According to the timeline, all the X-Men have disappeared now, and Quicksilver has already died in the battle in the movie”X-Men: Apocalypse”.

It’s understandable that different universes merge and this Quicksilver becomes that Quicksilver, but the issue of the timeline is a bit interesting.

Preliminary judgment suggested that it was due to the butterfly effect. Liu Feng did not intend to think too deeply. Anyway, whether Quicksilver died or not would not have much impact on him.

When Liu Feng was with his wife Wanda, he did not reveal that he knew Wanda’s identity, and Wanda never told Liu Feng that he was a mutant.

That’s why when Kuaiyin arrived today, Wanda asked her brother to pretend to be an ordinary person in front of Liu Feng.

Liu Feng, who understood this, also took advantage of the trick and pretended that he didn’t understand Kuaiyin and knew nothing about mutants.

Then he said in a brother-in-law tone:”Hello, you can just call me Liu Feng from now on. Sit wherever you want and treat it like this is your own home.””

“OK”After receiving Liu Feng’s answer, Pietro, a childish guy, sat directly on the sofa again.

What a low emotional intelligence, Liu Feng couldn’t help but said

“My brother comes to our house to eat and drink well. If you need help from your brother-in-law with anything, just ask him.”As the head of the family, Liu Feng still has to say polite words.

As soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, Wanda trotted over to Liu Feng, held his hand, and said,”I really need your help with something, husband.!”

Liu Feng:……

“My brother Pietro recently transferred from another city to work and is currently worried about not being able to find a house,” Wanda said.

“Husband, you are so capable, can you help him find a house to live in? Okay?”


The five-meter-tall green muscular monster was wreaking havoc in Times Square, the densest crowd in New York.

People fled in all directions like a tide, and their screams combined with the roar of the green muscle monster.

Fortunately, the muscle monster did not harm anyone or any group in a targeted manner, but just wreaked havoc like crazy.

“Woohoo!”Halfway through the destruction, the green monster suddenly covered its head with both hands.

After a while, it continued to beat its chest like a gorilla.

It roared while beating, and then began to look for all the objects around it that could be used to vent and destroy them. The police officers who had just arrived had a clear view of all this.

Except for Liu Feng, all the police officers had panic on their faces.

After all, the police officers were not as well-informed as Liu Feng. They were just from a distance. Looking at the huge monster, their legs began to weaken, but their strength as a policeman still supported them, and they pulled out their guns and listened to Liu Feng’s next command.

Liu Feng looked coldly at Hao who was wreaking havoc. Ke, spit out a sentence from his mouth:”Start evacuating the crowd!”

Liu Feng’s sonorous and powerful words directly brought the consciousness of the police officers back to their bodies.

“Jax and Mordekaiser, you two lead a team to stay and use your newly equipped weapons to attract firepower from me.”

“Chen Long led a team of people to control traffic in the southwest of the square, and Johnny led a team of people to help all the people in this and adjacent areas leave.”

Liu Feng’s calm deployment of actions gave everyone renewed courage to fight against the monsters.

“Everyone works hard. Within ten minutes, I don’t want to see any more moving crowds in this area. have you understood?”

“clear!”Everyone said in unison.

After the deployment was completed, everyone immediately used their energy to perform their duties and maximized efficiency.

This is Liu Feng’s status and significance in the police community. His existence is like a beacon that can give others courage and hope. After all the police officers followed the instructions, Liu Feng called General Ross, who was in charge of the Hulk, the super soldier serum project:

“I said, if you mess with me, you will pay the price. Liu Feng’s calm tone was filled with anger:”Could it be that you want to see with your own eyes what I am capable of?””

Ross also knew that he had angered Liu Feng. After a moment of silence, he replied with some apology:

“Don’t get me wrong! We have no plans against you. Since the last call, we have tried to increase the dosage to control it.”

Ross quickly explained to Liu Feng

“But we underestimated its strength. The large amount of sedatives injected into it suddenly became ineffective, perhaps due to resistance.……”

“You mean, you tried your best? sure?”Liu Feng coldly interrupted Rose’s next explanation.

Hearing this sentence, Rose’s body trembled, as if Liu Feng at the other end of the conversation was standing in front of him to judge him.

Rose wanted to speak again. , Liu Feng interrupted again:

“I don’t want to hear any more explanations. In short, my city has been damaged. All the costs of the city’s losses, including building construction costs, casualty costs, lost work costs, family pensions, police equipment maintenance…all will be recorded by you. Are there any complaints on the part of the military? General

Ross on the other end of the phone clenched his fists angrily, but he could only reply:”No complaints, we will compensate.””

“My people will hold Hulk down and come over quickly to sort out the mess.”

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