American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 81; Speechless Damon (Seeking Flowers, 1 More)

"That guy, maybe he's the one we're waiting for." Dave's nano self-defense suit only reaches the neck and has no headgear, which is different from Damon's.

So Damon simply gave him the bat headgear he used before.

Dave didn't really like the headgear, but it was Damon who gave it to him.

Now Damon is his teacher.

"I think it should be him." Damon responded.

Because he saw Deadpool walking towards them.

"Whoa, whoa, let me see who my temporary partner is."

"Have to say, guys, your superhero outfits are awesome, I like the bat headgear, it's very discerning, but if it were me, I'd prefer Superman's tights."

"Although I can't fly, don't tights make my figure look better?"

"I think I already have a good idea about my new comrade-in-arms. It seems that I can go back and start painting after finishing the task later." Deadpool didn't stop talking when he came to "April 17".

Damon was speechless.

Dave was dumbfounded. When had he ever seen someone who could talk and talk so much.

The most important thing is, that guy's voice is still very low, and people who listen to it want to beat him up.

He swears that he has never wanted to beat someone up like this now.

Although he really did it, the person who was beaten was probably him.

"Hey, I know you guys are getting a little impatient with me, don't be angry, as a friend, I brought you a gift.

"This is my greeting."

Deadpool passed the plate in his hands.

The two noticed this guy holding a plate just now.

I thought there was something wrong with this guy, but I didn't expect that he brought food.

But Damon and Dave have no desire to eat right now.

And the most important thing is that there are not many cakes on the plate, which is not enough for the two men to eat. There is still a lot of sand on it, just on the cream. Is this thing still edible? Could this guy be Are you trying to annoy them on purpose?

"Dude, I'm glad you brought us a present, but did you bring the sand on it too?"

"Oh, damn it." Deadpool withdrew his hand, put his face on it, and took a closer look.

I found that there was a lot of sand on the cake.

1********, I don’t know which **** got the sand on my cake, this is my inner gift to you. "

"If you let me know who did it, I will definitely stab my two knives into his chest and let him know what the consequences are."

Dave felt a chill.

At the same time, he subconsciously glanced at the knife that Deadpool carried behind his back.

Because Deadpool was facing them, he could only see the handle of the knife, not the blade, and had no idea how long it was.

But it is not difficult to judge from the length of the handle that this knife is not short.

Imagine a knife going through your ass and...

That scene, just thinking about it, makes me sick and cold.

"What's your mission?" Damon was a patient man.

But no matter how patient you are, after waiting here for nearly an hour, you probably won't be happy when you end up waiting for such a thing.

He has actually been very patient.

He even wondered, Xu Hong sent Wade here, did he offend Xu Hong somewhere, Xu Hong wanted to disgust him or something.

"It's very simple, torture Jin Bing, cut off a little bit of his little brother by the way, and reduce his mouth to eat."

"Where is Jin Bin, you should know? The boss said you know." Deadpool looked at Damon and asked.

He also knew that he came this time to carry out Xu Hong's mission.

His handsome face was finally restored, he didn't want to mess up the first mission, and then make Xu Hong unhappy, and turn him back to that bad face.

He loves his handsome self now, okay?

As for bad face, whoever wants it will want it, anyway, he won't want it.

Dave was speechless.

Speaking of killing so freshly and refinedly, this guy must be more ruthless than Damon.

Dave began to wonder if he would learn from himself badly if he came into contact with such a person.

"I do." Damon nodded.

Where is Jin Bin, he naturally knows.

Even if Jin Bin can move, he can know his movements at any time, because Xu Hong gave him a special tool to locate Jin Bin.

He could rely on that thing at any time to find Jin Bing's location.

Even if he buried himself a thousand meters deep underground, it was useless.

"Then let's go straight away, I can't help but want to kill people."

"Speaking of which, it's been a while since I hacked anyone, and I don't know if I'm unfamiliar with it."


There was a sound of metal rubbing against each other.

Deadpool drew the two sub-edmanite long knives behind him.

The blade is long and white, and looks beautiful.

Definitely, dangerous too.

Dave's pupils shrunk.

It must be very uncomfortable to insert such a long knife into the vagina.

Wait, why am I thinking about this question again, I don't have any strange hobbies...

Dave looked weird.

Neither Deadpool nor Damon paid any attention to the change in Dave's expression.

What's more, this guy is wearing a hood, who knows the expression on his face under the hood.

Damon was staring at Deadpool at the moment.

Because he found Deadpool's way of holding a knife, very casual.

He took out a knife and played with a knife, which was also very beautiful and professional.

This is a master with a knife, and not just an ordinary master.

It seems that Xu Hong has indeed sent a reliable foreign aid over.

At least from the aggressiveness he displayed, he seems to be quite reliable.

It's just that the mouth is a little broken.

And like to say some strange words and swear words.

For such a person, we should keep Mindy away from him in the future.

He didn't want to hear his lovely daughter suddenly say "Madja Falke".

Just thinking about that scene gave him chills.

"What are you waiting for, boys, it's time to act, lead the way.

Deadpool shook his head, beckoning.

"Just go there swaggering like that?" Dave was a little nervous.

This time they are here to deal with gangsters, and unlike before, this time, he is not here to fight gangsters, but to kill people.

Although the gang members were killed, they were not good people.

But to kill is to kill.

It would be a lie to say I'm not nervous.

Please, he is only eighteen years old this year, he is still a high school student.

Moreover, he is still a virgin, what he likes to do the most on weekdays is to find good resources on the Internet, then brew for a few days, and then soar into the sky.

How can you not be nervous if you come to kill people today.

"Come on, 2.0 is Hell's Kitchen, here, even if you have a gun on the street, no police will come to talk to you.

"What's more, with our dress, how many people do you think would dare to trouble us."

"By the way, where did you find this child? He's probably still in school."

"I'm eighteen this year, and I'm still in high school."

"Looks like he should still be a little virgin, it's okay, although it's not my world, but I think the difference between the two worlds is not big, next time I will take you to a good place, there are more girls *bigger*, I guarantee you will be happy God."

Deadpool put his hand on Dave's shoulder and raised an eyebrow at Dave.

Even if you can't see his face under the mask, you can imagine that this guy must have a wretched face at the moment.

Damon; "…………"

It seems that in the future, it is not only to keep Mindy away from him, but if it is possible not to meet, it is better not to meet. .

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