After all, humans can’t escape hatred.

Finally, after Abomination made a big jump, Abomination came to Banner and forced him to die in a canyon!

Banner was cornered, but still refused to transform.

When he saw this, he felt that he was being looked down upon, so he became furious and prepared to take action.

“If you don’t transform, you will die in this posture!”

Banner clenched his fists, trying hard to restrain all this, trying hard not to let the Hulk appear.

At this critical moment, Abomination suddenly felt that someone was shooting a pistol in the back of his head.

Although no damage was caused, it I felt very annoyed.

I turned around and saw a psychopath wearing a weird red tights, shooting and twisting, and still mumbling something.

“How many years has it been since your brother lived in that way? So furious.”

Abomination didn’t know this guy, but it was already red-eyed and would kill anyone who stood in his way!

So Abomination turned around and stepped forward, tearing Deadpool in half. Blood sprayed out and his internal organs fell to the floor.

Faced with this scene, the kind-hearted Banner almost broke down and was about to transform.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the sound of sharp blades was heard in the air, and a figure came quickly. On the back, the steel claws of both hands inserted directly into the back of Abomination’s neck, and Abomination roared heart-breakingly, before the little wolf girl slashed along Abomination’s back, starting from the nape of the neck. The wound was pulled to the waist!

A huge red cross appeared on the back of Hatred.

Hatred was extremely angry and wanted to grab the little wolf girl with claws on her hands, but the little wolf girl moved him away flexibly. Dodge. As a result, not only was he unable to catch him, but he was also stabbed several times by the little wolf girl!

He hated being provoked and played with by the little wolf girl, and he focused all his attention on the little wolf girl.

It didn’t notice at all – Deadpool, who had been torn into pieces, had already healed himself and picked up the two knives while Abomination wasn’t paying attention. Deadpool directly stabbed the two knives into Abomination’s waist, picking up all of it. When you come out, you are still acting like a bitch.

“It’s useless except for big pieces. Men have to rely on skills, do you understand?”

Abomination was suppressed, and the little wolf girl took advantage of the victory and performed a bloody anatomy directly in front of Abomination with her claws!

Bruce Banner, who had hid in a safe place after the war, immediately vomited when he saw this scene After all , he is a doctor, but he has never seen such a cruel scene with his own eyes.

After dealing with the hatred, Banner and Deadpool walked towards Banner.

At this time, Banner was still wary of the two, so he asked them. Keeping a safe distance from him, the little wolf girl Laura said nothing after looking at each other, so it was time for Deadpool to speak.

“Dr. Bruce Banner? The Shrek who smashed things up in Times Square in New York yesterday, oh no, Hulk, is that you? Banner did not answer, but leaned back warily.

He looked up and down at the two superhumans in front of him, and asked,”Who are you?””

“Cough cough cough.”Deadpool pretended to clear his throat.

“The two of us are from the New York Police Department, but we are not under the control of the New York Police Department. We can be said to be a special operations team. Of course, if you insist on calling me a police officer, I will not refuse.”

“Say the important thing.”Little wolf girl Laura said impatiently.

After hearing this, Deadpool could only speed up.

“All in all, after what happened last night, we found that your ability is very powerful. If you can control this power well, you will definitely achieve something, so I came to ask if you are interested in joining.……”

“Stop it, I won’t join you.”Banner directly interrupted Deadpool’s next words.

“The Hulk is not a superpower, it is a curse and a disease. I will not use this ability to help any person or organization. This is why I escaped the control of the military.”

Banner said every word authentically.

“So don’t be delusional, there is absolutely no way I will join you!”

Deadpool scratched his head through his hood, then looked at the little wolf girl

“What to do? Come hard?”

The little wolf girl clattered her hands to reveal Edman’s claws.

“The task assigned by Liu Feng must be completed, just capture him alive and not kill him.”

Banner ran away when he saw this. Unfortunately, he couldn’t even run away from hatred, so how could he outrun the little wolf girl who was a mutant?

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