American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 257 Krypton is finally established, and the affairs of the underworld are completed!

The dazzling golden light dispelled the eternal darkness. At this moment, outside the multiverse barrier, the endless world expanded with colorful lights and strange things.

The anchor point universe was still connected and fixed together by countless chains, so entangled that the original appearance of the universe could hardly be seen.

Suddenly, the time anchor point from the Dragon Ball universe loosened slightly, but just as it was about to fall off, a chain flew out from the big universe and quickly tied a knot on the anchor bolt.

A strange thing happened. After the small chain tied a knot at the anchor point, it actually flew to a farther place and directly connected to a line connected to the anchor point of the DC universe. The two sides were like connected circuits, forming a closed loop that could conduct electricity.

Soon, it short-circuited.

In an instant, countless timelines emerged from outside the barrier, growing like towering trees. God, who noticed all this, frowned in confusion, and in an instant, he understood everything that had just happened: "Huh?"

The next second, God was stunned in surprise, thought for a few seconds, and then a thought flashed through his mind.

The endless chain was instantly split apart by a supreme power, the time tree was broken, and the channel connecting the three was wrapped by a controllable force.

Countless timelines were cut out, and in the end only a narrow thread was left, floating undetectably connecting the distance between the three universes, swaying in the sea of ​​​​the universe. It seemed that it could be blown away by the wind at any time.

"That guy."

Salama was so scared that cold sweat broke out when he saw God's move, but he didn't expect that the old guy actually left a line for himself as Superman said.

"I said, wishes are mutual."

Carrot El scratched his ears and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everything was settled according to his idea, and there were no other waves:

"In this world, fighting and killing usually occurs after the human relations and social etiquette can no longer be explained."

"Only you guys, who are supply-oriented, will tolerate the incompatibility of good and evil and start fighting at the slightest disagreement."

"Okay, the deal is done, the timeline is established, where do you plan to place Krypton?"

Salamar pondered for a while after hearing this, and even he had to admit that Carrot El's words made some sense.

Each universe has its own actual situation, and the biggest actual situation and problem between DC and Marvel is that there are too many restarts, which has caused large-scale chaos in the timeline.

You are afraid of causing trouble to others, but in fact you didn't expect that they would like to throw away the timeline.

If all this stuff can be sold. Then for these two multiverse masters with full inventory, unlimited supply, and stockpiling, it is really a day to make a fortune!

This is why Carrot El dared to do this and actually made him do it.

There is only one timeline in Dragon Ball that was completely ruined, and that is Despair.

Are you looking at the other side?

How many are there?

Can you count them?

Salama, you have to learn to open your eyes and see the world!

Salama thought for a while. Although this matter has a way to go, Krypton itself does not belong to this universe.

In theory, resurrecting him here is equivalent to completely resetting the timeline of a universe.

He needs to discuss this matter with the Omni-King and the High Priest: "Do you have any opinions?"

Carrot El gave it several options: "Simple, either put it in the desperate time and space of the seventh universe and open a new branch, or go to the GT universe, which is the closest place to the Dragon Realm. To some extent, it can avoid some things from happening, or directly interfere, or put it in the eleventh universe, with that group of self-proclaimed justice teams, it is also colorful."

"The most important thing is that there is Jiren to keep the place in order, so there won't be any big chaos."

Sarama thought about it carefully and felt that what he said made sense: "Well, okay, I will contact you through the King of the Anchor Universe for the follow-up matters."

Carrot El stretched his body, thinking of the scene where Zod mocked him at the martial arts conference before, and secretly despised in his heart:

"I said, Zod, I will properly settle the Krypton planet, and now this place is stable enough."

The next second, Carrot El calculated the time in his mind and smiled maliciously at Salama.

He suddenly landed, and instantly moved to a dragon's breath place in the Dragon Realm.

The whole world was created by Salama, so no matter where El is in this world, the huge dragon god can directly observe him and talk to him.

Just when Salama was wondering what he was going to do again, Carrot El began to pick and choose among a group of dragons.

Salama paused and said vigilantly: "Hey! What are you doing again? Are you done yet?"

Carrot El picked up a small golden dragon and touched its head. It looked like it was born not long ago: "My son is about to be born, and a father can't be empty-handed, right?"

"As my best partner, shouldn't you give me a gift?"

Salama choked on his chest and cursed: "Have some shame, Carrot El!!!"

"How many wishes did you overdraw before? I helped you solve the Krypton issue, and now you use our dragon cub as a gift?"

"Dr. Manhattan next door knew about this and gave my son a quantum body package without saying a word. If you want to be inferior to others in your professional field, then pretend I didn't tell you."

Carrot El silenced Salama with one word.

Holding the golden dragon in his hand, Al looked at its well-behaved appearance and nodded with satisfaction.

Well, this oriental dragon looks very good!

"Okay, that's it."

The more Salama looked at it, the more angry she became. She was obviously plotted by this guy, but now he had to surrender him. This kind of bullying was too much, and someone who came to his own home to snatch the child in front of his face was simply unworthy of a human being:

"I promise you, if you don't get out, I will throw you out!"

After solving the troubles on Krypton and the underworld, Carrot El was in a good mood: "Look, I'm so anxious for you. It's your first time coming to the Dragon Ball Universe, and you still want to have a good time. Do you think I want to stay with you?" Here, okay, I had a few group fights today, it was quite enjoyable, I’ll go back and have a good sleep at night.”

After the words fell, Carrot closed his eyes, and the dragon beads in his body began to appear one by one in Constantine's summoning array. The entire array gradually disappeared in place with the white light of nothingness:

"Now that the channel has been established, we welcome our next cooperation. Goodbye, Dragon God."

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