A heavy slap slapped Mystique on the face.

A slap hit Mystique directly to the ceiling.

Luo An turned his head and looked at Spider-Man.

Then he showed a mysterious smile.

Little Parker, you don’t want your aunt who has been worried about you to know that you are an outsider doing chivalry, right?

"How do you know my identity?"Spider-Man was numb. He looked at Luo An in disbelief.

He could swear that he had never seen Luo An, or even Luo An, had never entered his life.

So how did Luo An know that he ?

"Don't say too much, I need your help."

Luo An said with a smile.

Spider-Man opened his mouth, looked at Daredevil who was torn in half, and then looked at Luo An.

Didn't you just kill my temporary teammate and tell me now? You need my help.

Is this reasonable?

But out of necessity, in order to prevent his true identity from being exposed,

Spider-Man could only follow Luo An obediently....

As for Mystique, who was shot away by Luo An, he regretted it when he was about to attack Luo An.

He had really lost his mind. He could see how strong Luo An was in combat.

I was also in a panic, which made my head a little hard to use.

A slap instantly woke her up, and when her body hit the ceiling of the warehouse, Raven left without stopping.

He was deeply afraid that Luo An would cause trouble for him from behind.

In addition, another thing is that Ruiwen always felt like someone was peeping at her in the warehouse just now.

She thought it was an illusion, but years of spy intelligence made her trust her sixth sense.

And the culprit of the surveillance at this moment, Nick Fury, finally sat on the chair again.

He murmured"Maja Fake" in his mouth.

The information I just saw was too shocking.

He also heard about the mutant Mystique.

But it was the first time I saw it with my own eyes.

Just now, Nick Fury saw Mystique transform from Super to her original appearance.

This kind of ability is too abnormal.

It's just a fantasy, if the president of the beautiful country is transformed by this person called Mystique.

Nick Fury's scalp felt numb.

At that time, Mystique only needed to click the button to launch the nuclear bomb.

Everything will end.

The key is, what Luo An said about the brotherhood at the end.

Overthrow human rule and let mutants rule the world.

Is this news true or false?

But...Mystique didn't object.

Nick Fury sighed when he thought of this.

He said again:"Mom, mess with Fake!""

"I can't just rely on those losers like the congressmen. New York is my territory."Nick Fury took a deep breath, and then his eyes became serious.

However, under the current situation, his manpower is somewhat insufficient.

Each agent has a mission.

Currently, the only person left under him is Cole. Sen and Natasha!

These two are the trump cards in my hand.

"Things on the glacier side have been taken over for the time being. Currently, the only things in front of him are...the hammer and the Hulk developed by the military."

"Um...There seems to be nothing wrong with the hammer, it just sits there and can't be taken out."

"But the Hulk, whose destructive power is astonishing, must go over and find out what is going on?"

"So where will Coulson and Natasha go?"

One of these two is a level 8 agent and the other is a level 9 agent.

"Damn Fuck! I actually hesitated. There are people who want to destroy the world. What is there to worry about a researched green giant?"

Nick Fury didn't hesitate at all. In a flash, he assigned Coulson to the position of investigating the Hulk.

Naturally, Natasha was investigating information about mutants.

But now she was in front of Nick Fury. There are two ways.

The first is to investigate Luo An, the center of the incident, and the second is to investigate the so-called Brotherhood of Mutants. After thinking for a while, Nick Fury decided to let Natasha investigate or infiltrate It would be better to stay with Luo An.

After all, although Natasha is a level 9 agent, she is still not good enough in front of mutants.

In addition, this brotherhood, since it is an organization, it will definitely not There is only one mutant.

Lucky for Luo An, the specific information is already known. If Natasha faces it, she should be able to handle it.

After the arrangements were made, Nick Fury immediately turned on the satellite transmitter.......

"What! Kill the Kingpin!"

Spider-Man looked at Luo An, who was sitting on a researcher, in shock.

"That's right, haven't you been fighting the Kingpin all this time? I can help you."Luo An nodded.

"But aren’t you in a cooperative relationship with Kingpin? Why did you let me deal with Kingpin?"Spider-Man looked at Luo An in disbelief.

"Who said that Kingpin and I are in a cooperative relationship? I joined Kingpin that night, just to let him help test my strength."

"But now, Kingpin no longer has that role."

Luo An said in a calm tone.

Yes, for the current Luo An.

Jin Bing has no effect, and his strength has increased again.

The strange power level is about to reach the full level, and there is no need to increase it in the future.

Originally Luo An This is the plan.

When the power increases to a certain level, he will directly overthrow Kingpin's rule.

Then go to Gotham City to see if he can unlock the next template.

But now! Luo An is not going to Gotham To be honest, he didn't expect Mystique to bring him an unexpected surprise.

Rather than heading to Gotham, Luo An preferred to destroy the fly that had been following him. The research institute!

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