American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 128 The Devil In The Heart, Green Goblin's Plan!

Compared with Luo Feng who was calmly waiting for his plan to be caught, Norman Osborn on the other side was quite angry.

"Damn it, the bomb didn't kill this guy!"

He took off the Green Goblin's helmet, revealing a face identical to that of a human.

He is a normal human being, but there is a devil hidden in his heart.

Just as he took off his helmet on his front foot, he looked into the mirror with his back foot, and the figure of Green Goblin suddenly appeared in it.

"What are you going to do next? Norman, you should have listened to me from the beginning and killed Iron Man directly! I am you, and I know your plan."

Even if Norman's plan is not mentioned, others know it well.

That, of course, was the incarnation of Green Goblin on the day of Umbrella's press conference to make trouble and intimidation.

If possible, let Umbrella completely disappear in this press conference!

Thinking of this, Man Nuo suddenly showed an evil smile.

But the Green Goblin in the mirror interrupts his reverie.

"Don't forget, there's Iron Man on the other side's side, and even that good neighbor, Spider-man, shows up to make trouble.

For a moment, Norman's fantasies seemed to be marked with an end.

But at the moment, Green Goblin has a seamless plan.

"Tony Stark will naturally not wear a battle armor to participate in the press conference, and his battle armor must be stored in his villa. Isn't this a great opportunity?"

"As for the so-called good neighbor Spider-man, isn't he just a brat? I'm afraid she doesn't know the dangers of the human heart!"

thump thump——

While speaking, someone knocked on Norman's door.

He was startled, as if he had done something wrong, he quickly picked up the gauze and covered the mirror.

"Who? We won't pick up guests at night."

"Hi, is this Mr. Norman Osborn? Here is your e-mail.

When I opened the door, I saw a postman delivered an invitation card.

And the special logo of Umbrella Company is printed on the invitation card!

Anyone who sees this logo will immediately think of the company that shocked the whole industry!

"Damn! Is this a challenge for me?"

Norman (Beff) suddenly became angry.

Knowing that he is also holding a press conference tomorrow, and sending an invitation to Umbrella's new product launch at this time, this is not just sprinkling salt on the wound!

Just as he was about to tear up the invitation, the gauze covering the mirror fell off at some point.

The eerie face of Green Goblin was reflected in it.

"Don't be impulsive, Norman."

His words brought Norman back to his senses.

Having this invitation is like having one more door.

The world only knows him as Norman Osborn but not as Green Goblin!

It's like leading a wolf into a house!

"Sneak into the venue as an entrepreneur and wait for the opportunity! I have a hunch that Spider-man must be there, and it would be great if she was there."

A terrible conspiracy was born.

And under the darkness of night, as the director of Stark Industries, Bonnie extended invitations to those well-known founders all over New York.

With the lessons from last time, these entrepreneurs dare not look down on this so-called Umbrella this time.

Most of them have the same idea, that is to build a good relationship with Umbrella Company, and climb up in the future, wouldn't they reach the pinnacle of life!

This Umbrella new product launch event is destined to be much more lively than the previous ceremony!.

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