American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 47 Red Lantern Ring! In the name of anger!


Overwhelming pain.

Even if cells can recover quickly, even if wounds can heal quickly.

But the profound memory of that moment will indeed come to mind every time he punches.

Standing in the deep pit, Hulk stared directly at the sun, feeling that everything around him was eclipsed in the daylight.

It was so dark that he couldn't see his surroundings clearly, and the only thing left in his eyes was a huge S symbol, like a mark of fear engraved at the end of time, so eye-catching and charming.

From this moment on, the S symbol was deeply engraved in Hulk's heart.

He suddenly realized that it was actually impossible for him to defeat this pretty boy who was thinner, shorter, and smaller than him. He looked gentle and gentle, just like an ordinary human being.

But Carrot stepped on him and asked condescending words, which still made Hulk roar unwillingly:


His strength has improved a bit.

Seeing this, Carrot grabbed Hulk's arm, turned him over and beat him from side to side, and kept throwing it to the ground like a rag.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

On the ground, a huge ice pit embedded with the Hulk may become an attraction in the future of the Avengers and appear on the ground.

The deep cloak was flying in the air, and every step Carrot El took forward made the people around him take a step back in fear.

The steps gradually took off, and Carrot slowly floated to the top of Hulk's head in a suspended posture, pointed his toes at his chest, and when he rose to a certain level, he suddenly stepped down!


The entire snowfield swayed, and white ripples vibrated like an earthquake. What then echoed in everyone's ears was Carrot's indifferent self-talk:

"A battle without any sense of beauty, the strength gained by losing one's mind, has no meaning at all."


"There are as many flaws in every move as there are ants in an anthill."


"There is only one feeling that makes me feel satisfied, and that is purity."

"Pure rage."


The earth cracked again and again, and the deep pits spread. As Carrot stepped out again and again, the cracks caused became bigger each time.


In the deep pit, people could no longer see the roaring figure of the green giant, and could only hear screams and wails coming from beneath the ground.

No one knows how deeply the monster has been trampled, because the three kilometers of snowy and ice fields around him have all collapsed.


At this moment, someone was so frightened that he dropped his gun and fell to the ground with a plop.

This is naked humiliation, flagrant play, undisguised torture, and inhumane abuse.

"Then, can a person who has recovered from near-death continue to be angry?"

The first-generation Avengers, except Thor, the God of Thunder, have all gathered here.

Carrot originally thought that the Hulk, who was hailed as the trump card by all Avengers personnel, would have some unexpected performances.

But that doesn't seem to be the case.

The light shone down, and when Carrot El appeared as an invincible god, he was once again suspended in the sky from the cracks in the ice.

His eyes were always staring blankly at the sky, as if waiting for something, staring quietly at the sun

Natasha, with Eagle Eye covered in blood on her back, looked up at this scene at the foot of the glacier, and her voice unconsciously lowered her voice when she spoke:

"Why did you say you provoked him?"

"How much money did Nick Fury give you to make you risk your life like this!!"

Seeing this scene, Clint Barton's pale face also showed his luck and fear of escaping from death, and he said with a cry of injustice:

"Holy shit, can you blame me?"

"If you had come out a little earlier, I wouldn't have taken the arrow with you!"

"You said you could at least send me a message and tell me that you are in the same group!"

Natasha Romanov carried him away from the battlefield step by step, cursing:

"I don't want to either, but who made his spaceship look like a maze and blocked the signal?"

"That guy Stark is right. If Al wants to kill, there will definitely be no survivors here."

In the distance, the inhumane bloodbath plunged the entire Snow Ice Field into unprecedented fear.

The fish in the sea ran away one after another, and even the polar bears who were more than ten kilometers away subconsciously stayed away when they heard the sound.

When Clint Barton witnessed Carrot's invincible posture as a god on earth, he couldn't even feel a trace of resentment in his heart. Instead, he started cursing himself in his mind for being crazy and shooting that arrow. .

Anyway, the injury can still be recovered, plus the other side is Natasha's friend. Thinking about it, Clint feels that it is not that important whether this mission is a mission or not. Going home to spend time with his wife and children is the right thing to do!


On the other side, Diana jumped up and flew towards Carrot. She put her shield behind her back, stood with her sword in hand, and looked at him face to face and asked:

"Carrot El, the alien son who came to Earth."

"You brutally torture your enemies in battle, are bloodthirsty and cruel, tell me your purpose? What is your purpose in getting involved in human society?"

In mid-air, the mantra lasso shining with golden light suddenly tied his arm. Diana stood on the cliff, like a trainer holding a mad bull, alert as if facing a powerful enemy.

But what he didn't know was that no one could tie the rope to Carrot if he didn't want to.

Slowly landing on the ground, Carrot glanced at the mantra lasso on his arm, and looked at the goddess of Paradise Island with a calm and clear gaze:

"You're wrong. I'm not cruel, just a little belligerent."

"I only want people like you and me to live well, live better, and live better and better in this world."

Diana frowned, the Lasso of Truth would not lie, what Carrot said was true.

But he was so cruel to the Hulk that even she felt palpitated and frightened.

It seems that he has seen Wonder Woman's doubts, and it also seems that he has finally wanted to wait for the change.

It wasn't until a flash of red light flashed on the horizon, as if it was flying from the depths of the universe and falling directly under the crevices of the glacier, that a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Carrot El's mouth:

"I just want to see the power of anger after facing your fear."

The huge crater cracked by the ice has reached 1,100 meters underground. There seems to be no sunlight there, but the faint light that comes through still hits Bruce Banner's face.

The figure belonging to the Hulk had disappeared in the coma after wailing, and what was revealed was Bruce Banner, naked and naked, who suddenly woke up from the cold.

When he opened his eyes, before he could react to the cold things around him, the passing body temperature made him curl up into a ball subconsciously. He raised his eyelids tremblingly, and a ring with red light slowly settled on his forehead. before:

"Intelligent life is locked."

"Bruce Banner from Sector 2814 of the Solar System."

"You have a boiling rage in your heart."

"You belong to the Red Lantern Corps."

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