On the other side, in Luo Feng's manor, Gwen was staring at the screen in astonishment.

"Steve was taken away like this, won't you take action?"

From Gwen's point of view, Luo Feng will pay attention to a person for no reason, the most likely reason is to recruit him.

And the fact is indeed the case, Luo Feng does have the intention of recruiting Captain America, but not now.

"Our dear captain hasn't got back his important weapon, but in this state, "017" is at best a strengthening person."

Compared to the rest of the team, Captain America without a shield is a little underwhelming.

What's more, Luo Feng has encountered many products like strengthening people.

"Shield? Is that the shield with the beautiful national emblem on it?"

"Not only is Steve not dead, but has this shield been found?"

All of this is beyond Gwen's cognition, but in retrospect, what happened with Luo Feng is so incredible!

Luo Feng naturally knew that Steve was discovered along with the Vibranium shield, if Steve was pried away at this time, Nick Fury would inevitably say the shield was detained.

Although it is not troublesome to make another shield, but there is a ready-made one, why bother to do it?

Luo Feng couldn't help grinning.

It won't be too late to wait until Captain America gets the shield to take it in, not to mention the current Avengers camp, Luo Feng has a lot more powerful Avengers taken in.

While thinking about it, Luo Feng's gaze followed Mjolnir in the corner of the room.

"It's a pity that the owner of this hammer still doesn't know what's going on."

On the other side, in the dark and terrifying room, Thor's body was tied upright to the chair, unable to move.

"How? How can this Midgard thing bind me!"

"Come on, someone, open it for me!"

"Anyone? Help..."

Thor made a fool of himself in the small dark room, but what he didn't know was that his every move in the room was heard by Colt and Hawkeye outside.

"Are you sure this guy is the owner of the hammer and not a psycho?"

"Ahem, at least judging from his physical data, this guy is indeed far superior to ordinary people."

"Nothing to say, report all this to the director."

"Hey, it seems that the director's side is busy because Steve woke up.

On the other hand, what happened in Midgard was seen by Heimdall of Asgard...

"My dear prince, why are you so stupid!"

Apparently, I can't bear to see you as the Patron Saint of Bifrost.

It's a disgrace to Asgard!

But he was helpless because he couldn't help, all of this was an assessment of Tony by God King Odin.

"Heimdall, turn on Bifrost, I'm going back...

At Midgard, Thor's voice kept echoing, and Heimdall couldn't rest well.

"Why, why couldn't Odin take away his ability to summon Bifrost as well!"

Heimdall, who had just sat down, was loudly stood up again.

"Heimdall, did you hear something?" 0.8

At the moment, another person's voice came to my ears. Compared with Thor's staunch middle-two voice, this voice seemed more mature, but there was a bit of cunning in the maturity.

And this person is none other than the number one magician in the Nine Realms, Loki, the God of Calculation!

He came out from a corner, his expression full of cunning.

"Heimdall, remember your rules as a patron saint. I am now the deputy god king, and I can take back your position at any time!"

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