Qin Feng appeared in a pure white space.

There was nothing around except white.


However, at this moment, Qin Feng involuntarily let out a muffled snort, and the side effects of the Dionysian Curse came up.

Immediately after that, his throat was sweet, and a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

I don't know why it is used through the power of the magic sword.

Or did not forcibly interrupt the Dionysian spell casting this time.

The power of the backlash is much lighter than the last time.

At least it didn't directly spew out so much blood.

According to this injury, it will take him at most ten minutes to recover.

However, now is not the time to pay attention to the injury.

Qin Feng put his fingers in front of his forehead and quickly felt Tony's breath.

Although the breath is very weak, it does not affect the use of the ability of teleportation.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

As long as you can get out at any time, that's good to say. At the very least, it's not too passive.

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed for a while.

The white space transforms into a quaint tea room.

It is full of the breath of the dragon country.

A table of eight immortals appeared in front of Qin Feng, as well as two cups of steaming fragrant tea.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way, Mr. Qin Feng."

A gentle voice sounded.

Immediately after that, a white shiny bald head appeared directly opposite Qin Feng.

"I was surprised too, Sorcerer Supreme."

Qin Feng squinted and looked at the bald head in front of him.

Although the breath on the other party is very soft, Qin Feng can still feel pressure on the other party.

However, Qin Feng was soon drawn to the Eye of Agamotto on Ancient One magician's chest.

It's Eye of Agamotto, but it's essentially Time Gem.

Think of mythical fishing.

Qin Feng thought to himself.

If you say that you snatch Time Gem directly in the hands of Ancient One.

And then use the power of Time Gem to get out?

After thinking about it, Qin Feng gave up.

Ancient One is not an easy existence to deal with.

What's more, the other party can appear in front of him, maybe how many times he has practiced with Time Gem.

The success rate is definitely not too high.

Ancient One won't live long anyway.

When he dies, go and bully Curly Fu Buxiang.

Persimmons still have to be pinched softly.

"It's really surprising that you know I exist."

Ancient One said so, but his face was not the slightest bit surprised, and he was still in a state as plain as water.

"The famous Sorcerer Supreme, it's strange not to know, and you don't look surprised at all."

Qin Feng smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

Ancient One shook his head and looked at Qin Feng's face and said, "I want to talk to you." ”

"You have 'invited' me here, and if there is anything else I can't say, I will listen."

Qin Feng went out of his way to accentuate the word 'please'.

For Ancient One to not even say hello, he directly got him into the mirror space, which still made him quite unhappy.

"Please rest assured, I don't have any hostility,

Ancient One shook his head again, looked at the magic sword in his hand and spoke, "You have dark power in you, and this sword is a dark sword." ”

Qin Feng nodded irrefutably: "You're right, so what?" ”

The Magic Sword Originally is a sword forged from the flesh and blood of living beings.

There is a lot of resentment and anger in it.

It's just that it is controlled by the sword spirit and does not show it.

But anyone with a little ability can see that this sword is by no means a sword of justice.

Qin Feng still knows something about Ancient One.

Although this guy does not seem to tolerate the power of darkness.

But she also knew that whether the dark power was evil or not depended on the person using it.

What's more, she originally drew on Dormammu's dark power to extend her life.

"Nothing, I just want to remind you that the power of darkness is very dangerous and it is easy to lose yourself."

Ancient One took a sip of tea and stretched out his hand to signal Qin Feng to drink tea as well.

"Well, thanks for the reminder, I'll pay attention."

Qin Feng said very perfunctoryly, and then picked up the Dionysian gourd and shook it: "I'm not used to drinking tea, don't you mind replacing tea with wine?" ”

He didn't want to drink something from strangers.

Especially the people he feared.

"If you don't mind, can you treat me to a drink too?"

Ancient One said, and the teacup in his hand turned into a wine glass and pushed it in front of Qin Feng.

"It's just a little drink, I'm not that stingy, but I usually drink it to my mouth, you don't mind." With that, Qin Feng poured Ancient One a full glass of wine.

Ancient One heard Qin Feng's words and looked as usual.

He picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

Instantly, his brows furrowed slightly.

This was the first time he had seen a change in expression.

Even Sorcerer Supreme can't stand the strength of the wine.

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth rose slightly, and he took a sip of the Dionysian gourd: "My wine is very strong, drink it slowly." ”

"It is indeed a very strong wine, and the power it contains is also very powerful, no wonder you use it to exert that powerful ability. It's just that the damage to the body is a little big. ”

Ancient One sighed.

Qin Feng At the moment was also slightly surprised.

I didn't expect Ancient One to see through the Dionysian curse at a glance, it was really worthy of Sorcerer Supreme, and his eyes were poisonous enough.

"Strong moves will harm themselves, where in the world is there a lunch for nothing."

Qin Feng said with a look of indifference.

"Very nice words. Reasonable. ”

Ancient One nodded approvingly.

He glanced at Qin Feng meaningfully and said, "Are they from your world?" ”

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