American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 97; Xu Hong's Purpose (Seeking Flowers, 1 More)

Several female students were taken aback by what Camilla said.

The girl who stretched out her hand also paused in mid-air after hearing what Camilla said.

Take a closer look at Kemira's outfit today.

The clothes are indeed beautiful.

The upper body is a white shirt, and the lower body is a pair of slim black pants, which are decorated with many decorations.

You can also see the exclusive LOOG belonging to the famous brand.

They are all girls, even if they can't afford famous brand clothes, they have at least paid attention to them.

After confirming that the clothes that Kemira is wearing are indeed famous brands, which are very expensive.

The girl didn't dare to grab Kemira's clothes immediately.

Because once Kemira's clothes are damaged by her, she can't afford it.

Tens of thousands of dollars is not a small amount.

That's more than enough to buy a nice car.

The family conditions of the few of them are also average, at most they are a well-off family.

Tens of thousands of dollars are worth it, but it will definitely hurt your muscles and bones after you take it out.

The main thing is whether it's worth it or not.

And what Kamila said just now, although they didn't see Kamila driving a supercar to school, this woman definitely fell for some rich man.

In the federal state, the most unaffected people are the rich.

Because the Federal State is a country controlled by capital, money is the most useful here.

As long as you have money, you can really do whatever you want.

They did come to Camilla because of John's words.

But they are not small.

Not really brainless.

Before doing something, you will also consider the consequences you will bear after doing it.

"To be honest, I don't understand that a man like John would be liked by a woman even at the age of 25.

"What benefit did he give you to let you help him like this?"

"Could it be that if you help him deal with me, he will agree to be your boyfriend?"

"Probably not." Kemira said murderously.

When the leading woman heard the words, her complexion turned blue and her face turned ugly.

But in the end she didn't choose to do it, but snorted coldly.

Then he left with a few female students behind him.

They went in the direction of the school parking lot.

Soon, they saw the silver supercar parked in the student parking area.

Even if they don't know much about cars, when they see that car, their first impression is high-end, majestic, handsome, and must be very expensive.

They also soon learned from other students that the car was indeed driven into the school by Kemira.

After all, this sports car is too attractive.

At that time, there were not many students seen at the school gate.

You said something to each other, which opened up the matter of a top-level supercar coming to school.

It has already spread throughout the school.

She felt a little lucky at once, she just believed the words of Kamila Nabi Chi.

Unexpectedly, Bichi really found a rich man.

Why is it called a rich man, because ordinary people simply cannot afford such a car.

Not to mention giving someone else a car like this to drive.

A house is just needed, because everyone needs a house.

The car is not, so it is more of a luxury accessory.

For a real rich man, don't look at where he lives.

It depends on what kind of car he drives.

Because some people will be willing to spend tens of millions to buy a house, but he may not be willing to spend tens of millions to buy a car.

The concepts of the two are different.

And those who can afford to spend tens of millions to buy a car.

That's the real top rich man.

They can't afford to offend such a person.

at the same time.

In a villa that Xu Hong just bought two days ago.

Xu Hong is fiddling with a pile of metals in his study room. This is the secondary edmanium alloy and Vibranium he purchased from the system. The price is not cheap. A kilogram of secondary edmanium alloy costs 20 million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to one gram. Twenty thousand dollars.

As for Vibranium, the price of one kilogram is 30 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 30,000 US dollars per gram.

Edman alloy is more expensive, costing 60 million U.S. dollars per kilogram.

But for Xu Hong, the inferior Edman alloy is enough, after all, there is Vibranium.

The reason why he bought Vibranium and Secondary Edman Alloy was because Xu Hong was considering whether to use his newly acquired Ability, Machine Creator, to create a living mechanical armor for himself.

And he also promised to design a new battle suit for Wade before.

Wade has performed well recently, and Xu Hong is planning to get him a battle suit.

Just thinking about what kind of armor to design, the door was suddenly pushed open by Wade.

"Boss, people from CAI have come here, do you want to let them in?"

Outside the study, more than a dozen people were waiting.

The leader is the director of the CIA, Miranda Akanishi.

Miranda Josi is fifty-four years old this year, with half-white hair. He has worked in CAI for many years and has rich work experience.

That's why he was sent here this time.

Because the people who came to meet this time are not ordinary people.

An old slick like him is needed.

Three days ago, Xu Hong and Deadpool took away the fire source in the thirteenth district, and the federal government was not ignorant.

Because Xu Hong just used Telepathy Ability to knock everyone unconscious.

One did not kill anyone, and the other did not destroy the monitoring there.

So what Xu Hong and Deadpool did in the thirteenth district were all captured by the surveillance cameras in the thirteenth district.

For three days, the federal government has been looking for the whereabouts of the two.

After searching for three days, they finally found the whereabouts of Xu Hong and Deadpool.

Then Miranda Josi was sent over, and he was here to negotiate with Xu Hong.

"Let them come in." As soon as Xu Hong Telepathy opened, he knew the purpose of the other party's visit, and then said directly.

Xu Hong didn't destroy the surveillance in the thirteenth district on purpose.

If he really didn't want to expose the news, he wouldn't have deliberately left such a big hole.

It was one of Xu Hong's goals to let the other party take the initiative to find him.

Doing so is somewhat similar to the apparition in the world of Resident Evil.

The difference is that this time he doesn't intend to show his holiness, he only intends to make a high profile.

And what he is thinking about now is to let the shapeshifting King Kong dig gold, not to do business with various countries in the world.

Although that can also make a lot of money.

But now even if it is a business of more than ten trillion US dollars, Xu Hong has already looked down upon it.

He is still here now, just waiting for Tianzhu and the others to come to Earth.

And Megatron is in the thirteenth district, still being frozen.

He can pick it up whenever he needs it.

The reason for waiting for the shapeshifting king kong to come to earth.

It was Xu Hong who needed the shapeshifting King Kong data.

Although he can create shapeshifting King Kong himself, he doesn't know where there is gold in the universe.

And after obtaining the Ability of the Machine Creator.

Xu Hong already knows shapeshifting King Kong very well.

Shapeshifting King Kong is a metal mechanical life, and they have a special sense of metal.

Where there is gold, if the distance is not far, they can sense it.

But the premise is that you have to be not far from gold.

Otherwise, if it is too far away, it will not be sensed.

And although Xu Hong can create the shapeshifting king kong, let the shapeshifting king kong he created run around all over the universe and dig for gold. When does he have to dig for gold, he can get a big harvest.

Space travel is no joke.

Who knows how big the entire universe is.

The distance between planets is not short, let alone the distance between galaxies.

And the shapeshifting King Kong mastered the space bridge technology.

This is something that Xu Hong has not mastered. If he has the skills, he can go whoring for nothing, and he doesn't mind waiting for a while.

Wait until shapeshifting King Kong comes to Earth.

Xu Hong can directly control them, and then control various advanced technologies of Cybertron.

Among them must include the technology of space bridge.

At that time, I will buy a map of the distribution of gold in the universe, and let the shapeshifting King Kong fill the universe and open a space bridge to dig it.

He can earn a lot of money in a short period of time.

This is definitely more profitable than doing business with countries all over the world in the world of Resident Evil.

Even the two are completely incomparable.

After all, one is the resource of the earth, and the other is the resource of the whole universe.

But Xu Hong couldn't be in a hurry for this matter at the moment.

Because a map of the distribution of gold in the universe is really too expensive.

The selling price is as high as three trillion US dollars.

More expensive than an Infinite Gems.

Even if Xu Hong wanted to buy it now, he couldn't afford it at all.

Definitely, he can first buy a small-scale gold distribution map and let the shapeshifting King Kong dig it.

Make a small profit of 893 first.

But this has to wait for Optimus Prime and the others to come to Earth and get the space bridge technology.

Otherwise, let him personally use Might and Magic to send shapeshifting King Kong to dig gold all over the universe?

As for preaching magic to others.

Not everyone can learn magic.

Not everyone can cross an extremely long distance and open the magic door for ultra-long-distance teleportation.

Not even the Sorcerer Supreme can do that.

In comparison, the technology of space bridge can be fixed.

You can also buy this technology from the system at a price of 20 trillion U.S. dollars.

Xu Hong can afford it, and to him, it's not too expensive, but he doesn't think it's necessary for him to spend such a waste of money.

After all, if you can go whoring for free, Tian is going to spend the money.

At worst, just wait a while.

Judging from the plot, Optimus Prime and the others are almost coming to earth.

As for the fact that Megatron is in the thirteenth district, does he have the technology of the space bridge in his hands?

Xu Hong never thought about it.

Although Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons, whoever stipulates that the leader must be a scientist or a technician.

The shapeshifting king kong is a race, if they are divided into arms and jobs.

Those who understand space bridge technology must also be technicians in Shapeshifting King Kong.

And Megatron is the leader shapeshifting King Kong, the leader of the Decepticons, and his ability is in waging war.

In his hands, he might not be able to get the space bridge technology.

But from Optimus Prime and Starscream, Xu Hong can definitely get this technique.

As for the natural enemies on the moon, Xu Hong didn't think about it at all.

That guy came to the earth on the Ark spaceship, not the solar system by means of the space bridge technology.

His Ark spacecraft may have wormhole jumping technology.

But the spaceship wormhole jump is not suitable for the long-distance transmission of a large number of shapeshifting King Kong.

After all, if Xu Hong lets Shapeshifting King Kong dig gold and send it out at one time, it will cost at least 100,000 Shapeshifting King Kong as a base.

Not the kind of tens or hundreds.

So the space bridge technology is still needed. .

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