American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 20 Experimental Progress, New Lizard Species

The news of Tony Stark's disappearance was like a blockbuster.

But there are also people who will not be affected by this kind of news.

State University, inside the Conners Laboratory.

After a day's rest, Peter and Connors were busy in the laboratory again.

Peter sat in front of the computer, constantly comparing the previous experimental data.

Connors sat in front of the microscope, observing the small piece of minced meat that he had found before.

Observe and record your findings.

The more records, the more excited Connors is.

"Peter, come and see this location."

Hearing Connors' call, Peter immediately put down his work and ran over.

"Professor Connors, this is..."

Peter glanced at the things in the microscope and asked with some doubts.

Professor Conners immediately explained excitedly: "Look carefully at the division speed of the cells."

With Connors' reminder, Peter observed again.

After a while, his face gradually became excited.

"Professor Connors, this little piece of meat..."

"It's regenerating its own tissue cells..."

Peter was extremely excited. Isn't the result of this experiment what the two of them have been pursuing for a long time?

Although this is a small minced meat of a failed experiment.

But it also proves that their hard work has not been in vain.

When the two were still maintaining the excitement of their new discovery, there was a beep from the computer that Peter had previously operated.

Peter ran over immediately: "Professor Connors, the comparative data models for various experiments have been made."

Both of them looked at the computer together.

"it is as expected……"

"I knew that our experiment was fine..."

With the further confirmation of the data model, a relieved smile appeared on Professor Connors' face.

As a scientific researcher, the most indispensable thing is patience and endurance.

But for so many years, the experiments that have been failing have also made Connors begin to doubt whether there is a problem with his experiments.

The discovery of these two days also made him rekindle new hope.

"Yes, Professor."

"From the current situation, we have to select a new experimental sample."

"From the model comparison results, we must control the speed of regeneration."

Peter picked up the experimental photos on the table, which were all kinds of dead rabbits.

compared to the above.

The rabbit that exploded last time seemed a bit childish.

"Regeneration speed..."

Connors kept looking for a suitable gene extraction target in his mind, but for so many years.

He has basically tried all the reptiles that can be compared to experiments.

There should be no omissions.


As if he had found some key breakthrough, Connors sat back in front of his computer.

Quickly look up information.

Soon, he found a green lizard on the Internet.

Peter also leaned over curiously to have a look: "This is?"

"An entirely new species of reptile discovered by herpetologists in the tropics a year ago."

"According to research, this lizard has a strong sense of race, and once the number of races drops to a certain level, it will multiply crazily."

"And more importantly, their regeneration ability is almost the fastest among the species occurring today."

While talking, Connors clicked on a video.

In the video, a lizard covered in green is crawling in the grass of the tropical rainforest, unaware that a giant python is approaching behind it.

After a while, the green lizard's eyes turned around and found the giant python behind it.

But it was too late to escape now.

Only the ability skills of the race can be used.

Short tail survival.

The tail behind it was bounced off instantly like a spring, and at the same time it was still swinging on the ground.

The boa constrictor bit the broken tail.

The camera did not continue to follow the python, but quickly followed the green lizard.

Then, a scene that surprised Peter happened.

I saw that at the broken part of the tail, At the moment was growing new flesh at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one minute, a brand new tail grew again.

There is also a reflective slime on it.

If it wasn't for the fact that the progress bar was passing by every minute and every second, Peter would have wondered if the accelerator key was pressed for the video.

"But doctor, why don't we have this kind of lizard here?"

In Peter's view, the regeneration experiment samples in the Connors laboratory should be the most complete in the world.

"Remember what I just told you, this species is very racially conscious."

Peter nodded, and Connors continued to explain: "Someone captured it in the laboratory before, but found that it became very restless and kept hitting the incubator."

"Until death."

"After research, it was found that this lizard has a very special pheromone that allows them to perceive the number of groups in an area."

"Once the number drops to a threshold, the population will start to reproduce crazily."

Peter understood: "In other words, if you want to study this kind of lizard, you must study it in their population environment."

"If this is the case, should we set off to the tropical rainforest for the next research."

"Haha, I think so too."

"But research funds don't allow us to waste like this."

Connors continued to operate on the computer: "The good news is that a friend of mine is over there now."

"Theoretically, after it is anesthetized, it will be transported by the fastest channel, so that we can extract the genes we want before he wakes up."

While speaking, Connors took out his mobile phone.

A number was dialed.

Peter also held his breath, waiting for the result on the other end of the phone.

After Connors explained what he meant, the other party also said that there is no problem to transport one back to New York through the scientific channel.

"Okay, thank you then."

"I'll treat you to dinner when you return to New York..."

After hanging up the phone, Connors looked at Peter: "It's done, I expect to receive the goods the night after tomorrow."

"In this way, tomorrow we will sort out the past experimental records. This time, the genetic samples are limited and we can't make the slightest mistake."

"You go to the Osborn Industries Science Fair the day after tomorrow, and there's no rest until the genetic specimens arrive."

Peter also nodded excitedly: "Understood, Professor Connors..."

"Okay, now pack up the lab and go home to rest..."


Ask for various data~~~~

Is anyone watching? This book, the data is terrible

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