American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 122 Loki's Conspiracy

Thor in the small black room is still powerless to shout.

And in the darkness, a figure approached quietly!

"My dear big brother, why are you in such a mess in Midgard?"

Loki's face suddenly appeared in front of him, which made Thor feel as if he saw the straw.

"Loki? My God! Come and untie me, and how did you get in, why didn't I see you open the door."

Thor said, tears of excitement were on the verge of falling.

And Loki just throws a foolish look at him.

How did you get in? Definitely passed through the wall. Have you been in Midgard for so long that even your vision has become as short-sighted as Midgard people?

"No, big brother, I just want to say that father's condition is not very good.

When Thor, who was still very excited a second ago, said this sentence, his eyes instantly darkened.

"What's up with him?"

"Remember the war you started?"

The reason why Thor was exiled was not because he ran to the territory of Frost Titan to find weight.

This sentence can be regarded as poking at Thor's pain point.

"God, give me a chance to do it all over again, I'll kill myself and never go to that shitty place"||. "

"But the reality is that you don't have a chance to do it again. What you did completely angered the Frost titans. They led their troops into Asgard's father. He... was killed

When hearing this sentence, Thor's brain can be described as blank.

He knows how powerful Odin is, he even ended the war started by the Frost Titan back then, but why is it that such a man died?

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"Thor, you should know that my father is old and is no longer as brave and invincible as before!"

Loki's painful face, together with the tears in the corners of his eyes, is so real!

And all of this is Thor's fault!

If he didn't take the initiative to provoke the Frost titan, how could such a calamity be caused!

"Father exiled you to Midgard, in fact, to protect you! Thor, don't you see your father's good intentions?"

The matter was provoked by Thor, even if Frost titan came to kill him, it must be aimed at Thor!

This is what Odin expected, and drove Thor to Midgard!

At the moment, that's all Thor has in mind!

" no no no! These goddamn titans!"

"They are still trying to occupy Asgard, and the war is imminent, unless!"


"Thor, I know this is hard to accept, but according to the request of the leader of the frost titans, if you stay in Midgard forever, they will stop attacking, and as the son of Odin, I will inherit the position of God King!"

Loki's emotional interpretation is very good. It can be seen from his eyes that he took the position of God King amidst grief and indignation!

Odin is dead, Loki, the scepter in his hand represents the supreme power is the best proof!

All of this is the best evidence, evidence that Thor has no way to refute!

".~Is this the purpose of your visit this time (Nuo Haohao)?"

Thor looked up at Loki.

The other party nodded, and Thor's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"I untied the rope for you. From now on, you will be an ordinary Midgard man, and don't get involved with Asgard anymore. You... are no longer the prince of Asgard. "

In the darkness, Loki was gone, leaving only Thor with a disbelieving face.

However, as soon as Loki walked out of the room, he showed a wicked smile as if he had succeeded in a trick. .

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