American Comics: Fishing in Myriad Worlds, Start With Thunder Fruit

Chapter 41: Osborn Exhibition And Transformation Little Spider-Man

Osborn Industries.

At present, it can be compared to the company on Stark Industries, which is this one.

However, the two fields are different, Stark Industries focuses on weapons development, while Osborn Industries focuses on life sciences.

Osborn's proudest technology is to grow mutant animals and then extract and study their genes.

And use these genes to treat human diseases and improve human quality!

But their ultimate goal is still in terms of longevity!

It's a pity that Osborn's controller is now plagued by family diseases and is about to die.

His life is coming to an end.

But as the owner of Osborn's industries, Norman M. Osborn。 Naturally, it will not give up easily.

If nothing else, he soon succeeded in developing a serum to treat himself.

The effect of serum is not only able to treat diseases, but even has an amplification effect comparable to super soldier serum.

However, this serum has a side effect, that is, it will give birth to a second personality. Green Goblin!

definitely, these are all things Qin Feng learned in the original world films.

I just don't know, Norman of this world. Osborn is not that classic Green Goblin.

Or the old Green Goblin who killed Mei Parker.

Then today is interesting.

Maybe today next year will be the anniversary of the old Green Goblin!

When Qin Feng drove downstairs to May's Parker's house.

May Parker and Little Spider-Man were waiting here early.

Now Little Spider-Man is still afraid of life, standing next to Mei Parker.

There was a look of obvious nervousness on his face, and he felt a little helpless.

"Qin Feng, Peter is over to you."

Mei Parker said with a smile, with an indescribable tenderness on her beautiful face.

"Don't worry, we will definitely get along very happily, then Sister Mei we will go first."

Qin Feng smiled and threw his arms around Little Spider-Man.

The bewildered Little Spider-Man was like a puppet, and was pulled into the car by Qin Feng.

Watch the two men who are most important to him leave.

May Parker gestured a cross on her chest. Silent prayer in the heart.

In the car, Qin Feng glanced at Little Spider-Man, who remained silent beside him.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and then he slammed the accelerator, and the sports car roared.

Speed towards Times Square in New York.

"Qin... Qin..."

The strong push on the back made Little Spider-Man quickly grab the armrest, wanting to open his mouth but not knowing what to call.

"Let's call Brother Qin first, and then you will change your name to uncle after I marry Sister Mei."

Qin Feng chuckled.

This is a break from the embarrassing situation.

"Brother Qin, this is not the way to school, if you don't go to school now, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch the bus to participate in the exhibition."

Little Spider-Man said a little nervously and anxiously.

For this Osborn industrial exhibition, he still attaches great importance to it.

Qin Feng naturally won't pit Little Spider-Man becomes Little Spider-Man becomes a superhero.

It's just that the current little spider-man dress is too much to look at.

Although it is clean, it reveals the smell of DS from the inside out.

Coupled with his cowering look, my mother grinning, no wonder he became the target of those school bullies.

"Don't worry, there is still time, it will not delay your participation in the exhibition, I will say hello to the school in a while, let's go by ourselves, now change your image first."

Qin Feng said, a gorgeous tail drift, stopped in front of Times Square.

Money opens the way. It didn't take half an hour to solve the battle.

A casual suit in dark blue, plus a hairstyle designed by Mr. Tony.

Little Spider-Man's image has changed dramatically.

Qin Feng nodded in satisfaction.

Dress up well, little Spider-Man's appearance is still very resistant.

Little Spider-Man saw himself in the mirror, and his face was full of incredulity.

"How about it, today Brother Qin wants you to become the most beautiful cub in the whole school."

”OMG! It's just incredible. “

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Little Spider-Man's face turned red with excitement, and his whole body became excited.

"Okay, we should leave now, there is still half an hour left for the exhibition to begin."

Qin Feng said and walked out of the mall with Little Spider-Man.


At the school gate.

Wenger and Harry Osborn is organizing students to go on the tour.

This organization is not mandatory.

Any interested student can participate.

In the crowd, the little black fat Guo... Ned looked anxiously.

Especially seeing that everyone has begun to get on the bus one after another.

He was even more anxious.

Gritting his teeth, he still plucked up the courage to run towards the school goddess Gwen.

"That... Gwen, Harry, Peter haven't arrived yet, shall we wait for him? ”

"Ned, do you mean to make all of us wait for Peter alone? Is he an important person? ”

Before Gwen could speak, the school bully behind him, who bullied Peter every day, said in a strange way.

"Exactly! Why wait for him alone! ”

"If you don't come, you don't want to come."

"I'm not interested in waiting."

"Wait for yourself."


The doglegs around the school bully echoed one after another, and their faces were full of mockery.

"Hey! Enough of you guys! Gwen couldn't listen anymore and spoke sharply.

Harry· Osborn, too, looked at those people rather badly.


Seeing this, the school bully pouted disdainfully, and took the doglegs directly onto the bus.

Bully Ned and Little Spider-Man, they're okay.

But Gwen and Harry · Osborn, they didn't have the guts to offend.

After all, the identity backgrounds of the two are not simple.

"Don't worry, Ned, Peter's family has already notified the school, they have a little delay, they will drive by themselves."

Gwen looked at Ned and spoke softly.

"That's good, that's good, thank you Gwen."

Ned breathed a sigh of relief and patted his fat belly, a bright smile on his face.

"Okay, get in the car too, we should be ready to go, Ned."

Harry· Osborn patted Ned's shoulder.

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