American Comics: Fishing in Myriad Worlds, Start With Thunder Fruit

Chapter 53: The Keen Spider Telepathy (Supplement)

Tony· Stark admits to being the Queen of Iron Man.

Stark Industries has a trend to become a true leading company.

In the face of Little Spider-Man's rejection, Harry was not angry, after all, the two were friends, and Harry still had this pattern.

He just didn't expect that Little Spider-Man would be favored by Stark Industries.

The surrounding classmates were even more unexpected.

Their eyes were as red as rabbits.

They couldn't figure out why Peter, the famous weak nerd, could be favored by two major industries.

"Cool! Peter, how exactly did you do it? ”

Harry asked, full of curiosity.

Little Spider-Man doesn't fit in with the much-anticipated feeling.

He scratched his hair a little embarrassed and said, "It was Brother Qin who told me that he had a very good relationship with Mr. Stark, so he let me go to Mr. Stark for an internship during the summer vacation." ”

"Brother Qin? The Asian who sent you that day? Harry's mind conjured up his father's respectful appearance for Qin Feng at the time of the exhibition.

Everything doesn't seem so hard to accept.

The person who can let his father treat him like this must be a big shot.

Little Spider-Man didn't speak, just nodded.

"You guy, I'm a little jealous now, actually being grabbed by the two major industries, and there are so powerful characters covered, gee~"

Harry shook his head helplessly.

But he's happy for Little Spider-Man's changes.

Seeing Harry's appearance, Peter tentatively asked, "Harry, you... Aren't you angry? ”

Hearing this, Harry waved his hand with a smile on his face and said: "What do I have to be angry about, we are friends, you have your own choice, isn't it a normal thing?" ”

"Stark Industries is a more powerful presence than our family, and it's good that you can go there."

"As a friend, I am sincerely happy for you."

"It's just a pity..."

"Pity what?"

Without waiting for Harry to finish, Norman Osborn's voice rang out from behind Harry.

Harry was stunned for a moment.

Then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

He turned around.

Looking at Norman, who was dressed casually, Osborn was surprised and asked, "Father, why did you come back?" Didn't you say that the company has something to do lately and won't come back soon? “

"Hahaha, I'm not iron, I always have to rest." I didn't expect to run into you having a party at home. “

Norman S. Osborn laughed, his face full of kindness and kindness.

Where is the look of panic and busy in the secret laboratory.

The Green Goblin personality also did not cause trouble at this time.

It's clear, Harry· Osborn, that is, Norman M. Osborn's reverse scale, and the only pure land.

If it dared to do something to Harry, then Norman would definitely dare to die with him.

"Oh, sorry father, for disturbing your rare rest." Harry bowed his head a little guiltily.

Norman S. Osborn rubbed Harry's hair and said, "How come, the house has not been so lively for a long time, you must have fun." ”

Looking at such a kind Norman · Osborn。

The surrounding classmates couldn't help but show envious expressions.

What kind of fairy father is this?

Such a status, but also so enlightened and generous.

It's a hundred good for Harry.

It's someone else's father.

However, Wenger and Little Spider-Man at the moment frowned in unison.

Because they are all Norman · Osborn felt an evil breath in him.

It feels like Norman Osborn has a demon hidden in his body.

At this time, Norman Osborn also felt the different gazes of the two.

He looked slightly sideways and saw Little Spider-Man on his face full of surprise, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Hating the house and the underdog, he no longer has the slightest affection for Little Spider-Man.

Harry At the moment was still immersed in his father's love, so he didn't notice his father's abnormality.

But Gwen and Little Spider-Man clearly sensed the fleeting ferocity.

Wenger was a little better.

After all, this hostility is not directed at him.

But Little Spider-Man was different, and all the sweaty hairs all stood upside down in an instant.

The feeling of extreme danger made him involuntarily want to leave here.

It was Spider Telepathy who sensed Norman's danger and gave little Spider-Man a warning!

Wenger and Little Spider-Man have now acquired Spider Telepathy.

However, it has not yet advanced to the level of 'Peter's Spirit', and can only passively perceive the danger.

But that's enough to prove a lot of things.

Little Spider-Man's sense of danger and uneasiness grew stronger.

Both Wenger and Little Spider-Man couldn't believe how they felt.

As friends of Harry, they knew Norman quite well.

This is definitely a good father, although very dignified, but quite good for them.

"Why is Mr. Norman so hostile to Peter, what happened and what is that evil look?"

Wenger thought to herself, she felt she should remind Peter to be careful.

Don't really happen then.

"Peter, I heard you're going to study at Stark for the holidays?"

Osborn At the moment returned to his kind appearance and looked at Little Spider-Man asked.

"Didn't... That's right, Mr. Norman. ”

Little Spider-Man involuntarily tensed up, and his speech was a little unfavorable.

But no one felt anything out of the ordinary.

After all, that's what Little Spider-Man used to be.

"Very good choice, Tony· Stark that guy, although his personality is very unlikable, his genius is unquestionable, and you will definitely learn a lot this holiday. ”

"Peter, if you say in Tony· Stark is not happy there, I can come over at any time, I still appreciate you. ”

Norman Osborn said, taking a few steps closer to Little Spider-Man.

But that's just a few steps.

Little Spider-Man almost did it on the spot.

Spider Telepathy's warnings are almost taken to the extreme.

Fortunately, Norman Osborn didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

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