American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 116 Captain America Under Surveillance!

Streets around Times Square in New York.

Pedestrians on the road only saw a strangely dressed man running wildly all the way.

Judging from his eyes, he was confused, and he was.

Everything in front of me is so strange and aimless, I don't know where to go.

And he is none other than Captain America, Steve Rogers!

The world in front of him is so strange to him, all kinds of noises around him, together with the giant steel beast galloping on the road!


"Hey, get out of the way!"


A car crashed head-on, denting the entire body of the car.

Captain America was knocked into the air several 14 meters away, and then rolled and stood up.

At this situation, the driver was dumbfounded.

Although the speed of the car was not fast just now, it also passed the emergency brake.

But how can someone be hit by a car and fly away unscathed?

Steve got up from the ground, and then looked at the car in front of him with a face full of astonishment.

After some inner struggle, Captain America decided to run away!

He just ran away?

No one who touches porcelain is as vague as him!

And in an unremarkable street, our dear Sheriff George is eating a hamburger with one hand and reading the New York Daily.

"Today's New York is still a day of peace and freedom."

As he was speaking, a man galloped past in front of him.

"Huh? Did something flash past just now?"

The figure moved so fast that George didn't see it clearly.

He asked the police officer on the side, and the other party did the same.

"Probably, it seems that something was fetched in the past.

Obviously, both of them saw the thing, and it wasn't just George who was blinded by old age!

Put down the newspaper, put away the hamburger, and George immediately drove the police car to go!

"Attention, attention, there is a man with strange behavior running around near Times Square in New York, please pay attention to all police officers.

At the same time, the police officers beside George also issued a notice to the surrounding patrol officers.

And at the moment, the superior called urgently.

"what's the situation?"

"Don't care about him, keep chasing him! How can this guy run faster than a car!"

"Sheriff, another call."

Helpless, George had no choice but to stop the police car, and the superior made two phone calls one after another, it must be something important.

I never thought that after connecting the phone, it was an urgent notice from the superior.

All police officers are evacuated from the Times Square area of ​​New York!

Now it was George's turn to be dumbfounded.

Why do you want to evacuate?

And when he looked up again, the running man had disappeared.

"Is there anything to do with this guy?"

George couldn't help snorting coldly.

The police officer on the side asked cautiously, "Sheriff, do you still want to chase?"

Chasing? George gave him a blank look, wishing he could roll up the newspaper on the side and chase him up on his forehead.

"What are you chasing after? The superiors have already spoken. Inform all police officers to retreat. 823"

"The next time I meet him, I can guarantee that my car will be able to run past him! This time it must be because of a traffic jam!"

After saying that, George turned the steering wheel indignantly, then turned around and left.

For a time, all the police officers in the entire area were evacuated.

Anyone who saw this situation was at a loss.

On the other side, Captain America, who was running wildly all the way, didn't know that his every move was completely under the monitoring of others!

And this person is none other than Luo Feng!

While Captain America is running wild and causing chaos, the red queen reverses the scene.

It was not surprising for Luo Feng to see this man.

"According to the timeline, it should have appeared, Steve Rogers!"

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