American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 159 Gwen Is Injured, Green Goblin Peach

"It looks like this battle is over, I will take off your mask and see your true face!"

The solid liquid retracted, and Gwen stretched out his arm, grabbing Green Goblin's wrist before he could react.

The powerful force made Green Goblin sweat coldly in an instant!

"What's the difference between you and me, you're just a monster, freak!"

"People with genetic mutations are more than ordinary people!"

"Listen, there are still conspiracy theories about you in the New York Daily News. This is a superhero who is dedicated to guarding New York!"

At the moment Green Goblin was back to what he does best, mouth escape.

He tried to break Gwen's psychological defense, but these things were nothing to Gwen.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

"Mr. Goblin, who is already impatient."

Green Goblin is already in a hurry, this is the first time he has been caught by Spider-man!

"Die to me!"

I saw that Green Goblin gave up the resistance on his wrist and kicked Spider-man's abdomen with one kick!

Unfortunately, he underestimated the defense ability of the symbiote battle suit.

Spider-man remained motionless, instead squinting at Green Goblin.

"People who have been influenced by demonic thoughts, you must also be a poor fellow!"

Spider-man said to himself, if he knew Green Goblin was Norman Osborn, he would be ashamed of what he just said.

And at the moment, a light source suddenly shone in from outside the alley.

"This is the New York Police Department, please raise your hands!"

"Wait, my god, it's Spider-man!"

"What? It's that nasty bug again! This time I must crush her to death with my own hands!"

Turning around, I saw a police car parked by the alley.

Then George walked out slowly, looking at Spider-man and Green Goblin with hostile eyes.

"Am I the only one who didn't know these two were a couple?"

"Spider-man is secretly hooking up with the Green Goblin, such hot news will definitely be on the news tomorrow!"

Hook up? Green Goblin?

Gwen looked at the police station in disbelief.

She never thought that one day her father would point a gun at her again!

"The game is over, annoying bug, sooner or later I will trample you under my feet!"

When he lost his mind, Green Goblin broke away from Gwen's hand, then swung the blade and aimed at Gwen's front to slash!

...ask for flowers...

With this knife, the symbiote battle suit didn't work. Gwen's side was cut, and blood flowed out immediately.

After that, Green Goblin flew away in the Flight Machine.

Even police shots in the back couldn't bring it down.

"It looks like there's only one annoying bug left on the scene."

George looked at Spider-man, not knowing what to say.

What he said just now was just a joke, and he also definitely knew that it was impossible for Spider-man to collude with the devil behind the scenes.

This can be seen in the line that Green Goblin said when he left.

"Well, my dear Mr. Sheriff, it's just that I don't have time to play with you tonight, so let's do it first.

After Gwen finished speaking, she clutched her injured side and immediately launched the cobweb and flew away!

All of a sudden, the police car was aiming at an empty alleyway.

"Remember, the next time you catch this kind of criminal, it's best to find me a plane to fly. After all, they can fly. It's not fair to us."

"So Sergeant George, have you thought about what you're going to have for dinner tonight?"

High in the sky, Gwen endured the pain from her wound and rushed towards Luo Feng's manor. She wanted to know more about this symbiont battle suit!.

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