Chapter 23: Is this fucking Superman?

Later, Liu Feng began to press for the new base address. Pierce weighed it again and again and agreed.

Because the new base has the best defense measures and weapons equipment in the entire United States.

Not to mention Liu Feng alone, even if he called everyone from the New York Police Department, there would be no return.

But after telling Liu Feng the address, Pierce could no longer contact Strack.

That’s why Pierce called people over to check on the situation here.

“leader.”An agent came to Pierce holding a tablet computer and a pair of Bluetooth headsets with a microphone, and said,”It’s Dr. Zola.”

Pierce took the computer and the Bluetooth headset.

The screen was strange, like a black screen.

But the moment Pierce put on the headphones and got the computer, the screen suddenly started to type letters one after another, forming a sentence..

The content is:”Superman, Liu Feng’s ally.”

“Are you saying that besides Liu Feng, there was also a Superman from the hero comics who destroyed our base?”

Pierce felt like an idiot when he said this.

Pierce knew that Zola would not make such a joke to him at this moment, but after hearing this sentence about the comic character, he couldn’t help but say Sure enough, after Pierce asked, the tablet in his hand suddenly flashed, and a video appeared. It showed a man wearing a cape and a red and blue uniform with a huge figure carved on his chest. S.

Wearing glasses and floating in the air, he looked like a superman.

He faced all kinds of artillery fire and attacked the inside of the base, killing people like straw.

Come to Straker, put your hands on Straker’s head, and finally squeeze it hard

“How is it possible for characters and abilities that only exist in comics?……”

It’s not just Superman from the comics who appears in real life that scares Pierce.

More importantly, this Superman is very different from the bright and majestic setting in the comics. This is a Superman who can kill people. This is the most terrifying thing!

In comics, aliens with moral constraints have become superheroes that everyone loves, but what if this setting is removed and then placed in reality?

It’s almost terrifying just thinking about it!

After the video played, a sentence appeared on the tablet:”We have provoked an enemy we cannot afford to provoke. I am not talking about Superman, but the police officer named Liu Feng.”

Pierce responded calmly:”Then, tell me , what decision do you have?”

“The entry point is still not Superman, but Liu Feng.

Dr. Zola slowly typed on the screen in response:”No matter how powerful his super friend is, as long as Liu Feng is killed, everything will be solved.””

“What about his super friends?

Pierce asked:”This bug-like guy razed our base to the ground without being injured at all.””

“Who knew what his friend would do after he died?”

“Before I put my consciousness on the Internet, I read DC comics”

“So I know as well as everyone else in the world who has read comics that Superman has weaknesses.

Dr. Zola continued:”In short, if Superman appears in the real world, other things will naturally exist.”

“For example, Superman’s most fatal weakness – Kryptonite”

“I can help you locate the locations on Earth where Kryptonite has appeared or is most likely to appear through networks around the world. It’s your task to find it”

“All in all, my plan is to find kryptonite first to prepare for the fight against Superman, and during this period I can get rid of the police officer named Liu Feng.”

Pierce pondered for a while.

It’s easy to make a plan, but if you want to execute it, you have to prepare a lot of things based on realistic factors.

After making various choices, Pierce nodded and said,”Then I’ll do as you say.”

Pierce turned around and called a higher-level Hydra member to give the order and asked him to pass the message to the lower-level agents.

“From this moment on, all the agents stopped what they were doing and began to search for kryptonite and assassinate Liu Feng as their mission. The mission code name was Kill Chao.”


Director Nick Fury is holding the autopsy report of undercover Grant Ward.

The wound and cause of death were gunshot wounds, and the fatal cause was a gunshot to the head.

In addition, Florida’s The bodies of other people also appeared in the woods.

After checking the files, it was found that these people were all well-trained killer agents.

Of course, Director Nick knew that this was the mole Grant Ward who was ruthlessly abandoned by his organization after the incident. , arranged for someone to assassinate him, but unexpectedly, a third party, Liu Feng, was killed.

“This kid can really hit the mark with every shot.”Nick Fury couldn’t help but praise Liu Feng.

No one has ever been able to truly interpret the adjective”perfect shot, perfect shot,” because every attack will have errors. Once a mistake is made, it will never be perfect.

This kid Liu Feng, maybe It is the first real hit-and-miss in history.

This can be easily seen from the autopsy report.

Except for the ghost Grant, all the corpses have only one gunshot wound and even the accuracy of his shooting. It is so exaggerated that the radius and depth of the wounds on different people are the same.

In other words, the distance controlled by Liu Feng’s each shot will never deviate from the person even if there is an error. It can be seen with the naked eye!

How terrifying is this shooting technique?

Even if it is given a target that cannot move, no one in SHIELD can do it, let alone Liu Feng. They are all people who can escape and move!

The body of Grant’s boy had too many wounds. He might have been injured by the killer arranged by his organization before he was killed by Liu Feng.

Maybe he talked back for a while, which made Liu Feng. Before killing him,

Natasha, who was standing opposite Nick, couldn’t help but said:”Although the mole is dead, I still can’t swallow that Clinton had to go to jail for a year. This tone”

“I know how you feel, but we shouldn’t take our anger out on Liu Feng”

“After all, in a sense, the problem with this whole thing does lie with us at S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“Don’t worry, Clinton won’t go to jail in vain. His revelation woke me up.”

Nick Fury turned his office chair and looked at the busy agents outside the French window.

He squinted and said coldly:”Tell me, how many moles are there in SHIELD? Natasha followed his gaze, then fell silent for a moment, but still shook her head and said,”To be honest, I don’t have the ability to distinguish.””

Nick Fury put his hands on his chin and said slowly:”You and Clinton are the only people I feel most at ease with. Now that Clinton is in jail, the only person I trust most is you.”

“I even doubt it……”

Nick looked into Natasha’s eyes and said seriously:”The entire S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated by moles.”

“……how can I help you? asked Natasha

“It’s time for a spring cleaning.”Nick sat up straight again and said,”My plan is……”

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