This hedgehog man simply betrayed his trust.

Luo An glanced at the hedgehog man who was being sucked into his dick with an angry look on his face, and casually slapped him away with his centipede.

Next, continue to work hard to improve your integration!

Only ten minutes had passed, and Luo An's fusion degree finally succeeded in breaking through the 60 mark~.

The one-eyed king form has ended.

The so-called one-eyed thing is that the whole body is covered with black hair, forming a black protection.

Also known as the Black Death.

The battle between Ice Man and Pyro Man took advantage of this moment by kicking up dust in the sky.

Logan jumped directly in front of Qin


"I didn’t know you were awake, please come to life quickly."

Wolverine grabbed Jean's shoulders tightly.

"roll."Qin shouted.

There seemed to be black lines covering his face.

With an earth-shattering sound, Logan flew backwards several hundred meters as if being hit by a meteorite. He flew directly from the front end of the base to the back end.

"Ohmygod, is this an Omega-level mutant?"Magneto was shocked in his heart.

Although he had watched Qin's battle last time.

But with a wave of his hand, he could lift a level three mutant dozens of meters away. There was even a special energy in Logan's body that was hindering him. Let his flesh and blood recover.

This method is something Magneto will never be able to do.


At the back of the base, hundreds of soldiers were suddenly seen.

The moment they appeared, they pulled the trigger in their hands.

Countless green potions were densely covering Qin.

"don't want!"The X-Men who saw this scene shouted loudly.

However, when Qin waved his hand, the fired healing potions stopped in mid-air.

With his right hand clenched into a fist, there was a bang.

All the potions were fired. The particles turned into black and dissipated.

At the same time, there were soldiers who shot these potions.

"Oh my God, what have I done."

Magneto was stunned when he saw this scene.

Last time, Qin's main opponent was Luo An.

This time, her opponents are these ordinary people and mutants.

The sense of oppression brought about is fundamentally different.

At the same time, As the scene fell into chaos,

Luo An did not hide it.

The Hezi behind him instantly turned into 8!

Like a spider spear, 8 blood-red Hezi penetrated into the ground. In an instant, the land surged.

The Hezi formed A huge giant net suddenly appeared.

It directly enveloped all the mutants and remaining soldiers.

Seeing this scene, Magneto didn't care about anything. He just wanted to run at the moment.

The Omega-level combat power was too terrifying.

He They all regret getting involved in such a battle.

"You are right, Charles."


The red tank broke through the wall at this time, wearing a steel-like helmet, and directly hit Qin floating in the sky.


Qin yelled angrily, and an extremely huge mental power emerged. He directly threw the red tank away.

Then he looked at Luo An

"I won't lose."

Crack, click, click! As the sound of the piano fell, everything around began to crack and crack. At the same time, the monitoring satellites in the sky.

The president and military officers who had been watching, saw this scene, and their legs began to shake. stand up

"In front of this level of mutants, no matter how many humans there are, they are of no use at all."

Muttered the President

"Dr. Trask, can the Sentinel robot deal with such mutants?"The president quickly looked at one of the short doctors.

Trask gritted his teeth, feeling a little unsure in his heart.

Although he had confidence in the Sentinel robot.

But...Is this attack a molecular level attack?

A bit exaggerated indeed

"Yes, even if the sentry robot fails, I can transform it into a more powerful one. Dr.

Trask said firmly.

"Maybe, these two people will both suffer losses. The last battle in Crystal Lake was also caused by these two mutants. At that time, I thought they were both dead. Now that they are fighting together again, maybe they will die together in this battle. During the battle."

Another officer expressed a good wish.

Everyone couldn't help but nodded.

This is expectation and expectation.

"If I kill you, how much integration will there be?"Luo An's eyes widened.

Black Phoenix Qin? It stands to reason that Qin with the power of the Phoenix cannot die.

After all, as we all know, the phoenix can reach nirvana.

But Luo An wanted to give it a try. Qin after being absorbed by Hezi's essence, Will he be resurrected again?

And if I remember correctly, in the X-Men Dark Phoenix.

There seems to be an alien who will also come to bewitch Qin, right?

But this alien Luo An doesn't care, he can use the power of the earth to dominate the earth..

It is not a powerful thing.

As the giant net of Hezi enveloped by Luo An, one after another, the mutants were absorbed.

The color of Hezi's body was so red that it turned purple.

At the same time, the fusion degree was all the way up.

Directly From 60 to 67, under the attacks of Luo An and Qin, almost all the mutants brought by Magneto were almost dead.

The only ones left were the X-Men and Magneto's main combat force.

"Hezi’s next form is up to you."

Luo An looked up and down at the remaining mutants.

Eight roots were flying in all directions.

"Run quickly."

When the Iceman saw this scene, he was numb.

He immediately erected an ice wall, trying to hinder Luo An.

However, the ice wall was as fragile as a piece of paper.

It was penetrated directly by the black Hezi.

And the speed was not the same. Weakened, it pierced towards the place where the phantom cat was.

At the critical moment, the phantom cat dived directly into the ground.

However, the little bald man carried by the phantom cat was in misfortune.

This little bald man was the culprit of the suppressive medicine. It is with his blood that countless potions can be researched.

Without anyone to protect the little bald man, he is not even as good as an ordinary person.

However, the mutant ability is the top mutant ability.

If I have to say it, the little bald man's The ability to change should have reached level four.

Along with it, the bright red Hezi penetrated the body of the little bald head. The continuous blood was absorbed and strengthened, and finally turned into an energy upgrade template.

Not only the little bald head, but also was slapped away The red tank is also Luo An's material.

With a tail thrust, the power of the red tank also turns into Luo An's power.

A third-level mutant, a fourth-level mutant.

The energy in the body is naturally very huge.

Being Such a huge force squeezed!

Luo An's fusion degree suddenly increased from 67 to 71.

A direct increase of 4%.

A new form was also unlocked.

Centipede Dragon! It can also be said to be an inhuman form!

"come over! Let us both fight again"

"The last loss was just an accident."After dealing with the miscellaneous soldiers, Qin immediately looked at Luo An.

The provocation in his eyes and the red streaks on his face were all telling of unwillingness. Luo An also gently stroked his body.

The black Hezi seemed to In response to him, he began to tremble slightly in Luo An's hands.


A red thunder exploded, directly surrounding Luo An.

It was as if a lightning armor was outlined on his body.

Nick Fury, who was watching using the satellite, also shrank when he saw the familiar lightning.

It can be said that, Now most of the forces are using satellites in the sky to watch the war led by mutants. The war between humans and mutants.

As the boss of SHIELD, it is expected that Nick Fury will watch.

However, Nick Fury had also seen another video before.

The scene of Luo An destroying the Destroyer was also recorded. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He naturally knew that what happened behind Luo An was How powerful is the combination of the special tail and this red lightning?

And can the woman opposite Luo An really be able to cope with it?

Accompanied by eight sharp thorns, accompanied by red lightning.

Densely moving toward Qin He kept thrusting.

He thrust 10 times in one second, and the red energy shield in front of Qin[]

In a short period of time, cracks appeared one after another.

Seeing that she could no longer hold on, Qin didn't care at all.

Just give it a try.

The red energy turned into a beam of light, accompanied by a scorching temperature, welcoming Luo An's son.

The two were in a stalemate in the air, and the situation seemed to be the same as last time.

The energy wave generated between the two directly destroyed all the experimental bases nearby.

All that is left is the burned red soil

"Are they going to destroy this island?"

The corner of the president's mouth twitched slightly as he watched.

He adjusted the satellite's viewing angle to zoom out so that he could see clearly.

Under the collision between the two, the edge of the island began to tremble.

The soil continued to slide away.

Even the surrounding seawater began to emerge.

This The area of ​​this small island is not small. If you insist on saying it, it is much larger than the average town.

It can be said that it is at least a hundred kilometers.

But, is it Luoan or Qin?

A casual blow can make the soil collapse. Damn, the range is at least 5 kilometers.

This is still the aftermath of a casual attack. For such a serious team, the island is about to collapse.

So what if one day, these two people can't think of it and come to their own White House?

Danger, A huge threat looms over the president

"America's buttocks, I support you now, go ahead, he is killing innocent people indiscriminately, go and stop him."

Iron Man in S.H.I.E.L.D. curled his lips and looked at the dull Captain America.

For a moment, everyone looked at Captain America with strange eyes.

After all, yesterday, Captain America's tone was full of thoughts. He wanted to bring Luo An to justice.

Now, everyone supports him.

But as the supported Captain, he looked at his legs that could not help but tremble. He fell into deep thought.

His shield should not be pierced, right?

The battle between the two is still going on. Luo An is still the one-eyed king, except for Gen Hezi behind him. His two hands have also turned into claws. The only thing that remains unchanged is the ever-calm look in his left eye. Light.


A red light suddenly emerged from behind Luo An and penetrated straight towards Luo An's body. The sudden appearance of the light interrupted this peaceful scene.

Fortunately, Luo An had a keen sense and immediately had a free space. With one hand, he stood up an ice wall behind him.

The wall made of black ice was even ten times thicker than steel.

It was easy to block a mere laser beam.

But... Luo An underestimated this. The impact of light.

When the owner of the laser saw that the light was blocked, he directly increased the force.

The light suddenly changed three times.

The sudden impact pushed the ice wall and hit Luo An directly on his back.

The balance he maintained was destroyed. Breaking, Luo An's body staggered, and He Zi behind him also started to get confused.

And the impact energy of the two colliding! At this moment, it finally began to vent.

Qin's Phoenix Power continued to hang towards Luo An.

Collision The energy directly enveloped Luo An.

Boom! A vast expanse of white!

The only thing visible was the edge of the white light, and everything it came into contact with was dissipating.

"No! Natasha, who was watching, couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene.

At the same time, the satellite also swung towards the owner of the laser.

A mutant wearing sunglasses.


"Well done."

Watching the president waving his hands excitedly, like a cheerleader.

One of the mutants full of huge threats has been eliminated, and next, there will be another one.

Spider-Man, who is watching the live broadcast at this moment, is also covering his head, some It’s unbelievable.

This battle between humans and mutants cannot be hidden at all.

So from the beginning, the beautiful country’s TV stations began to broadcast the battle live.

Peter Parker was also watching at home Live broadcast.

As someone who has fought side by side with Luo An, he can naturally recognize Luo An at a glance.

Although he doesn’t know why Luo An’s hair has turned white and his eyes have become blind now.

He can just recognize it.

The spider was originally mistaken for a mutant. Xia should also appear here, but he is very distressed.

So he selectively shows off.

This scene can only be watched online.

His heart still supports Luo An, and he does not stand in the history of humans and mutants.

It's just that he thought Luo An was his friend.

However, a fair duel was overturned.

Spider-Man was simply furious.

He cursed this boring guy wearing glasses in his heart.

"My friend, one day I will give this guy a hard punch to avenge you."

Spider-Man sent the barrage silently.

At the same time, he also looked at the other barrages.

"What a pity. That white-haired mutant should be the most powerful mutant, but I didn’t expect to die so hastily."

"A good death, all mutants deserve to die, not only this white-haired woman, but also this red-haired woman."

"Although I look down on mutants, I look down even more on mutants who attack from behind. If it were during a war, they would be traitors and traitors."

"Isn't this the Cyclops from X Academy? Call yourself a soldier, call yourself a policeman? This is the method"

"I felt that the man wearing sunglasses must have had an affair with the red-haired man, so he attacked the white-haired man secretly.

Meanwhile, people watching the live broadcast in other cities.

Batman:"This guy makes me sick.""

Handcuffed Superman:"Despicable guy."

Wonder Woman:"Mutants are worse than humans."

Logan, who had been knocked away by Qin, had just gotten up and looked at the scene of being pushed flat in front of him.

Finally, his eyes were locked in front of him.

The sudden appearance of Cyclops made Logan very confused.

In this action, Cyclops did not appear at all. , However, he came here out of nowhere.

And he used a method that even Logan looked down upon.

Sneak attack.

But Logan also understood that in X Academy, it was well known that both he and Cyclops had a crush on Qin.

"Such a victory...Jean wouldn't like it."

Logan looked like a laser running like Qin.

He shook his head slightly, and his eyes were also very sorry.

Feeling sorry for Luo An.

An Omega mutant....He died so hastily

"I think...Joining x college is your loss."Magneto, who was escaping in mid-air, paused when he saw this scene. Isn't this kind of sneak attack what he, a villain, should do?

"Jean, are you okay?! Cyclops ignored it at all and walked quickly towards Qin floating in the air.

"Farke! Who asked you to take action?"

Qin was so angry that all her hair began to stand upside down.

Such a victory was really not what she wanted at all.

"I failed to protect you last time...this time, I succeeded."

If you take off Cyclops's sunglasses, you can clearly see Cyclops at this moment, his eyes are very gentle.

However, no one noticed that in this huge white light, there was a faint crawling sound, just like a millipede.

At the same time, A huge strange shadow looms...

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