The sky of the Milky Way spans the boundless sea of ​​stars, giving rise to the brilliance of billions of stars.

Purple, white, blue, the airflow of countless colors seems to have no color at all, just a hazy phantom.

Where Krypton was destroyed, there stood a death zone that ordinary people could not cross, and even time would stand still here.

Just as Natasha and Yuan Dagu were starting a new life on Earth, three single-person spaceships that had crossed the other side of the Milky Way slowly settled in a corner of Krypton's phantom zone.

Even though those three people had witnessed the destruction of countless civilizations and their hands were stained with blood, they still sighed when they saw this desolate scene:

"This is the other hometown of that bastard Kakarot. How sad."

The floating spaceship slowly froze in the universe. As the cabin slowly opened, three tails swayed in the air, but no one stepped out of the cabin.

For the Saiyans, they do not recognize the name Carrot El, and the name assigned to him by Planet Vegeta is Kakarot.

That Carrot was just changed later to suit the Kryptonian name.

This is something that Vegeta, the Saiyan prince, does not agree with. Besides him, there is another person in the universe who also does not agree with it. Every time he sleeps and dreams, he calls out Kakaro as if he is possessed. special.

Opening the door to the space cabin, feeling the harsh environment here, a burly bald Saiyan sneered and touched his chin:

"Hmph, that thing that stained the Saiyan bloodline."

"It is said that when he was born, his combat power was only two points, making him the lowest-level warrior."

"After all, Raditz, you are still his brother, right?"

The other man's hair grew like a hedgehog, all behind his back. After hearing Nappa's words, Raditz showed a look of disgust: "It's just an expression!"

Naba glanced at Raditz. Every time he saw his hair, he became angry and taunted him in a bullying manner:

"Blood is thicker than water!"

Hearing that the two of them were about to quarrel, the leader, the little man with long hair, gave them a cold look:

"Shut up, you two."

As soon as Vegeta spoke, neither of them dared to speak and stood aside respectfully.


Vegeta glanced at them indifferently, crossed his arms and looked at the white light around him:

"We need the power of the Kryptonians. They have the technology to transform the planet's environment."

"The code of life in my body also comes from here."

With that said, Vegeta also raised his hand and pressed the combat power detector worn on his left eye: "Then let me see the power of Kryptonians."


"Oh, have you sensed life forms so quickly?"

"Sure enough, there are still people alive, huh?? This is?"

Suddenly, Vegeta's pupils were shocked and he froze on the spot. A terrifying value on the detector made him feel threatened by his status:

"17,000 is impossible!"



Except for the leader, who shocked Vegeta, he didn't pay attention to the values ​​​​of the others. However, Raditz and Nappa who heard on the side were extremely frightened, and both of them pressed the button one after another. The detector looked at it.

Naba swallowed and clenched his fists. If such fighting power really followed them, it would most likely affect his status next to Vegeta:

"Interesting, it seems that the combat effectiveness of this group of Kryptonians is not constant."

"They are all amazing values."

One powerful combat value after another, even Vegeta hesitated for a moment, but in an instant, he made up his mind:

"Hey, Raditz, go tow the spaceship and take them away from here."


Raditz seemed very hesitant. Even Nappa felt threatened by his status. How could Raditz not be afraid with his thousands of fighting power.

But Vegeta seemed to have made up his mind and snorted coldly:

"This is an order!"

Raditz opened his mouth, his eyes a little complicated. Regardless of his status or combat power, he would not dare to disobey Vegeta's orders.

Even if it weren't for his father's military exploits back then, he wouldn't be qualified to follow Vegeta. Because of this, he has always regarded this matter as an honor.

"I I know."

Not long after, a huge Kryptonian battleship pulled by a few people slowly broke away.

Finally, Zod and others who had been trapped in the Phantom Zone for more than ten years were released. They had not experienced wandering in the universe. Although they had less experience, they also retained their most perfect physical strength and combat power because of the time freeze.

"Huh? What is that?"

Suddenly, Raditz looked at the edge of the phantom zone as if he had something in mind. There was a single-person cabin that was very similar to their spaceship. He quickly pressed the detector and measured the value.

"Oh, does that guy inside have a combat power of only 500? He doesn't pose a threat to me!"

After thinking about it, Raditz also wanted to not be at the bottom of the team. While using the airflow to pull the spacecraft, he also brought the spaceship in.

Soon, three small single-person cabins were towing a huge space battleship, slowly heading towards the end of the galaxy.

And Vegeta and the others were not hypocritical. With a better spaceship, they no longer had to squeeze into a single cabin and landed on Zod's spaceship.

The pain of freezing and the hatred of sin spread. Under the cold gaze of Vegeta and the other two, General Zod, who launched the final transformation of Krypton, finally woke up.

General Zod slowly opened his eyes. The three people in front of him were wearing the costumes that made him unforgettable.

The combat uniforms of Frieza's army and the tail fluttering behind them.


"I didn't expect that there are still survivors in your tribe?"

After unlocking the device that blocked his movements, General Zod stood up from the cold bed, his eyes flickering as he recalled the scene of himself being thrown into the Phantom Zone. He said viciously:

"Damn you, idiots of the Kryptonian Council, I said I would definitely come back."

Vegeta frowned and asked in confusion: "Hey, have you ever seen a Saiyan before?"

"Bardock, I fought that man."

Zod's answer surprised Raditz beside him.

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