American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 85; My Name Is Wade Wilson (Seeking Flowers, 5 More)

Seeing this scene, Jin Bin's expression, which was not very good at first, became more and more gloomy.

At the same time, he also realized that the situation was not good for him.

Definitely, to say that he was afraid, it wouldn't mean that he hadn't seen any big scenes before he became the underworld emperor in Hell's Kitchen.

Everything he has today is not just obtained by brain.

Although smart brains play a big part in it.

"Who are you? Why are you against me." Jin Bin said coldly.

With that appearance, it seemed that the one who was at a disadvantage was not him, but Wade and the others.

"Hello, Kim Bin of this world, this is our first meeting, my name is Wade Wilson."

"My name is Wade Wilson, your name is Wilson Grant Faith, and speaking of which, we are both Wilsons, but I am behind and you are in front.

"But with your size, I think you're pretty good in the front, so I can be in the back."

"Nice position."


What the hell was that guy talking about? Why didn't he understand.

This guy must have just escaped from a mental hospital.

Although Damon and Dave had already prepared.

But I didn't expect Wade's words at this moment to be so shocking and informative.

When they saw Wade wearing a red showy battle suit before, they had some doubts.

Coupled with Wade's snarky voice, the suspicion increased even more.

Now, this guy is saying something like that again.

They really doubt that Wade is gay.

Damon and Dave looked at each other, subconsciously took half a step back, away from Wade.

"Okay, the time for gossip is over, and the next step is to do business."

"Jin Bin, my boss asked me to greet you, and asked me to take a picture of you being stepped on by me. I hope you will not be ignorant and cooperate with me."

Hearing Wade's words, Jin Bing narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the next second, Jin Bingren suddenly moved.

He chose to strike first.

Because the distance between the two sides is not far, only five or six meters away.

Such a distance, if the explosive power is enough, can be crossed in an instant.

Although Jin Bin looks fat, but in fact he is a solid muscle.

Very strong.

His thigh muscles are also very exaggerated.

This makes him extremely explosive.

It can explode with terrifying speed and power in an instant.

Damon reacted immediately.

He directly pulled Dave to hide aside.

He has been injected with super soldier serum, and his five senses are far superior to ordinary people.

Even without the responsiveness of Spider-man Spider Telepathy.

But not too bad.

He reacted the first time Jin Bin acted.

The two just escaped.

Jin Bin's huge body rushed past where they were standing just now.


There was a muffled sound.

Jin Bing's huge body hit the wall directly.

Because the strength is not small.

The whole room trembled.

As for Wade.

He is also standing on the ground securely at this moment.

It's just that the place to stand is on the other side of Damon and the others.

At the same time, his right hand is holding a long silver knife horizontally.

On the long knife, there are still some traces.

Jin turned around, his face more and more hidden.

Wipe the white ash off his face with his hands.

His eyes fell on his right arm.

I saw a hole in the white high-end suit.

A laceration appeared on his forearm.

The wound was not small, and the everted muscles could already be seen.

Blood was continuously flowing from the wound.

"I'm sorry, after suffering a few times, I have learned to be smart. After all, your hug is really not so easy to understand."

"To be honest, I can actually bear your hug, but the smell of your armpit is really hard for me to bear."

"After being reported by you last time, I, Vanessa, still asked if I went to eat shit.

"Damn it, she actually thinks I'm eating shit and won't kiss me anymore."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that you are not from my world, and you don't know Vanessa.

"Vanessa was a beautiful woman, she was my girlfriend, but she died."

"Enough." Kim couldn't stand Deadpool's nonsense.

This guy is buzzing like a fly in your ears, it's unbearable.

"It seems that you are a little angry."

"But you should be even angrier next time."

"In this way, we don't do anything, you just lie on the ground and let me take a photo to explain the task."

"After all, that's what my boss asked for."

"He's a good boss. He's restored me to my handsome self."

"I don't want to change back to that bad face, so how about you cooperate with me?"

"I promise, I will not step on your face with too much force, I promise."

Kim wasn't speaking, the moment Deadpool finished speaking.

He charged at Deadpool again.

But this time he was smarter.

He knew that the knife in Deadpool's hand was dangerous.

…… Ask for flowers…………

So he didn't just rush to Deadpool in a daze.

Instead, he rushed to a place one meter in front of Deadpool and stopped.

At this distance, if Deadpool slashes him with a knife, he can avoid it completely.

In fact, he did dodge Deadpool's sudden knife.

It's hard to imagine him with such a big body, but possesses such agility.

After avoiding Deadpool's knife, he didn't do nothing.

Before Deadpool was about to withdraw his hand, he grabbed Deadpool's knife hand with his hand.

A powerful force erupted in an instant.

Jin Bing's muscles account for 90% of his body weight, and the exaggerated proportion of muscles also brings him great strength.

With a full blow, he can hit more than three tons of impact.

A punch can easily penetrate a solid concrete wall.

And he was originally a fighting master, and close combat is his strong point.


In terms of combat effectiveness, he is comparable to the Punisher.

Even, if you don't use a weapon, Jin can easily defeat the punisher in a single round of close combat.

Because the power of the two is not at the same level.

After grabbing Deadpool's arm, Jinbin had a chilling sneer on his face.

The next second, his other hand pressed Deadpool's shoulder.

Then the hand holding Deadpool violently exerted force.


The sound of muscle tearing sounded.

Deadpool's right hand was directly torn off by Kim.

Blood sprayed out instantly.

The smile on Jin Bing's face became brighter and brighter.

But his smile didn't last long.

Because in the next second, a long knife was directly inserted into his abdomen.

Severe pain was sent to his brain through the pain sensory nerve.

He looked at Deadpool who was holding a long knife with his remaining hand in astonishment.

"Don't look at me like that. Although you ripped off one of my arms, it's not the first time someone has ripped off my arm like this. I'm used to it. This pain is nothing to me."

"It's you..."


Jin Bing's huge body fell directly to the ground.

Even Jin Bin was pierced by a sharp long knife in his abdomen, and the severe pain made the underworld emperor break out in cold sweat.

He wasn't uninjured.

But Deadpool's penetration hurt his kidney.

This kind of pain cannot be tolerated just by saying it.

Although he has great strength, his muscles are exaggerated.

But he is just an ordinary person after all.

Compared with the Jin Bin in the comics, the Jin Bin in the film and television dramas is quite a bit worse. .

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