American Comics: Fishing in Myriad Worlds, Start With Thunder Fruit

Chapter 64 Little Spider-Manvs Whip Lock, Vomiting Blood And Coma

Whiplash's eyes turned red.

Glaring angrily at the sudden appearance of Little Spider-Man.

"What the hell are you! Damn it! They stopped me!!! @#¥%......”

A hairy bear Chinese invective, saying that little Spider-Man was confused.

But it can also be seen from the other party's demeanor.

The guy didn't say anything good.

"Friend, I want to ask if your mouth should be clean."

Little Spider-Man's voice fell, and his arm jerked.

Instantaneous. The whip lock only felt a huge force hit. Immediately, the whole person involuntarily took off into the air and rushed forward.

At that time, the face of the whip lock changed, he never thought that a little guy who looked so thin and weak actually contained such a powerful power in his body!

However, whipping is not vegetarian either.

I saw that this guy reversed with one hand, and the electric whip in the other hand was directly pumped on Cobweb.

Even this characteristic cobweb is like paper paste in front of the weapon of the electric whip.

It was directly broken into two sections in an instant.


And the whole person of the whip also smashed heavily on the wall with inertia, and almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

His swimsuit version of the steel armor, the protective ability is not comparable to Tony's armor.

It can only barely protect a few important positions, and it is impossible to avoid such an impact.

However, at the moment's little spider-man couldn't help but secretly smacked his tongue.

The cobwebs launcher was developed by him and Tony.

Although the COBWEB emitted looks slim, it is far beyond ordinary materials in terms of material and toughness.

Ordinary weapons simply cannot cut off this cobweb.

However, such a tough cobweb is so vulnerable in the face of this electric whip.

Little Spider-Man wasn't surprised.

At the same time, I secretly decided in my heart that I would never let this electric whip touch.

Otherwise, it would really be Deadman!

"I'm Spider-man, your good neighbor, I think you can leave now, it's a little dangerous here."

Little Spider-Man stood in front of the security guard14 and said without turning his head.

"Oh God! Feel...... Thank you!"

Security guard At the moment finally came to his senses from the threat of death, and after saying thank you to Little Spider-Man, he ran outside.

"You're all going to die!!!"

At this time, the whip chain got up from the ground, looked at the fleeing security guard and little spider-man, let out an angry roar, and the electric whip in his hand was frantically pumped towards the two!

Under Spider Telepathy, little Spider-Man instantly sweated and turned upside down, the whole person rolled over, narrowly avoiding the attack of the whip, and at the same time cobweb launched, accurately hitting the wrist of the other whip.

The electric whip of the whip was twisted again, so that the poor little security guard escaped.


With a shrill sound, two lines of electricity fell to the ground.

Two scorched ravines were drawn directly from the ground.

At the same time, the two remaining desks were broken into two sections.

The entire office was completely ruined.

However, the little security guard finally escaped proudly and safely.

Little Spider-Man had no scruples and immediately launched an attack on the lock.

I saw Web Shooters in Little Spider-Man's hand shooting cobweb,

The sound of breaking the void is endless.

The whip attack never stopped.

It's just that this guy's attacks have all failed, not to mention Little Spider-Man.

It's little spider-man's cobweb, and it's not touched.

No way, in a battle like this, little Spider-Man's Spider Telepathy advantage is too great.

With more and more cobweb around the electric whip.

Little Spider-Man's eyes flashed with a hint of essence.

After dodging an electric whip attack sideways.

Cobweb shot out from his hand, a corner of the edge of the pinpoint whip.

With Little Spider-Man pulling hard.

In an instant, the scattered cobwebs around them are connected end to end, forming a large net that envelops the whip chain.

When the whip reacted, he was already tied into rice dumplings.

"Whew~ It's really difficult, sir, I think you can be quiet for a while."

Seeing this, Little Spider-Man let out a sigh and flicked his somewhat sore wrist.

Just now, he used Weisi to be accurately calculated by Battle suit.

The purpose is such a move to defeat the enemy.

It turns out that the method given by Battle Suit is very reliable.

Now the whip is like prey bound by a spider at the same time, unable to move at all.

Just when Little Spider-Man was looking for a place to take a break

Suddenly there was a hint of danger, and the feeling grew stronger.

He jerked his head back, only to see that the whip didn't know what he had made.

The electric whip in his hand turned out to be more than twice as thick!

Just enough to touch the cobweb tied to him and burn it directly.

Although it also left a lot of burns on the body of the whip.

But he regained his freedom at this moment.

Those scorched wounds flowed out, along with flesh and blood.

However, as if he could not feel pain, the whip directly tore off the flesh that had not yet fallen off.

Little Spider-Man is still a kid after all. Where have you seen such a ruthless character, not only ruthless to the enemy, but even more ruthless to yourself.

Looking at that hideous wound, little Spider-Man felt pain!

Smell the smell of grilled meat in the air.


Little Spider-Man swallowed his spit, feeling a little terrified.

The whip lock flicked the electric whip in his hand, and the thickened electric whip exerted more power, and the speed became faster.

Little Spider-Man was somewhat embarrassed to avoid this sudden attack.


The electric whip fell to the ground, directly bursting out a cloud of electric sparks, pulling out a large hole in the ground.

Little Spider-Man knew that he must not let the whip break like this.

Stark Industries can't stand such a toss.

If the electric whip knocks down the load-bearing wall, the excitement will be great.

I saw Little Spider-Man swaying and dodging the whip attack at the same time. Directly with the help of Cobweb's bullet to the whip's body.


Little Spider-Man slammed his whip against the glass.

In an instant, the tempered glass window burst open.


Countless glasses fell to the ground along with the whip locks.

This is not a light drop on the whip.

His body and face were also covered in blood from falling glass shards. His eyes were red, and his mouth and nose sprayed blood.

Whiplash's body is already strong enough, almost the pinnacle of human beings.

Plus the protection of a swimsuit-style battle suit.

It's as simple as spraying blood.

You must know that this is more than ten meters high.

Normal people have to peel off their skin if they don't die.

On the other hand, look at Little Spider-Man.

But much more ethereal.

He uses CobWeb to put a cushion on the billboard.

It fell very dashingly to the ground.

Not a single hair was hurt on his body.

At the moment's whip, the whole person is going to explode.

Before Tony Stark could find it, he suffered such a big loss on such an unknown person.

The anger in my heart was almost elevated to the extreme.

The eyes are full of fierceness and killing intent!

"Boy! No matter who you are! I will definitely scrape you alive today! Originally, this was for Tony· Stark that garbage prepared, now let you experience what despair is!"

Whiplock stood up and roared viciously.

He then slammed into his Ark reactor, and in an instant the two electric whips on his arm emitted a piercing chirp.

Immediately after that, the two electric whips expanded again, if the original electric whip was only the thickness of a finger after one expansion.

So now the two electric whips have reached the level of a baby's arm.

It doesn't look like two whips at all, but like a whip lock holding two lightning sticks in his hand!

"Fak! You are not allowed to insult Mr. Tony Stark!"

Little Spider-Man's gaze sharpened.

If the other party scolds him, maybe he won't be fine.

But insulting Tony with a whip is tantamount to poking Little Spider-Man's counterscales.

Little Spider-Man and Tony were not in contact for long.

But Little Spider-Man has treated Tony like an idol.

Tony, on the other hand, has a special affection for Little Spider-Man.

Now I see people insulting their idols in person.

Even with Little Spider-Man's good temper, he couldn't help but move the real fire!

"Idol? Hahaha! Idolize a thief? Tony Stark's family is the thief family! TMD Scrap!"

The whip was fierce and mocking, and the thick electric whip in his hand was swung towards Little Spider-Man.

The speed is so fast, you can only see one after another afterimages streak through the air.

Ordinary people simply don't have time to dodge in the face of an attack of this speed.

But little Spider-Man's Spider Telepathy is nothing less than a domineering existence.

Even if the brain can't react, the body will instinctively dodge.

"Unforgivable fellow! Prepare to accept Spider-man's sanctions!"

Little Spider-Man shouted angrily, cobweb constantly restricting the range of the whip.

At the same time, it quickly approaches the whip.

He knows exactly where his strengths lie.

And through the analysis of Battle suit, as long as you can fight with the whip lock, the winning rate is more than 80%!

At the moment is already on guard against little spider-man's cobweb.

After all, he suffered a lot of losses just now.

Although his endurance is strong, it does not mean that he will not feel pain! The burns on his body tormented him all the time.

Seeing Little Spider-Man getting closer.

The face on Whiplash's face also became more and more hideous.

At the same time, the electric whip in his hand wielded impermeably.

Leaving a Dao afterimage in mid-air, as well as dense electric light.

This move is somewhat similar to the Wang Ba Fist that was wielded in childhood fights.

It's quite a bit of a flawless feeling.

Little Spider-Man Constantly circled around the whiplash, looking for an opportunity to strike.

Soon the whip lock revealed flaws.

Maybe it was a burn on the arm, or maybe sweat dripped into the wound.

The arm that is always whipping involuntarily.

A gap appeared in the wielding electric whip on the left.

Little Spider-Man immediately caught the flaw.

The whole person was like a sharp arrow, directly rushing into the arms of the whip.

With an elbow blow, the wolf hit the Ark reactor on the chest of the whip


There was a sound like glass shattering.

The Ark reactor on the chest of the whip emitted puffs of white smoke.

Immediately afterwards, the electric whip on the arm of the whip became flickering and darkening.

The transmission of energy has been greatly affected!

"Damn miscellaneous! I'm going to kill you!!!

Whiplock watched his Ark reactor get hit hard.

He 707 knows very well that he may not be able to seek revenge on Tony Stark again!

For a while, the grief and resentment in my heart turned into madness, and directly facing Little Spider-Man was a bear hug, and at the same time had to be wrapped with an electric whip

Wrap around Little Spider-Man!

If Little Spider-Man is hit, then his only fate is probably to roast spiders.

But he is not a fool, how can he give the whip a chance to fight back on the verge of death.

Just when the whip lock moves.

Little Spider-Man has taken a head start.

Reach out and clasp the Ark reactor on the chest of the whiplock.

And then fight so hard!

Accompanied by spark electric light.

Little Spider-Man dragged Ark Reactor off alive!

The electric whip on the hand of the whip lock is not charged.

In an instant, it turned into two ordinary iron whips.

However, the whip at the moment has gone crazy, and he doesn't care about it, and his hands are on Little Spider-Man's shoulders, and he is about to give him a cruel move!

It's just that without the whip chain, there will be little spider-man's opponent.

In terms of strength, Little Spider-Man is not much worse than the Hulk in normal conditions.

I saw Little Spider-Man raise it with a kick.

Directly kicked the strong whip chain out.

And to avoid accidents, little spider-man grabbed the iron whip on the whip's arm.

Pull down those two iron whips too!

The whip covered his stomach and half knelt on the ground, and his mouth and nose sprayed blood again.

He struggled to get up, but his body did not listen to him.

Little Spider-Man didn't stop there.

After all, the madness and ferocity shown by the whip just now impressed him too deeply.

After Little Spider-Man threw the iron whip in his hand, the cobwebs launcher began firing continuously.

Soon, the whip was tied again into rice dumplings.

It's just that this time, without the help of the electric whip, his own strength alone can't break free at all.

Seeing yourself defeated.

As a result, Tony Stark was not even seen.

Extremely angry.

The whip lock vomited blood again, then rolled his eyes and fainted alive.

Little Spider-Man: That's a relief.

He took off his mask and "wiped the sweat from his forehead."

Only then did I find a sharp pain in my palm.

He looked down and saw that the battle suit in the hand where he was holding the Ark reactor had been burned.

The palm of the hand is not burned lightly.

It's just that under the action of adrenaline, he didn't feel pain.

However, compared to the injury of his palm, he paid more attention to the Ark reactor in his hand.

Little Spider-Man took a closer look at the Ark reactor, his brow furrowed for a moment.

Something isn't quite right.

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