“Oh my god, it’s Liu Feng, the light of New York!”In the crowd, someone immediately recognized Liu Feng’s appearance.

“Thank you for your generous gift. I never thought I would be able to see you in person in New York in my lifetime!”

“Uncle Liu Feng! Can you give me your autograph? I took it back to school to show off to my classmates!”

“Mr. Liu Feng, my son was saved by you, please accept my thank you which is not worth mentioning.”

The scene became even more panicked.

But this is exactly what Liu Feng wanted. Liu Feng is like a star. As long as it can be done on the spot, he will satisfy the fans one by one.

When his younger brother Chen Long sent a group of police When the police came to the scene to deal with the body and the crime scene, everyone was surprised to find that Liu Feng himself had disappeared at some point.

Liu Feng was walking on a remote road, thinking:”If anyone is brave enough to assassinate me, he will definitely do it.” Not only one, but also I can’t stay in public places.”

If there is more than one assassin, and they are ready to let a few people die first, and then reap the benefits, then Liu Feng will become a living target for them if he stays there.

In fact, Liu Feng already has Superman’s steel With his body, even if he directly received the opponent’s bullet, the damage caused would probably not be as painful as the mosquito bite in his previous life, but Liu Feng did n’t want to expose his superhuman abilities to everyone.

Se and the little wolf girl say that they are supermen, otherwise it will definitely cause panic and unnecessary trouble.

“I have to use mortal methods to solve all this.” Liu Feng thought.

As he was walking, Liu Feng was suddenly hit on the shoulder.

He has a body of steel that can’t even be penetrated by bullets. Of course he wouldn’t move if he was hit by someone.

But the opponent was hit by Liu Feng’s reaction force. The influence fell back.

Liu Feng subconsciously reached out and hugged the figure who bumped into him. She was a tall beauty with a graceful figure in a black tights. She was hugged by Liu Feng, who looked like a Barbie doll. The other party, whose face was carved like a knife, was obviously a little embarrassed, but he still joked with Liu Feng with a smile:”Oh, thank you, sir, otherwise I would have almost met my dead husband.”

“You’re welcome. If a beauty like you falls to the ground, I, a gentleman, will feel distressed.”Liu Feng raised the corners of his mouth and helped the other person to stand upright.

When he was being held upright, the woman’s convex figure was clearly visible. She seemed to be about the same height as Liu Feng. Western women are naturally tall and intimidating.

“Thank you, no one has praised me for a long time, at least you are the first one in the past six months, hahaha, my name is Victoria, what about you?”The woman stretched out her hand to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng felt the other party’s charming eyes, and her purpose was naturally self-evident. Liu Feng smiled back and stretched out her hand:”My name is Liu Feng.”

“Oh my God? Really? Are you Liu Feng? Victoria covered her mouth and said,”I’ve heard of you!” What do they call you…Lights of New York! Right!”

“They are just overly mythical, I am just an ordinary policeman.

Liu Feng waved his hand:”There are many people who only see the essence and ignore my inner self.””

“Then…can I take a look inside you? Victoria suddenly teased.

Liu Feng raised the corners of his mouth and met Victoria’s gaze:”Why not?””

After ten o’clock.

Victoria’s house.

The two of them walked from the door to the living room to the bedroom, and finally jumped on the bed.

Just when Liu Feng was about to make the next step, Victoria actually took the time to reach out.

Her hand touched a piece of wood on the head of the bed. The hairpin.

The next moment, he stabbed Liu Feng in the back of the head!

Bang – the hairpin did not hit Liu Feng, but was held by him. Victoria looked at Victoria with a wicked smile.

, he was being pressed on the bed by Liu Feng, unable to move, and could only help but ask:”Why…you………?!”

Liu Feng shrugged and said:”Your purpose is too strong. Anyone with better judgment can guess it. If there is a next time, please pay attention to this.””

“Did you know my purpose from the beginning? Victoria asked

“That’s right. Liu Feng nodded indifferently.

Victoria then asked:”But since you know that my purpose is to kill you, why do you still come here with me?” Are you still cooperating with me in acting?

Liu Feng put his head close to Victoria’s face. The distance between the two was no more than five centimeters. Liu Feng said,”Because, I want to have some fun.””

Victoria’s eyes showed horror.

This guy…could he be trying to fake it?!

“Don’t fool me. You have a wife and you won’t do this.……”

“Don’t get me wrong.

Before Victoria could finish her words, she was interrupted by Liu Feng, who continued:”You don’t think I’m an infatuated person, do you?””

“I’m showing off my cards, you just look at it and it makes me appetizing.”

Victoria secretly thought:”Suffer it.”

After a night. After putting on clothes, he took out his pistol and pointed it at Victoria’s head. All his movements were smooth.

Victoria, who was still in a state of collapse, was blinded when she saw this scene.

“Wait a minute, I’m okay……” boom!

Liu Feng didn’t wait for this silly woman to finish her words, and pulled the trigger without even looking. The flying bullet hit Victoria in the head.

Liu Feng skillfully wrapped the sheet around Victoria’s body, then sat on the bedside and sighed:

“Women only affect the speed of my shooting.”

A few minutes later, Liu Feng changed into his own clothes and left Victoria’s house.

Then he called his boss Arthur. After a few beeps, a voice came from the other end of the phone:”You guy, I am I really want to answer your call!”

“How can you say that? I am your subordinate after all. Liu Feng said with a smile

“It’s definitely not good for you to call me! I’m on vacation in Hawaii right now! If you have any problem, ask your super friend to solve it!”

Arthur said on the other end of the phone.

“Although Superman is my good friend, I can’t always ask him to help me with these trivial matters, right? Can you trim your nails with a kitchen knife?”

“What a weird metaphor you are talking about!

Arthur was defeated and said:”Forget it!” Just think that I owe you, kid, tell me, what kind of trouble is this time?”

“I suspect, I’m wanted. Liu Feng said

“What did you say? wanted?”Hearing the sensitive words, Arthur raised his voice

“Of course it’s not wanted on a national level, but on a private level, like a killer.

Liu Fengfeng said calmly:”At least, I have killed two killers today.””

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