American comics: God on earth, Saiyan hybrid Kryptonian

Chapter 84 Let Zod come down and talk to me!

This time, Batman didn't explain to Kara-El why that was the most likely place.

His mouth is tired, so he might as well rest down.

On the other hand, after the meeting with Carrot El, Kozhi Zhixu immediately disclosed top-secret files about Carrot El.

Codename: Superman.


Seeing this scene, Director Ji Gang, who was far away in the TPC, slapped the table in the conference room and broke it, and shouted angrily:

"Damn it! This liar! Sawai! We actually believed a man from space!!"

"No wonder, no wonder he is so confident in everything."

Director Sawai was also shocked by Carrot El's identity, but he was obviously more rational than Ji Gang.

Their words represent the entire TPC, so once a choice is made, there is no retreat:

"Now the whole world must believe in this cosmic man, and we must believe that he can solve these problems."

"Are you kidding? How can the future of mankind be entrusted to an alien of unknown origin?"

"Of course the future of mankind still lies in the hands of mankind itself!"

Sawai looked at the excited Ji Gang in front of him, and the solemn look on his face was more serious than ever before:

"Carrot El thinks so too."

"So...he is human."

Sawai's meaningful words were as clear as a flash of inspiration that awakened Ji Gang, and also caused the entire TPC conference room to fall into silence.

Hui Jian murmured: "That's why he is a human being."

Dijing and Xincheng felt very complicated. They both saw Dagu disappear silently into TPC and was put on a wanted order the next day:

"Yes, he had no obligation to face it."

"It is precisely because we are human beings that we have to face it."

"Carrot El"

Red Ribbon Legion, deep underground in a certain al Qaeda organization, Dr. Gero looked at the information disclosed in the news, with lingering hatred in his eyes.

With a bang, he crushed the tea cup on the table. Even though the broken glass pierced his palm and blood was all over the floor, he felt no pain:


"I will definitely take revenge on you!"

Tabloids around the world, including the Daily Planet and the Daily Bugle, were covering the official announcement with overwhelming coverage. In an instant, the world's attention was focused on it.

"Sir, satellite 14 is connected and can transmit images at any time."

"Public public opinion is still very strong. The stock price of Magnum Capsule Company has plummeted slightly, and organizations have started demonstrations in various places."

"The public calls on Zheng Shu to fully disclose this negotiation, and condemns Zheng Shu's behavior of completely letting go."

Hearing these voices, the Speaker of Parliament rubbed her brows helplessly. After many years in the political arena, this was the first time she felt that someone was holding your neck to do things, but they said, "I am doing this for your own good."

"This bastard is just playing tricks on me."

The speaker of the parliament slammed the table heavily and said to his men:

"Okay, now that everything has been made public, let's make it public more thoroughly."

"Mobilize satellites 14, 16, 19, and 31 to broadcast the entire negotiation scene."

"Sir, the radar shows that three spacecraft have just separated from Zod's spaceship and are landing towards the earth. We tried to call, but the other party did not respond."

The report from the Satellite Department caught the attention of the Speaker of Parliament, and he hurriedly asked:

"Where's the location?"

"In Superman's hometown."

General Swann beside him felt something was not right:

"Sir, are we telling Superman this information?"

The Speaker pondered for a while and nodded:

"Okay, doesn't he want determination?"

"Then let's show him."

"Move the troops there. It seems that the other party made some moves during the negotiations, but we just don't know who else we can use."

General Swan seemed to be relieved when he heard this: "Don't worry, sir, we are ready."


The scorching desert is burning everything in the world, and the hard sandstone seems to stand at the end of time, listening to the sound of dust falling.

Choosing to meet here, in addition to having a wide enough venue, is also Carrot El's answer to Zod.

If he chose to be friendly, then the meeting place should be at the headquarters of the Universal Capsule Building, where a sumptuous banquet should be set up to entertain friends from Krypton, instead of being tense in this barren land of yellow sand.

At this moment, a radius of hundreds of kilometers has become an absolutely forbidden zone due to the arrival of Carrot El.

All troops seeking to join the war were ordered to stay put

"I swear, I don't want to come to this damn place again."

Wearing a bright red armor, he fell to the ground with a thud. Looking at the majestic spaceship landing towards them, Stark complained with lingering fear.

Perhaps it was fate that Wanda wanted to match Carrot El's black outfit, so she also put on a dark-style makeup. She wore a hair crown similar to that of a medieval witch on her head, and looked at the ship from the spaceship with frivolous eyes. The woman who came down smiled at Stark and said:

"That alien girl looks pretty good, playboy, why don't you go have a date with her?"

“Maybe we can still calm down this negotiation??”

Quicksilver, wearing a light blue battle suit, was standing in front of Wanda, ready for battle. When he heard this, he almost choked to death with a mouthful of phlegm in his throat:


"What did you say? Damn it, don't go to Stark Tower anymore, you heard me, you've learned bad things from this arrogant egomaniac."

Hearing this, Pietro looked at Wanda's fancy outfit and felt more and more annoyed. What is she doing? Role-playing?

Compared to Pietro, Stark raised his mouth, opened the helmet on the armor with a bang, and said with a teasing look:

"That's right, Wanda, this is called releasing nature."

"But I think alien girls are not easy to pick up, how about you set an example for me and take down the sadist next to you first?"

"By the way, are you dressed to match his sadistic style?"

Wanda blushed and wanted to say something, but Diana suddenly yelled impatiently: "Okay, shut up."

The few people suddenly quieted down.

A woman wearing a transparent mask walked down from the spaceship, and her scrutinizing eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one, and finally stopped on Carrot El, or more precisely, on the S pattern on his chest.

Although it has been modified, it can still be seen that it is the pattern of the El family.

Fiora looked at the son of Krypton who had always been on General Zod's mind. It must be said that this tall female warrior was indeed a top-notch warrior:

"Carrot El, welcome back to our arms. General Zod has been waiting for you for a long time. Come with me."

Bruce Banner and Diana stood on Carrot El's left and right, wearing the standard uniforms of the Red Lantern Corps.

The red lantern ring on his hand flashed a hot scarlet, beating slowly like a heart. As long as Carrot gave an order, he could transform into Hulk at any time!

Diana put her hand on Carrot's shoulder and gave him a supportive look.

However, after hearing this, Carrot had no intention of following her. The corners of his cold mouth raised a scornful arc, and he said word by word:

"Let Zod come down and talk to me."


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