant.

"Thanks, I feel like I've never been better."

"By the way, where are those iron sheets? They can't be still in my body."

"Definitely no, why, you still want to stay as a souvenir?"

Tony shook his head hastily.

"I'm not that interested."

"I thought you wanted to keep that thing as a souvenir, but even if you wanted to, I can't help you get it back. I've already thrown it into the Pacific Ocean."


Xu Hong's words sound pompous.

If someone else tells him this, if he believes it, then he has a brain problem.

But this was said by Xu Hong, but it was inexplicably believable.

"By the way, you said to help me upgrade my armor, how do you plan to help me upgrade."

As for his Mark armor, Tony has actually upgraded it.

The current mark armor, he has been updated to the 12th generation, with many more functions.

But if you want to say how much your strength has improved, there is actually no.

After all, the Mark Armor is an outer armor. When the material remains the same, it can add limited weapons, and the improvement in defense is also very limited.

The energy of the arc reactor and the endurance Ability it can provide also determine that even if the Mark Armor is upgraded in Tony's hands, it cannot be improved much.

As for Tony's arrogance.

Being suppressed a lot by Xu Hong, his arrogance was also suppressed.

At least in front of Xu Hong, he couldn't be proud at all.

To Xu Hong, Tony just said one word, convincing.

Take it heartily.

"I know there is a material, if you use it to build your armor, it can increase the defense of your armor by at least dozens of times."

"Ten times?" Tony thought he heard it wrong.

"Don't doubt, dozens of times is just a metaphor. In fact, it may be more than what I said."

"This thing, I call it Vibranium. Your father, Mr. Howard, once got a bit of it and used it to build a shield."

"You're talking about Captain America's shield, right?" Tony understood what Xu Hong was talking about.

He really doesn't know how hard Captain America's shield is.

I also don't understand what kind of metal the Vibranium Xu Hong is talking about.

"Yes, that piece, Vibranium, is a metal capable of Energy Absorbing. Its absorption limit is very high. If there is a battle armor made of that thing, even if you are in the explosion center of the Muhai bomb, I will guarantee that you will die not drop."

Wakanda's use of Vibranium.

Xu Hong doesn't like it, this thing can really play its role in the hands of him and Tony Stark.

Definitely, besides Vibranium, Xu Hong also plans to get some Edman Alloy to upgrade Tony's armor.

In addition, he also intends to give Tony nanotechnology in advance.

Let him incorporate this technology into his armor.

In this way, a armor that is more powerful than the armor he used in the Avengers alliance4 will be born.

As for energy, Xu Hong will hand over to Tony the controllable cold nuclear fusion technology, which can make Tony's armor no longer have to worry about energy consumption...

Definitely, none of this will be free.

"In addition, I plan to give you another very hard metal, plus nanotechnology, the combination of these three, your new armor will be unprecedentedly powerful.

"As for the energy supply problem of the battle armor, I have also solved it for you. This is related to our next cooperation."

Xu Hong directly took out everyone's technology.

Except for Vibranium and Edman alloy, which Xu Hong bought with money, controllable cold nuclear fusion technology and nanotechnology are all ready-made.

Xu Hong bought this thing from him in the world of Resident Evil.

His copy is a photocopy, which is tantamount to whoring for nothing, without spending any money.

After reading the information provided by Xu Hong, Tony was dumbfounded.

Forget about nanotechnology.

Although this technique is difficult, even if Xu Hong doesn't give it to him now, he will definitely be able to master it in the future.

But controllable cold nuclear fusion technology is different.

This technology, their Stark industry's arc reactor technology is incomparable.

To put it simply, with controllable cold nuclear fusion technology, a bottle of water can give you a month's worth of electricity for everyone in the United States.

There is no comparison between arc reactor technology and controllable cold fusion technology.

If human beings are going to sail the universe in the future, then the controllable cold nuclear fusion technology is the best energy technology for the spacecraft to sail the universe.

none of them.

The value of this technology, in Tony's view, is not enough for a few hundred and two hundred million, even a few trillion dollars, and tens of trillions is not bad.

After all, the value it can create is really too great.

He couldn't figure out why Xu Hong would bring this technology out to cooperate with him.

"Don't be surprised why I took out this technology to cooperate with you."

"Because I have other technologies that are not inferior to this technology in my hands, and the value they can create is not inferior to this one."

"Moreover, this technology is not given to Stark Industries for free. Although I only want 40% of the shares of Stark Industries, I will take a cut of the subsequent profits, and I will take 60% directly."

"That's fine." Tony said without hesitation.

Not to mention 60%, even if Xu Hong wanted to take 70% or 80%, he would agree.

Because he knows exactly how promising this technology is in the future.

It is no exaggeration to say that once this technology comes out, it will directly change the whole world. .

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