The severe pain made the black man scream.

In particular, he looked at his legs, getting closer to the tip of his nose little by little, and even crossed to the back of his head.

The tearing pain made him unable to hold back at all.

Luo An's sudden resistance made the white people on the side stunned.

Until the black man's screams woke him up, the white man raised the rubber stick in his hand without saying a word.

He raised it high and hit Luo An on the back.

"what are you doing! You dare to resist, but don't forget the collar around your neck."


The rubber rod hit Luo An hard on the back, and the prison uniform was rustled.

If Luo An's clothes could be opened at this moment, it would be obvious to see purple stains appearing on the place where he was just hit. Cyan marks!

"Is this what you're talking about?"Luo An turned his head slightly, and then grabbed the collar around his neck with his hands.

He pulled hard, tore it off, and then smashed it to the ground.

Click, click, and the sound of electricity sounded.

The ability to suppress mutants Luo An tore off the collar abruptly and smashed it to the ground.

The white man who saw this scene swallowed his saliva and looked at Luo An in disbelief.

"How can this be? Your abilities have been suppressed, why can you still use your mutant abilities?"

However, Luo An did not choose to answer, but instead pushed forward with force. In an instant, the rotation reached 240 degrees, and the leg lifted by Zhang San was directly pressed behind his shoulder.

With a clicking sound, the black man fainted under the severe pain.

The leg bones were directly exposed by Luo An.

Looking at the dark white bones, Luo An kicked them directly.

The black man's face turned pale. He had stopped breathing.

He was tortured to death.

Seeing this brutal scene, the white man collapsed on the ground.

Feces and urine flowed out.

"what you up to? Could it be that you want to resist? I advise you to give up this idea and return to the cage obediently. I don't want you to be a test subject."

The white man stammered.

Luo An came to him and squatted down.

Then he clenched his fist and punched him in the face one after another.

When he just crossed over, the white man did this, hitting him with the butt of his gun. On his face.


Accompanied by loud noises one after another.

The flesh and blood were blurred, and Luo An beat him to death.

At the same time, the alarm sounded.

Luo An watched this scene calmly.

With this At the same time.

Two voices sounded in my mind.

【Template fusion degree increased by 1%】

【Congratulations, the host killed someone for the first time and obtained the prop, Jason's Iron Mask.】

【Jason's Iron Mask: Wearing this mask will calm your mind and heart, increase your ability to observe, and freely control your own power.

Disadvantages: Eyes can become red and bloodshot. ]

Luo An's eyes flashed with a hint of realization, so that's it.

The increase in Jason's template fusion requires killing people.

I think so, after all, the system told me my template title from the beginning.

But an immortal murderer.

But the unexpected joy was to get a prop.

Jason's Iron Mask.

That is to say, the mask that has been worn on Jason's face can be said to be very crude.

But it has complete functions. Simply put, wearing this mask will make you calmer.

For example, seeing this bloody side, Luo An puts on a mask.

There is no nauseous feeling like vomiting.

Instead, he became very indifferent, as if this mask had erased all his emotions.

In other words, you have entered the sage mode.

"It’s really good."

Looking at his blood-stained hands.

Luo An murmured at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, he felt that his strength seemed to have grown stronger again.


Clenching his fist, Luo An punched the glass beside him.

He could bear it The bulletproof glass holding the anti-equipment sniper rifle shattered with Luo An's full punch.

Glass fragments scattered around Luo An like raindrops.

The huge movement also woke up most of the people in the laboratory. Even in some of the closer cages, many mutants heard the unusual zodiac signs.

All eyes turned to the closed Laboratory 16

"what's the situation?"

The researcher who first ordered the two men to drag Luo An into the laboratory frowned.

Then he quickly walked over and opened the closed door.

However, the scene that happened in front of him made his pupils suddenly shrink.

"Oh! Shet! Fake squid! What are you doing"

The researcher exclaimed, and Luo An looked over fiercely.

Wearing an iron mask, his strong body was full of blood.

His red bloodshot eyes stared at the researcher.

Luo An's footsteps pulsated. He walked over step by step.

The researcher's exclamation also attracted the attention of people in the laboratory.

When they saw Luo An walking out of the room covered in blood, and the suppressor around his neck disappeared.

Everyone was stunned. They started to panic, even though they had always regarded mutants as dog-like existences. They were wanton insults, but that was when the mutants' abilities were suppressed.

Now, when a living mutant appears, and with such a ferocious appearance , how could they not panic?

But after panicking, they quickly calmed down.

It’s not like mutants didn’t resist.

After all, the research laboratory has been around for so long, there are always one or two smart mutants who want to resist..

But do you really think that their defense power is in vain?

Without saying a word, these people hid in the safe house. They had experienced mutant resistance before, and they had expected it.

So in this large laboratory.

Constructed a strong safety wall, which can even withstand missile bombings.

After hiding in the safety wall, these researchers breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they looked at Luo An with a playful look. , just like watching a clown in the circus

"Start the alarm quickly"

"These damn mutant freaks really don't know how to live or die."

"I know this guy. He was my experimental subject before. He is probably dying."

"Where are the protective personnel? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

Looking ahead, the researchers hiding in the alloy walls and bulletproof glass.

Hidden under the mask, the corners of Luo An's mouth rose slightly.

"You are going to suffer the old sin." ps: Please support me, thank you all!

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