American Comics: Fishing in Myriad Worlds, Start With Thunder Fruit

Chapter 56 Captain's Recovery, Going Out To Pick Up Money

A beautiful woman puts headphones on her ears.

Sort out the special costumes on your body a little. After taking a deep breath to adjust his mentality, he pushed the door directly and walked in.

At the moment, Steve on the bed opened his eyes in confusion.

He looked around, as if he had just woken up, and his eyes were a little dull.

But soon he was attracted to the sound on the radio.

Listening to the familiar content inside, Steve frowned slightly, and there seemed to be a flash of essence under his eyes.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the beautiful woman walked in with a smile on her face: "Good morning." ”

But soon the woman realized that she had said the wrong thing.

The fake view outside the window, At the moment is at dusk in the western mountains of sunset.

The yellow glow is particularly conspicuous.

However, he is a carefully selected actor in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The woman did not show the slightest panic.

Instead, he looked at his watch with a joking look: "Maybe I should say good afternoon." ”

"Where is this?"

Steve looked calm and calm, and his tone was inquiring.

However, what was hidden under this calm tone was only known to him.

"You're in a recovery room in New York." The woman replied with a smile.

Hearing this, Steve's complexion became slightly darker.

The muscles in his body tensed, and he stared at the woman like a sword and asked, "Where the hell is this?" Who are you? ”

Hearing this, even though the woman's heart was strong, she couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive.

She couldn't imagine how the other party saw the flaw. Obviously everything is so perfectly arranged.

Especially in the face of the gaze of a super soldier veteran like Steve, it made her feel suffocated by a sharp blade against her throat.

But no matter what, she couldn't expose herself, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "What are you saying, I don't understand a little." ”

Steve looked steady, but there seemed to be mockery in his eyes.

"May 1941, the start time of this game"

"I know very well."

"Because I was there!"

Women can't act anymore.

She never expected that she would actually expose flaws in this place! I already knew that I would play the song!

This is a waste!

However, at the moment's monitoring room.

Nick Fury's face was a subtle smile. Although Steve had been asleep for so long, his keen observation had not subsided.

This made him very satisfied!

"I'll ask you one last time, where is this place!"

Steve stood up instantly, his eyes became sharper, staring at the woman deadly, the momentum on his body was not converging, and the whole person seemed to be a beast that would attack at any time.

The woman knew that her performance was over, and immediately held the pen in her hand, and the pen also lit up at this time.

This is a communicator of traits in order to deal with this kind of thing happening.

At the same time, the woman spoke up and exhorted: "Captain, we don't have any malice, please calm down." “


How could Steve believe her words again, just when he was hesitation or not.

Two agents rushed directly into the room.

Seeing this, Steve immediately took a few steps back, his eyes warily looking at the comer.

However, it was only for a moment.

The two agents were shot out by Steve and slammed into the fake wall.


With a crisp and shattering sound, the fake wall shattered directly.

Seeing the exit, Steve rushed out without the slightest hesitation.


The female soldier shouted anxiously. Chase it out in a hurry.

However, with her being an ordinary person, how could she possibly catch up with an existence like Steve.

Watch Steve's back disappear.

She could only helplessly pick up the communicator and shout: "Everyone pay attention!" Attention everyone..... Code 13."

At this time, the two agents were sent flying by Steve. With a pale face, he covered his chest and stood up strongly.

Staggering in the direction Steve left.

Steve rushed out of the fake scene.

Everything around him made him feel very strange and strange, as if he had come to another world.

However, at At the moment, several agents rushed out of the passage and tried to stop him.

Just with these smelly sweet potato rotten bird eggs, what's going on with Steve's opponent.

After dodging the men, they rushed straight out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

However, after coming to the outside world, everything around him not only did not make him familiar, but made him feel even more strange.

Everything that was bright and green made him, a person seventy years ago, unable to understand and accept at all

Soon Steve rushed to Times Square.

The crowd of people, seeing the panicked Steve who was rampaging his face, dodged one after another.

That look like looking at a neurotic is enough to show what these people think in their hearts at the moment.


In a panic, Steve crashed directly into a person.

To be precise, he was stopped by a person, and he was held down deadly, unable to move.

Steve At the moment's whole person was even more confused, and he looked at the person who restrained him with some puzzlement.

It seems to be an Asian, handsome in appearance, with a slightly thin figure, and carrying two cloth bags in his hands.

Steve knows how powerful he is.

The man in front of him was able to easily restrain himself, and even made him almost unable to resist.

It's a little incredible, what kind of world is this!

And the person who restrained Steve was Qin Feng, who came out shopping to prepare for a date at night!

"Oh, you've just woken up, Captain."

Qin Feng looked at Steve with a smile, and his eyes faintly turned into gold coins.

I really didn't expect to pick up money when I went out!

But think about it.

According to the time, it seems that it is time for the captain to wake up.

Wouldn't that be said! Tesseract has also fallen into the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday, read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Grab it now (Event period: October 1st to October 7th)

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