But the person who issued the order was indeed not Nick. What was shown above was a level seven agent named Grandward.

Nick Fury remembered this guy’s appearance. He was not very old, and he was a young man with a relatively sunny appearance. Nick did not expect that the problem would come from him.

Seeing this, Nick frowned:”It seems that there is really a mole in SHIELD.”

He said hurriedly:”Send someone to arrest Grant Ward and wait for me to interrogate him personally.

“There is no need to send anyone else. Clinton is a good friend of mine. Let me capture the guy who framed him. Natasha immediately said:”He can’t escape.””

“Then leave it to you.”

Nick Fury stood up from the office chair, put on his favorite black coat, and prepared to go out:”As for me, I have to go to New York in person to settle this matter.”

New York Police Department.

Clinton has been arranged to stay in the interrogation room for three hours. During this period, no one came to interrogate him or announced to him that the matter was clear and he could leave now.

He felt a little impatient. , but he had no choice but to stay like this until Liu Feng, the light of New York who brought him here, gave no instructions.

On the other hand, Liu Feng in the office seemed very calm and even calm. Chen Long was making tea leisurely and leisurely.

Next to him, Chen Long, who was more anxious than him, had been boiling water to make tea for him for three hours, but Liu Feng never left the office except to go to the toilet.

“Tieguanyin, a famous Chinese tea, is very good. Try it?”Liu Feng asked Chen Long calmly, then picked up the tea cup, gently blew away the heat, and then slowly drank it into his mouth.

Chen Long shook his head to express his refusal, and then asked curiously:”Brother Liu, let’s call the guy pretending to be the General Administration. It’s been so long since Clinton’s guys caught him, why didn’t they interrogate him?”

“Not urgent.”Liu Feng put down the tea cup, still in a leisurely manner.

“The people behind him haven’t moved yet, we just need to wait”

“The person behind you? Liu Feng’s answer made Chen Long even more confused:”What kind of person is behind Clinton?”

Liu Feng sneered:”A group of people who can’t make any waves.””

In a certain agent office at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Grant Ward, who is responsible for issuing orders to the General Administration to Clinton, is packing his things at the moment, copying some valuable secret information into a USB flash drive and taking it away.

Grant is While he was packing, his computer suddenly flashed as if it had been hacked, and then a video screen appeared on the screen.

In the video was a man wearing a black suit and a black crow hood.

After Grant saw the other party, he asked:”Code name 7? Why are you making a video call to me at this time? My mission has been completed and I am getting ready to run away.

In the video, the man in black, whom Grant called code-named Seven, shook his head and responded calmly:”Your identity has been exposed. Nick Fury is sending people to hunt you down.””

“I know, so I’m getting ready to run away”

“Everything is arranged.” Grant said

“good. The man in black nodded and continued to ask:”Where is your destination?””

“Florida, plane in three hours, private plane, flight cannot be found”

“Great, then pack your things and leave as soon as possible before you get caught.”The man in black stretched out his hand to turn off the video, but stopped at the last moment and said,”Long live Hydra.”

“Long live Hydra.”Grant Ward also responded.

The man in black turned off the video and took off his hood, revealing a head of brown curly hair. Everyone in SHIELD will recognize it.

This man is the most popular person next to Nick Fury. Nick’s trusted second-in-command, Alexander Pierce, then made a call on his mobile phone. After getting through, he said slowly:”His destination is Florida, and we will kill him when he lands.”

“receive.”The person on the other end of the phone replied.

After hanging up the phone, Pierce, the man in black, who was troubled by these trivial matters, stretched out his hands to rub his temples and couldn’t help complaining:”This guy Strack has done nothing. Not rigorous, always asking me to wipe my butt.”

In the New York Police Department, Liu Feng was still drinking tea. He looked as leisurely as if he was on vacation, rather than a police officer who had just arrested a suspect.

At this time, police officer Chen Long walked in without closing the door and said:”Brother Liu, there is someone looking for you outside the door. He is a black man wearing a blindfold.

Liu Feng seemed to know who the visitor was, and nodded without looking back:”Let him come in.””

Chen Long passed the message, and Nick Fury stepped into Liu Feng’s office. It wasn’t until Nick entered the office that Liu Feng turned the office chair and faced Director Nick.

Nick Fury discovered that after Liu Feng saw him There was no disturbance at all.

Apart from his one-sided blindfold, others should be surprised or curious at first sight, as if he knew all about his background. With eyes wide open, he walked forward, sat opposite Liu Feng, and said,”Hello, Liu Feng.

Liu Feng nodded and poured Nick a cup of tea:”Let’s be honest, do you want to take Clinton away?””

“Yes, it’s all a misunderstanding……”

Liu Feng raised his hand and interrupted him:”There’s nothing to say. Clayton Barton has been confirmed by us to have been transferred without permission for forging the seal of the General Administration.”

“Although he didn’t know it, maybe he was framed or something, but this is indeed a criminal act. As a people’s policeman, I can’t let him go to jail, right?”

“I think we still have room for negotiation. Nick’s expression remained unchanged.

Liu Feng’s lips slightly raised:”Okay, how do you want to talk about it?””

“You get the information you want, I’ll take him away”

“you are dreaming.”Liu Feng leaned forward slightly and stared at Nick Fury sharply.

“First, he did break the law.”Liu Feng looked at Nick and raised a finger.

Liu Feng’s eyes were as sharp as swords. Then he raised a second finger and said:”Second, he caused me to break my promise. In my territory, I took the woman I promised to protect her to a place where I can’t find her. I don’t know whether she is dead or alive. Do you still want me to let her go?”

Nick suddenly became passive.

His original intention was to tell Liu Feng the truth about the mole in S.H.I.E.L.D. in exchange for Clinton’s freedom.

But unexpectedly, Liu Feng directly raised the bargaining chip. To make Nick pay a sufficient price

“You are good at negotiating.”

Nick, who is used to seeing strong winds and waves, will naturally not be frightened by Liu Feng’s sudden burst of intimidation. He closed his eyes and said in a calm tone:”But I have to take him away.”

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