American Comics: Fishing in Myriad Worlds, Start With Thunder Fruit

Chapter 86: The Seven Demon Kings Of Hell, Ancient One Came To Steal Home


Ancient One At the moment is no longer in the mood to take his disciples to see the snowy scene.

Upon returning to Kamar-Taj, Ancient One simply faded his gray monk's robe.

In its place was a yellow hooded monk's robe.

This monk's robe is a combat suit that belongs to Ancient One.

It is also Kamar-Taj's battle outfit for all magicians.

The disciples of Ancient One saw that their masters had changed into combat uniforms.

The already solemn expression became even more nervous.

They all knew very well that Ancient One was ready to do it himself when he changed into this outfit.

"Master let me go with you, in addition to the lord of hell, there are seven princes in hell, it's hard to deal with."

Mordo looked at Ancient One with a serious face, exuding a good momentum.

Mordo was arguably the most powerful of all the disciples of Ancient One.

In fact, the "973" force is quite good.

Even the current Little Spider-Man and Tony are not necessarily his opponents.

But want to follow Ancient One into hell.

Still almost meaningful.

"Master also bring us."

"That's right! Master, we are willing to share your worries.

"We are willing to share the worries of the master!×N"

All the disciples at the moment were all excited.

His expression was full of fighting intent.

Ancient One saw this scene.

The corners of the mouth are slightly raised.

The care of the disciples from their hearts made a warm current appear in her tired heart.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, if you follow me, it will be dangerous."

"Help me guard Kamar-Taj, I have a hunch that the man will return at any moment. y

Ancient One said in a calm tone.

Hearing this, the faces of many disciples changed slightly.

They fell silent.

The man Ancient One is talking about, named Kaecilius, is a traitor to Kamar-Taj.

He is also a powerful magician.

As a result, he degenerates into the dark magician and becomes a lackey of the dark lord Dormammu.

Mordo is full of hatred for Kaecilius.

Mordo is the kind of person who loves to drill into the horns.

He regarded Kamar-Taj's as everything, and Ancient One as an idol.

And Kaecilius as a betrayer.

Mordo naturally hated to death.

"Master please rest assured, I will definitely protect Kamar-Taj!

Mordo looked serious and reverent, even with a bit of fanaticism.

Seeing this look, Ancient One couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

Maybe it's because of such a character.

In the future, Mordo will only collapse when he knows that he has absorbed the power of darkness and lived forever.

Originally, Ancient One could not save Mordo's future for the sake of time balance.

But now Qin Feng is here.

Anything is possible.

Even ancient times are no longer sure what the future looks like.

"Mordo, you have to remember that Kamar-Taj is not just a place, but you."

Gu - said with a straight face.

"Follow the master's instructions!"

Mordo looked at Ancient One with a somewhat fanatical expression and nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Ancient One knew that Mordo had not listened to his words at all.

Ancient One is also helpless in this regard.

The figure flashed, and instantly disappeared in place.

Looking at where Ancient One left, Mordo sat down cross-kneeled with a solemn expression and entered a meditative state.

Seeing this, the other disciples also followed suit and sat down cross-legged and meditated.

In hell.

The seven hell lords sit on their respective thrones.

Like the stars holding the moon, sit around the throne of Mercor Faith.

Now the Lord of Hell is not in Hell.

They, the princes of hell, must come here and sit in hell.

No way, Merto Faith used hell to fight the Planet Devourer.

Caused hell to almost collapse.

Even now it has not recovered.

The seven hell demon kings are.

The Sin of Arrogance Lucifer.

The sin of jealousy is Leviathan.

The sin of anger is Samael.

The sin of laziness is Beryl.

The sin of greed is Mammon.

The crime of gluttony is Beelzebub.

The sin of lust is Asmontis.

They are second only to the existence of Mercot Faith.

The strongest demon king is naturally Lucifer, the sin of arrogance.

He used to be one of the only great angels in heaven.

Later, for various reasons, he became the fallen Angel..... Also the first fallen Angel.

Also because of his fall, a door to depravity was completely opened.

In hell, there are many fallen Angels who cannot stand the heavenly system.

Moto Faith is very happy about this.

After all, as a mortal rival, Mercor Faith is naturally happy to hear about problems in heaven.

Because of this, Thoth valued Lucifer very much.

On the surface, Lucifer is also very loyal to Meto Faith.

But these are just superficial.

All the hell lords are eager for the location of Meto Faith.

It's just that now Meto Faith is gaining momentum.

They did not dare to have any intention of resisting.

Once something goes wrong with Mercot Faith.

These demon kings will choose to betray and seize his position in the first place!

The Seven Demon Kings sat on the throne, and no one spoke.

The atmosphere between them was exceptionally dull.

It is also normal to have this situation.

After all, these seven demon kings basically did not have a good eye to see each other.

There is even some hatred.

However, with the appearance of the golden portal, the atmosphere was instantly broken.

Countless hell demons roared as they watched the portal that appeared in the sky.

It seems to be a warning to this being who does not belong to hell.

All the Seven Demon Kings raised their heads and looked at the portal with solemn eyes.

Especially after watching 2.4 to Ancient One coming out of the portal.

The faces of the seven demon kings became more solemn.

To this earthly Sorcerer Supreme.

Naturally, they are no strangers.

After all, the world is where heaven and hell connect.

It is inevitable that there will be several dealings.

It's just that the conversation is not particularly pleasant.

Ancient One didn't choose to help Qin Feng.

Because of some kind of protocol.

Meto Faith can't really enter the world.

It can only be in the void, using means to project part of the power into the world.

Through a short hand-to-hand.

He can see that Meto Faith can't help Qin Feng, maybe he will suffer a small loss.

In this case, instead of icing on the cake, it is better to come home!.

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