American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 259 Award Ceremony, Statue of the Savior of Human Civilization!

The earth, the metropolis, the waves calmed down, the storm calmed down, and the city that was caught in the fire gradually returned to operation with the help of the fire brigade.

Iron Man crashed into a remote town in Tennessee and met a child when he was having an anxiety attack.

From then on, he had a new nickname of a mechanic.

It seems that in this remote town, Stark has found his new successor.

At the same time, in the venue of the martial arts conference, people who paid tribute gathered from various battlefields.

Except for those from the "official Avengers", most of the members of the Justice League laughed happily amidst the applause of the world.

As the last Metroid Warriors were killed by Piccolo and others, Carrot announced to the global satellite cameras:

"Everyone, we have overcome the crisis. I, Carrot El, as the Justice League, now declare that it is us and the earth who have won this martial arts tournament!"

"Everyone is safe!"

As soon as the words fell, cheers rang out from all over the world, firecrackers went off, and gunfire broke out. The prophecy of doomsday ended, leaving only the cheers of the survivors.

This battle, which will be preserved in the annals of history, will become the most colorful event written by human civilization in the history of the universe, and will also become the most profound memory for everyone in the Justice League.

At Zhenglian Headquarters, Jarvis silently recorded everything that happened in this battle in the archives as precious images in the future. After discussions, the adaptation was filmed and circulated to the world.

"Phew! It's finally over! I'm going to have a big meal later!"

Natasha stretched, then seemed to have remembered something, and pointed at everyone with a serious face: "Let me tell you in advance, I will not go to the barbecue restaurant that Stark pointed out, and Batman and his city will explode at any time. Restaurant!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and even Piccolo was infected by this atmosphere.

"Then you can go to Al's house, he's a big foodie!"

Carrot El waved his hand and looked surprised. He didn't expect you to be like this Bic: "Okay, come on, everyone, take care of yourself. Superman will pay for tonight's consumption!"

"You said it, then I will drink all the red wine in your wine cellar."

Ever since the Arctic Glacier, Banner hadn't enjoyed a passionate party in an unknown amount of time. Only at Al's house, he could have fun even if the Hulk came out.

Dagu led Camilla and stood at the end of the team a little shyly. Natasha added a kick with a smirk on her face and kicked him directly to the middle of the field, becoming the focus of everyone's attention.

Camila is not stage frightened. She looks like a queen. She shines with confidence. She doesn't care about everyone's teasing eyes. She holds Da Gu's arm and cuddles her lovingly.


When everyone at the scene saw this, they whistled and booed with unknown meaning.

But it can be seen from their eyes that they are all happy for Dagu.

Gamora licked her itchy lips, ran to Broly's side, hugged him and kissed him.

On the other side, Iron Man and Batman were watching this through the video camera, with unexplained smiles on their lips.

For them, perhaps the most beautiful picture in the world is the moment when peace comes after they and others have resolved the danger.


Stark, who was far away in Tennessee, suddenly heard a very familiar voice behind him. It was Pepper who hurried over after Jarvis reported his location.

"Oh, God, I was surprised, but then I thought about it, not anymore."

Under Stark's shocked eyes, Pepper rushed up with tears in her eyes and immediately checked whether there were any wounds on his body.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Under the clothes of a mortal body, there was actually blood already, but the moment he saw his lover's eyes, Stark didn't feel any pain at this time, because there was only the light of each other in their eyes, and they kissed slowly Go up.

Carrot El stood in the wind like an upright statue, staring at everyone and smiling.

Yes, this is the meaning, the meaning of not being a native of the motherland.

They don't need to know how powerful Superman is, nor how invincible the Saiyans are, nor how easy it is for Carrot El to walk on thin ice.

They just need to laugh loudly when the sun rises, that's enough.

"Thank you, Al."

Such a familiar voice, as if it has passed through an incredible adventure, and at the end of time, it is gradually attracted to you.

Carrot turned around, met Bulma's distressed eyes, and smiled.

Just now she was wondering why no one came to pick her up, but here comes her big-bellied woman.

My beauty is more intoxicating than wine and more fragrant than roses.

The charm is like you, exuding charming colors, gentle like you, better than the melting snow of the glacier

My heart is you, my person is you, and from now on when I look at the mountains and the snow, I see you every time I look at it.

The two people embracing each other came closer to each other under the witness of the sun. Their two pairs of blue eyes were clearer than the sky and more tender than the lake.

I like to listen to the wind and the rain.

I like to listen to the mountains talking and the waves of the sea.

But what I like to hear most is the hot heartbeat in my chest when you are here

This kiss goes from heaven to earth, from day to night.

The members of the Justice League ended the conference with a kiss that was very typical of Hollywood.

Fireworks cheering for rebirth were lit up all over the world.


The next day, at the headquarters of the Justice League, the Global Co-Governance Political Dawn Joint Reception Lecture Hall.

A group of people dressed in formal attire attended the venue. Carrot stood on the highest podium and said to reporters around the world:

"Now, the specific list of winners and awards of yesterday's conference has been counted, and the entire course of the competition has been recorded by satellite cameras and will be preserved in the newly established Earth History Museum."

Carrot El: "Everyone, this is not a simple martial arts competition. All the contestants present are heroes."

"Please pay tribute to the heroes in front of the screen."

Carrot didn't know how many people in front of the TV really did this, but if there was, even if there was only one, he would be incomparable Relieved, until three seconds later, he continued:

"As I said just now, everyone is a hero, so everyone's participation award is that their name and tailor-made carvings will become part of the new Justice League monument in New York, and their registration code will become the only certified identity, and with the death of the identity, it will officially fall into silence."

"Until one day, the name is restarted, which means that someone with sufficient qualifications will take over their symbol."

When Al finished speaking, everyone present, including Batman, was stunned. The award has always been kept secret by Al, and he has never told anyone.

Originally, everyone thought it was money, treasures, universal capsules, new battle suits and the like. Unexpectedly, what Carrot Al prepared for them was a heroic honor that belonged only to them.

"In addition, everyone will receive an additional consolation bonus of 5 million dollars."

"Non-members of the alliance can also get a fixed guarantee contract from the alliance. As for members of this alliance, those who win the battle or have significant outstanding performance will receive 20 Senzu beans as a participation award."

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