American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 27 Stark: I have nuclear energy!


As soon as he entered the seabed, Carrot El saw Arthur saving people in the ocean.

Since he caused the trouble, he couldn't ignore it.

If he hadn't brought Tony Stark on the ship, Godzilla wouldn't have come, and these people wouldn't have been in trouble.

God doesn't care about ants, but God cares about his own behavior.

Besides, he's not a god.

On the other side, Arthur Curry quickly took off his clothes and tied them to the old captain Walid Jasem, who was holding him tightly to prevent him from being washed away by the undercurrent.

This was the most helpless situation he had ever experienced. He was desperately trying to pull people up after diving into the seabed, but he didn't know where to pull them.

Surrounded by the sea, Arthur Curry could only bring them to the surface, barely breathe, and tie them together with ropes to prevent them from being broken up by the waves.

Although these old sailors were very proficient in water, no one dared to say that they were proficient in water in the face of the huge waves and strong rapids of the sea.



"Splash, splash."

Stark, who also fell into the water in the overturned boat, was also swept to the bottom of the sea by the turbulent undercurrent.

He choked several times unexpectedly, and his mouth and nose were completely filled with seawater, and his nasal cavity was in pain.

"Cough, cough!"

With the last remaining light, he looked at the sea surface getting farther and farther away from him. Even if he tried his best to swim upward, he could not resist the thrust of the sea!

Just as he was sinking, Arthur Curry held Walid in one hand and grabbed his neck with the other hand, and swam towards the surface of the water.

However, at this moment, the scene in front of them shocked the three people at the same time.

Because they saw that the boat that was about to sink to the bottom of the sea was actually floating upwards.

No, not floating!

It was carried by a person and flew upwards.


Suddenly, the sail jumped out of the water.

Carrot held the boat in both hands and jumped up from the sea.

He placed it steadily on the sea in the raging storm.

Until this moment, those who were about to drown in the vast sea finally saw the other side of hope and swam desperately to the deck!

"Oh yeah!"

Arthur Curry grinned at the first time, and was only surprised for a second before he followed with all his strength.

The speed was so fast that it almost crossed the distance between the seabed and the sea surface in an instant and threw the two people on the board.

"Ugh, cough, cough!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

They staggered to the deck, and several people were already soaked in a mess, and their faces were choked by water and looked terrible.

At this time, Arthur's golden hair had been wet by the waves.

The layers of waves were still blowing on the hull. Arthur and Carrot looked at each other and nodded to each other tacitly.

"So handsome!"

Arthur Curry gave Al a thumbs up.

The wind whistled, and the rainstorm flooded the vision like a tide.

Walid Jasem took off his diving goggles with difficulty: "Ahem. Thank you. Thank you!"

"Oh, thank God, I'm still alive!"

"You, you must be the special envoys sent by Poseidon to save me!"

Carrot El smiled indifferently, his naked upper body, like bathing in a rainstorm, showing off his muscles, and replied:

"You're welcome, you save me, I save you."

Tony Stark was really confused this time, and it took him a long time to make his words clear:

"I cough cough vomit. Did I miss something?"

"I just took off Pepper's first coat in the bathroom, why is there a flood?"

There is a famous saying in Gotham that as long as you experience the worst day, you can drive the most rational person crazy.

But unfortunately, there is no "worst" in the world, only "worse". When you think this is the worst day, you will find that, wow, it turns out that there is something worse than that.

Stark was now in a state of giving up, and his face no longer had the look of surprise at the beginning.

It was a mess, anyway, he could accept any situation, even if he saw the end of the world as soon as he opened his eyes!

Arthur Curry rolled his eyes at him: "You were dreaming."

"Luckily you didn't miss it, that guy was coming for you."

However, the next second, Carrot El's words made him sober instantly, looking at the giant monster that stood up and roared from the seabed in the distance, he jumped up from the ground and said in surprise:

"Ugh, cough, cough, what did you say???"

Even Arthur Curry couldn't help but cast a shocked look at Stark.

After the special training of Piccolo, Tony Stark at this time has begun to have the mentality of the Iron Man period.

But even so, when he saw the mountain-like monster swimming towards him, his legs became weak and he collapsed and shouted:

"What the hell am I capable of???"

Carrot El laughed:

"You're right, it's nuclear energy."


Carrot El pointed at Godzilla's tail fin: "Look at the blue light on its back, does it look familiar?"

Stark looked over. The light in the storm was extremely dim, but it also made the blue light on Godzilla's back inexplicably dazzling.

Stark's eyes widened instantly, his face gradually turned pale, and he almost immediately opened his shirt on his chest, revealing the Ark reactor inside that was also glowing.

How is this possible! ! !

"Is this your relative?"

Arthur Curry asked unexpectedly.

"Go to hell! You are a relative of fish!!!"

Tony Stark, who was brainstorming about the possibility of the reactor causing biological mutations to become huge, was almost short-circuited by Arthur's words.

Walid Jasem leaned over and replied:

"Uh, this monster seems to be a lizard, right?"

Tony Stark slapped his forehead and cried out in despair:

"Please, is this the time to talk about this?"

Carrot Al pondered for a moment, looked at the king of monsters swimming towards them, and cast his eyes on Tony Stark:

"There is only one way to make him leave now."

When Carrot Al's voice fell, Walid and Arthur were both at a loss, but Tony fell into silence and had a guess.

He looked around, thinking of those who had been displaced because of him, and those sailors who were now being swept into the sea by the storm and were about to freeze to death, and couldn't help but laugh at himself.

He, Stark, you are really a disaster.

"Then do it, Al, if sacrificing me can save everything."

Staggering, with a firm chest, Tony Stark walked in front of Carrot and looked at him silently.

Upon hearing this, Carrot El knew what he was thinking, but he ignored it and nodded slightly to Walid:

"Thank you for taking me in, Captain. I'm sorry to have delayed your fishing days. Someone will transfer the compensation to your account."

"Arthur will go into the water to save people first. The captain can check whether the equipment can be used. Please leave this sea area as quickly as possible!"

"If you are late, you may be surrounded and unable to get out."

"We are two uninvited guests. Sorry for disturbing you for a long time, so we will leave first!"

Thank you very much, although 99% of you are saying that I have a bad ending, some are betting, and some are making harsh words. What can I say? I will try my best to write it before the day you mentioned!

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